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14 projects entered 2 positive feedback from colleagues
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 33000 words Duration: Apr 2019 to Nov 2019 Languages:
Marketing translation of promotional materials, Ui, website content for Airbnb
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Colleague feedback:
Dita Admine: Working for Airbnb localization, Marta showed an ability to translate the text not only accurately and in due time, but also creatively, taking into account all instructions, both technical and creative. Definitely among the top translators of the team.
Translation Volume: 10000 words Duration: Jan 2016 to Nov 2019 Languages:
Marketing translation for a leading jewellery manufacturer
Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Translation Volume: 12250 words Completed: Jul 2014 Languages:
Translation of materials about child development, family education and nutrition
No comment.
Colleague feedback:
Austra Muizniece: Excellent translating and writing skills, well suited for marketing purposes.
Translation Volume: 6060 words Completed: Jun 2016 Languages:
Translation of marketing materials for a toy manufacturer
Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3053 days Languages:
Online marketing campaign materials and internal training documents
Human Resources
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8678 words Completed: Sep 2014 Languages:
Creative tranlation of different cosmetic products
Marketing, Cosmetics, Beauty
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1431 words Completed: Sep 2014 Languages:
Technical manuals for wood-processing equipment
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 11 hours Completed: Jul 2014 Languages: English to Latvian
Editing - an operator's manual for grass and leaf collection system
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 900 words Completed: May 2014 Languages: English to Latvian
Translation of a press release for a new digital camera
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 10000 words Completed: Apr 2014 Languages: English to Latvian
Review of a technical manual for a washing system
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1130 words Completed: Mar 2014 Languages: English to Latvian
Translation of a user manual for network scanner
Computers (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1440 words Completed: Mar 2014 Languages: English to Latvian
Technical maintenance manual for passenger trains
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
No comment.
Translation Volume: 22 pages Completed: Jan 2014 Languages:
English to Latvian
Recommendations for the development of LGBT tourism
English-Latvian translation of LGBT tourism with recommendations how to prepare for the upcoming Europride.
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Translation Volume: 70 pages Completed: Nov 2013 Languages:
English to Latvian
Translation of accounting forms
English-Latvian translation of accounting forms of a register of enterprises in Hon Kong.
Finance (general)
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
PayPal, Wire transfer, MasterCard
Sample translations submitted: 4
English to Latvian: Airbnb General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Cooking classes worldwide
Sip and savor your way around the world with chefs, mixologists, and fellow foodies.
Authentic Chinese food
Roll dumplings, noodles, and more with foodies from Canton, Sichuan, and Hunan.
Homemade Japanese
Slurp ramen made from scratch or craft sushi with fresh fish and seasonal ingredients.
Korean culinary delights
Come hungry and leave with a jar of your own kimchi or a belly full of Korean BBQ.
On Airbnb Adventures, trained guides give you the confidence to go deeper and connect with the world.
Summit a sacred mountain with Samburu warriors in Kenya.
Bash through the sand dunes of Oman.
Join a shark research expedition in South Africa.
You travel to places, but it’s the people who change you.
Our hosts have deep connections in local communities, so you’ll have authentic, respectful interactions, whether it's with Kenya’s Samburu warriors, the USA’s Amish community, or Berbers in Morocco.
Animal Adventures
Connect with new environments through the eyes of the galloping, slithering, and soaring locals that live there.
Expert hosts facilitate respectful animal interactions and spotting opportunities.
Translation - Latvian Kulinārijas nodarbības visā pasaulē
Izgaršojiet pasauli kopā ar šefpavāriem, bārmeņiem un citiem gardēžiem.
Autentisks ķīniešu ēdiens
Gatavojiet pelmeņus, nūdeles un daudz ko citu kopā ar gardēžiem no Kantonas, Sičuanas un Hunaņas.
Mājās gatavotas japāņu maltītes
Mielojieties ar paštaisītu ramen zupu vai pagatavojiet suši no svaigām zivīm un sezonāliem produktiem.
Korejiešu kulinārijas gardumi
Atnāciet izsalcis, bet aizejiet ar burciņu paštaisīta kimči vai pieēdis pilnu vēderu ar korejiešu bārbekjū.
Dodoties Airbnb ekspedīcijās, apmācīti gidi jūs iedrošinās uzdrīkstēties un iepazīt pasauli pavisam jaunā veidā.
Sasniedziet svētā kalna virsotni kopā ar Kenijas Samburu karavīriem.
Traucieties cauri Omānas smilšu kāpām.
Pievienojieties haizivju pētnieku ekspedīcijai Dienvidāfrikā.
Jūs maina ne tikai ceļojumi, bet arī ceļojumos sastaptie cilvēki.
Mūsu saimniekiem ir dziļas saiknes ar vietējām kopienām, tāpēc jums būs neviltota, cieņpilna saskarsme ar šo kopienu pārstāvjiem neatkarīgi no tā, vai tie būs Kenijas Samburu karavīri, ASV amiši vai Marokas berberi.
Ekspedīcijas ar dzīvniekiem
Iepazīstiet apkārtējo vidi pavisam citā veidā ar tās iemītniekiem, kuri skrien, lido vai slīd pa zemi.
