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Spanish to English: Entrevista Ernesto Samper General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Spanish
Ernesto Samper: UNASUR le apuesta a la salud como eje de la inclusión social en la región
El ISAGS entrevistó con exclusividad el nuevo secretario general de UNASUR, Ernesto Samper. Samper recalcó que la salud como un derecho no es un simple postulado filosófico, sino que necesita concretarse en acciones.
UNASUR cumplió seis años en 2014 y presenta avances relevantes en la integración suramericana. Para su gestión, usted ha destacado la importancia del Bloque trabajar una nueva agenda social con un enfoque en la reducción de las desigualdades, de actuar en la cuestión económica para que se promueva la integración energética y una mayor inversión en ciencia y tecnología, además de retomar el protagonismo político en la región con la intención de fortalecer la vocación de Suramérica como ambiente de paz en el mundo. ¿Cuál es la importancia de la Salud en este contexto?
La salud tiene un papel fundamental en el propósito de la inclusión social como articulador de la nueva Agenda Social. La salud es un derecho. En los últimos años hemos conseguido avances fundamentales en la región como la disminución de la pobreza y los índices objetivos de salubridad regional, la tasa de mortalidad infantil y el acceso a los servicios básicos de salud. Sin embargo, la profunda desigualdad en la distribución del ingreso impide el acceso a la salud de unos vastos sectores de la población. Persisten las tradicionales brechas latinoamericanas en materia de igualdad social, como la brecha campo-ciudad, la de género o la que sigue discriminando minorías étnicas, siguen restringiendo el derecho a la salud para unos extensos núcleos de población en Suramérica.
Dentro de la propuesta de reducir las inequidades, el Consejo de Salud Suramericano tiene, desde su constitución, un Grupo Técnico de Desarrollo de Sistemas Universales, que defiende la salud como un derecho universal, integral y equitativo; una visión diferente del concepto de cobertura universal defendido por la OMS y el Banco Mundial, por ejemplo. ¿Cómo UNASUR puede hacer frente a estos debates globales?
El concepto filosófico de la salud como derecho fundamental debe seguir presidiendo las reflexiones sobre el tema en Suramérica. Empero, debemos entender que la salud como derecho no se trata de un simple postulado filosófico. Debemos realizar campañas de prevención, impulsar el protagonismo de médicos familiares, potenciar centros médicos rurales y encadenar esta población con los sistemas de atención de los distintos niveles de atención. La inclusión que buscamos alcanzar no dejará fuera de los sistemas de salud a ninguna persona por su condición económica.
El Instituto Suramericano de Gobierno en Salud es una de las tres instancias permanentes de UNASUR. A lo largo de sus tres años de existencia, el ISAGS ha apoyado a los países en el desarrollo de políticas nacionales y regionales, además de fortalecer los procesos de formación de liderazgos en salud, el intercambio de experiencias y la difusión de información. ¿Cuál es la importancia de este trabajo para la integración regional?
La participación de UNASUR en los foros internacionales debe estar orientada por su propia posición como bloque de integración del Sur. Pienso que ideas concretas, como la elaboración de un listado de precios de medicamentos comparativos que se que se está trabajando en ISAGS, nos permitirían avanzar mucho. Precisamente, el próximo octubre tendremos una sesión de trabajo en Quito con el ISAGS para precisar estos alcances que me parecen muy relevantes para nuestro lema: de pasar de la teoría a la acción.
UNASUR realizó en el pasado mes de agosto el primer Foro de Participación Ciudadana, en Cochabamba, en Bolivia. ¿Cómo usted analiza esta iniciativa y cuál es la importancia de un mayor diálogo entre los diversos Consejos de UNASUR y también con la sociedad?
Construir ciudadanía es una manera de hacer democracia. La participación ciudadana forma parte de la agenda de gobernabilidad democrática que hemos presentado como una de las tres “sombrillas” de articulación de la visión estratégica de la región. El acompañamiento del ciudadano en todos los procesos sociales es un paso más, por fortuna ya irreversible, de democratización de la región. En el caso de la salud, debemos trabajar para que la comunidad exija, vigile y se vincule a los sistemas sanitarios a los que tiene derecho, también trabajando en la corresponsabilidad social. Existe una estrecha relación entre la calidad de la salud y la mayor participación ciudadana.