Lietpratīgie ekspedīciju rīkotāji parūpēsies par cieņpilnu saskarsmi ar dzīvniekiem un iespēju aplūkot viņus dzīvē.
English to Latvian: Jewellery General field: Marketing Detailed field: Other
Source text - English Inspiration
Japanese minimalism and the beauty of the Scandinavian landscape covered in winter frost are elegantly fused in this exclusive collection, where clean design and whimsical details adorn this precious jewellery created by X.
The slender branches of the frost ring weave themselves around the finger and are sprinkled with fine diamonds resembling ice crystals. The goldsmith’s sense of precision and the rich detailed design are united in miniature works of art fit for a snow queen
Winter Frost is part of the X, where only the finest of jewellery is represented. The collection includes earrings, charms, bracelets and rings and is available in both 18-karat rose and white gold.
Translation - Latvian Iedvesma
Šajā unikālajā kolekcijā ir eleganti apvienots japāņu minimālisms ar Skandināvijas ziemas ainavu mirdzošo skaistumu. X radītās brīnišķīgās rotas ir izdekorētas ar rotaļīgajiem elementiem vienkāršā dizainā.
Augstākā meistarība
Ziemas gredzena slaidie pinumi, noklāti ar maziem, ledus kristāliem līdzīgiem, dimantiņiem, nevainojami piekļausies pirkstam. Šīs rotas ir miniatūri mākslas darbi - pateicoties zeltkaļa precizitātei un greznajam dizainam, tās būtu ideāli piemērotas pat Ledus karalienei.
Ziemas mirdzums ir daļa no X kolekcijas, kurā piedāvātas tikai izcilākās rotas. Tajā iekļauti gredzeni, amuleti, rokassprādzes un gredzeni, kas pieejami arī no 18 karātu rozā un baltā zelta.
English to Latvian: Child development General field: Marketing Detailed field: Other
Source text - English Should parents talk baby talk?
Motherese is an informal term for the kind of language that mothers (and other caretakers) use when speaking to babies. Motherese, which many mothers do automatically, is an effective way of communicating with your baby.
Even though he won't understand the meaning of your words yet, motherese can make language more accessible to your baby.
Voice Pitch & Facial Expressions
Most babies are naturally drawn to high-pitched voices. Women generally have higher-pitched voices than men; when speaking to their babies, many mothers pitch their voices even higher. There are exceptions to this; try out low pitches, and see what your baby favors.
Exaggerated expressiveness is another aspect of motherese. Babies respond to facial expressions that are larger than life.
Widen your eyes to show delight or surprise, and exaggerate the mouthing of some words.
Translation - Latvian Vai vecākiem vajadzētu atdarināt bērnu valodu?
Māmiņruna ir neoficiāls termins tai valodai, kuru lieto mātes (un citi cilvēki, kas rūpējas par bērnu), kad runā ar mazuli.Māmiņruna ir iedarbīgs veids, kā sazināties ar mazuli, un daudzas mātes to dara automātiski.
Lai gan mazulis nesaprot vārdu nozīmi, ar māmiņrunas palīdzību valoda mazulim tiek padarīta vieglāk saprotama.
Balss tonis un sejas izteiksmes
Lielajam vairumam mazuļu dabiski ļoti patīk augstas balsis. Sievietēm parasti ir augstākas balsis nekā vīriešiem, un, runājot ar mazuļiem, daudzām mātēm balsis kļūst vēl augstākas.
Tomēr ir izņēmumi — pamēģiniet runāt zemākā balsī, lai pārliecinātos, kas jūsu bērnam patīk labāk.
Pārspīlētas sejas izteiksmes ir vēl viena māmiņrunas pazīme. Mazuļi reaģē uz sejas izteiksmēm, kas ir lielākas nekā dzīvē. Iepletiet acis, lai izrādītu patiku vai pārsteigumu, un izrunājiet dažus vārdus īpaši izteiksmīgi.
Latvian to English: General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Latvian "Vairāk nekā dzīve", filma par ievērojamo latviešu režisoru Alvi Hermani.
Ginta Grūbes dokumentālā filma "Vairāk nekā dzīve" atklāj ievērojamā latviešu režisora Alvja Hermaņa režijas metodi, atsakoties no klasiskā dramaturģiskā materiāla, bet meklējot teātra, dokumentalitātes un dzīvesstāstu saskares punktus, kā arī jebkura dzīvesstāsta transformācijas iespējas teātrī.
Režisors Alvis Hermanis, veidojot izrādes, nereti sūta savus aktierus ekspedīcijās uz laukiem, pie dažādiem cilvēkiem, dažādās valstīs un pilsētās, lai no aktieru ievāktajiem stāstiem veidotu kolektīvu kopdarbu – lugu uz skatuves, sava veida noskatītas un noklausītas realitātes teātri, kas aktieru izpildījumā kļūst par izrādi.
Filma ir kā dokumentāla liecība režisora Hermaņa darba metodei, dokumentējot viņa darbu pie izrāžu tapšanas Rīgā un Vācijā, veidojot paralēlus vēstījumus starp teātra tēliem un izvēlētajiem prototipiem reālajā dzīvē. Dokumentālā filma ir gan Hermaņa metodes atspoguļojums, gan Latvijas kā īpašās Austrumeiropas pieredzes reģiona dokumentējums, izmantojot Hermaņa un viņa aktieru piedāvāto kolektīvo risinājumu.
Kā norāda filmas režisors Gints Grūbe, Hermanis par savu paveikto darbu ir pelnījis, ka tiek iemūžināts ne tikai filmā, bet arī grāmatā. "Vairāk nekā dzīve" ir pirmā kino liecība par Hermaņa darba netodi, kuras unikalitāte slēpjas mēģinājumā sapludināt dzīves dramaturģiju ar teātra dramaturģiju.
Filmā dokumentēts Hermaņa darbs trīs teātros – Jaunajā Rīgas teātrī, Minhenes Kamerteātrī un Ķelnes Pilsētas teātrī.
Režisors Gints Grūbe
Producents Mistrus Media
Translation - English "Vairāk nekā dzīve" (More than Life), a film about the famous Latvian director Alvis Hermanis
The documentary "Vairāk nekā dzīve" by Gints Grūbe portrays the directing method of the famous Latvian director Alvis Hermanis, who refused to use the classical drama texts, but instead looked for the intersection points between theatre, documentary films and real life stories, as well as any possibility to transform a life story into a play.
When directing his plays, Alvis Hermanis often sends his actors on expeditions to the countryside, to different countries and cities to meet different people and to create a collective play from those stories — a play which is a representation of the reality these people shared with the actors and which comes alive as a performance.
This film is documentary evidence of Hermanis' way of working, documenting his involvement with the production of plays in Riga and in Germany and creating a parallel story between the characters of his plays and their real life prototypes. Employing this method of both the actors and the director being involved in the production, the film not only depicts Hermanis' techniques, but also Latvia's historical experience of being part of Eastern Europe.
As the director of the film, Gints Grūbe, says, Hermanis deserves to have his work documented in a film and also in a book. "Vairāk nekā dzīve" is the first cinematic testimony about Hermanis’ method of directing and its secret lies in the attempt to merge real life drama with theatre drama.
The documentary depicts the work of Alvis Hermanis at three theatres — New Rīga Theatre, Munich Kammerspiele, and Schauspiel Köln.
Director: Gints Grūbe
Producer: Mistrus Media
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Jan 2014.
English (International English Language Testing System, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, MateCat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, XLIFF, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Speaking directly to the reader
Some people have an ear for music. I have an ear for the way written
text sounds. I can provide a translation that perfectly mimics the
tonality, emotionality, and impact of the original text. Having lived in Latvia, Denmark, Belgium, and Poland, I learned all about the different nuances of communication within an intercultural environment. With a background in Anthropology and Global Health, I have mastered a scientific attention to detail and the analytical skills required for doing a thorough background research, whatever is the topic – sharing economy, jewellery, child development, and beyond.
Now living in Latvia again, I am immersed in the local language and I will offer a translation with an international flair for a local audience.
What can I do for you?
I approach all of my projects with the same care and dedication as the marketing experts who created them. I provide creative, persuasive content that respects the spirit of the original and will generate the desired response from the new target customer.
In addition, I have lived and studied in three countries over the last four years. This intercultural exposure gave me an in-depth perspective of the intricacies of the English language. As an anthropologist I have a high awareness of cultural and political sensitivities and I will provide a text that respects cultural and historical nuances.
Born, raised, and currently living in Latvia, I have a deep familiarity with the local culture and can perfectly replicate Latvian idioms, puns, cultural references and country-specific phrases.
In marketing, literal translations will not do the trick. You need a fluid, flowing text that feels as if it was written in the resulting language. If we collaborate, I will help you achieve that goal.
If your project is on a different topic than those listed in my project history, do not hesitate to contact me anyway. Translating in any field always requires thorough research of the subject matter. An extensive background research will be a normal part of our collaboration as well.
Keywords: marketing, transcreation, IT, native Latvian translator, information technology, EU, European Union, EU affairs, European affairs, localization. See, transcreation, IT, native Latvian translator, information technology, EU, European Union, EU affairs, European affairs, localization, website translation Latvian, website localization, editing, editor, proofreader, reviewer, localization specialist, creative writing, creative translations, communication technologies, English to Latvian translations, proofreading, review, reviewing, quality assurance, user manuals, user guide, online marketing, online advertising, software localization, user interface, computers, applications, apps, jewellery, children's toys, online apps, marketing documentation, press releases, human resources, HR, marketing slogans, taglines, brochures, help files, help system, mobile apps, mobile applications, product descriptions, literary translations, advertising campaigns, campaign materials, European institutions, mobile software, cooking, food, culinary, social inclusion, social issues, tourism, marketing translations, freelance translator, freelancer, VAT registered, operating system, Adobe Acrobat, MemoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDL TRADOS, SDLX, SDL Studio, CAT tools, Trados, social sciences. See less.