Translation - English Ernesto Samper: UNASUR considers health as one of the axis for social inclusion in the region
ISAGS exclusively interviewed UNASUR’s new secretary general, Ernesto Samper. Samper highlighted that health as a right is not a mere philosophical postulate, but something that needs to be consolidated into actions.
UNASUR has completed six years of existence in 2014 and it presents relevant progresses in the South American integration. As for your management, you have highlighted the importance of having the Bloc working on a new social agenda focused on the reduction of inequalities, of acting on the economic issue for the promotion of energetic integration and of having greater investments in science and technology, besides retaking the political protagonist role in the region, aiming at the strengthening of the South American vocation as a space of peace in the world. What is the importance of Health in this context?
Health plays a fundamental role for the purpose of social inclusion as an articulator for the new Social Agenda. Health is a right. In the past few years, we have achieved fundamental progresses in the region, such as the reduction of poverty and the objective rates of regional health, the child mortality rate and the access to basic health services. Nonetheless, the deep inequality in the income distribution obstructs the access to health for some vast parts of the population. There are still those Latin American loopholes with regard to social equity, such as the countryside-city loophole, gender inequality or the discrimination of ethnic minorities, which keep restricting the right to health to extended parcels of the populations in South America.
Considering the purpose of reducing inequities, the South American Health Council, since its constitution, has had a Technical Group on Universal Health Systems, which states for health as a universal, integral and equal right; this view differs from that of universal coverage defended by the WHO and the World Bank, for example. How should UNASUR be positioned towards those global debates?
The philosophical concept of health as a fundamental right should keep leading the reflexions on the issue in South America. Nevertheless, we must understand that health, as a right, is not a mere philosophical postulate. We must develop prevention programs, boost the protagonist role of family doctors, empower rural medical centres, and link this population to the healthcare systems of different levels of care. The inclusion we aim to reach will not leave any person on the outside of health systems due to economic conditions.
The South American Institute of Government in Health is one of the permanent instances of UNASUR. Throughout its three years of existence, ISAGS has been supporting the countries on the development of national and regional policies, besides strengthening the processes of leadership building in health, the exchange of experiences and the diffusion of information. What is the importance of this work for the regional integration?
The participation of UNASUR in international fora must be oriented by its own position as a bloc for integration in the South. I believe that concrete ideas, such as the elaboration of a pricing list for comparable medicines, which is being developed by ISAGS, will enable great progresses. More specifically, next October we’ll have a working session in Quito, with ISAGS, for the outlining of those achievements that seem extremely relevant for our motto: moving from theory to action.
UNASUR developed, last August, the first Citizen Participation Forum, in Cochabamba, Bolivia. How do you evaluate this initiative and what is the importance of having a closer dialogue among UNASUR Councils and with the society?
Building citizenship is a way to build democracy. Citizen participation is part of the democratic governability agenda we have presented as one of the three “umbrellas” for the articulation of a strategic vision in the region. The monitoring of all social processes by citizens is a step beyond, luckily irreversible, for democratization in the region. In the case of health, we must work in order to have the communities demanding, controlling and getting connected to the health systems they are entitled to, also working as social co-responsibles. There is a close relation between the quality of health and greater citizen participation.
English to Portuguese: UN’s Working Group proposes 17 sustainable development goals General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - English UN’s Working Group proposes 17 sustainable development goals
With most targets of the Millennium Development Goals concluding at the end of 2015, new goals set the stage for a future development agenda
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) forwarded to the Assembly its proposal for a set of Goals that consider economic, social and environmental dimensions at the conclusion of the Group’s thirteenth and final session at UN Headquarters, in New York on 19 July.
The proposal contains 17 goals with 169 targets covering a broad range of sustainable development issues, including ending poverty and hunger, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages, reducing inequality within and among countries and ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.
As stated by UN DESA’s Under-Secretary-General Wu Hongbo, “The proposal brings together a breadth of economic, social and environmental issues in a single set of goals like never before. Member States have shown a determination and willingness to work together for people and planet that bodes well for the General Assembly’s negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda”.
The Open Working Group was created by the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) outcome document, ‘The future we want’. The Rio outcome gave the mandate that the SDGs should be coherent with and integrated into the UN development agenda beyond 2015.
The Group’s proposal on goals will be considered by the world leaders in the upcoming 69th session of the General Assembly as part of the broader post-2015 development agenda that world leaders are expected to adopt at a Summit in September 2015.
Translation - Portuguese Grupo de Trabalho da ONU propõe 17 objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável
Com a conclusão da maior parte das metas dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio até o fim de 2015, novos objetivos preparam terreno para futura agenda de desenvolvimento
O Grupo de Trabalho Aberto da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas (ONU) sobre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODSs) encaminhou à Assembleia sua proposta para uma série de Objetivos que consideram dimensões econômicas, sociais e ambientais, na conclusão da décima terceira e última sessão, na sede das Nações Unidas, em Nova Iorque, em 19 de julho.
A proposta contém 17 objetivos, com 169 metas que englobam uma vasta gama de questões sobre desenvolvimento sustentável, incluindo a erradicação da miséria e da fome, a garantia de vidas saudáveis e a promoção do bem-estar para todos em todas as idades, a redução das inequidades dentro dos países e entre nações e a garantia do consumo sustentável e padrões de produção.
Conforme afirmou o Subsecretário-Geral das Nações Unidas para Assuntos Econômicos e Sociais, Wu Hongbo, “A proposta reúne uma amplitude de assuntos econômicos, sociais e ambientais em um único conjunto de objetivos, como jamais ocorrera antes. Os Estados Membros demonstraram uma determinação e vontade de trabalhar juntos pelos povos e pelo planeta, que são um bom sinal para as negociações da agenda de desenvolvimento pós 2015 na Assembleia Geral”.
O Grupo de Trabalho Aberto foi criado pelo documento final da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Rio+20), ‘O futuro que queremos’. Os resultados do Rio determinam que os ODSs devem ser coerentes e integrados com a agenda de desenvolvimento da ONU após 2015.
As propostas de objetivos do Grupo serão consideradas na 69ª sessão da Assembleia Geral, como parte de uma agenda de desenvolvimento pós 2015 mais ampla, que espera-se que seja adotada pelos líderes mundiais na Cúpula, em setembro de 2015.
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Brazilian lawyer and translator. Portuguese native speaker. More than 6-year experience with Portuguese, English and Spanish translation and proofreading. Certificate in Legal English from the University of Delaware (USA). Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge (C2 level). Diploma de Español como Lengua Estranjera - DELE, Instituto Cervantes (C1 level).
I have collaborated with the Pan American Health Organization, in several opportunities, as rapporteur and translator (English) for official international missions and meetings related to the International Health Regulations in the USA, Canada, Grenada and Brazil.
Post-graduate degree in International Relations. Translator for intergovernmental organizations for over 3 years, including UNOPS and UNWOMEN. Translation of the book "Primary Health Care in South America" (published by the South American Institute of Government in Health/UNASUR). More than 10 years' experience as a teacher of English as a Second Language in Brazil.
Experienced translator in the fields of International Relations, Public Policies, Politics, Culture and Entertainment, Health and Legal. Relevant international experience. Commitment to excellent results and on-time delivery. Translation projects and team coordination and supervision.
Translators Formation Course at Brasillis Idiomas.
Postgraduate degree in International Relations. Ibmec, Brazil.
Bachelor of Laws. FIVJ, Brazil.
American Law and Legal English Institute. University of Delaware, USA.
CPE – Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2). Certificate of Proficiency in English. University of Cambridge.
DELE - Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (C1). Instituto Cervantes.
Advogada e tradutora há mais de 5 anos. 10 anos de experiência com o ensino do inglês. Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais pelo Ibmec-RJ. Fluente em inglês e espanhol, francês intermediário.
Consultora, em diversas oportunidades, para a Organização Pan-americana de Saúde / Organização Mundial de Saúde (OPAS/OMS), como relatora e tradutora em missões e reuniões internacionais oficiais nos EUA, Canadá, Granada e no Brasil.
Mais de 3 anos de contrato como traudora regular em organizações internacionais e projetos realizados com a UNOPS e ONU mulher.
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