Working languages:
German to Turkish
English to Turkish

Elif Baykara Narbay

Antalya, Antalya, Türkiye
Local time: 11:02 MSK (GMT+3)

Native in: Turkish 
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2 positive reviews
1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
PatentsMedical: Pharmaceuticals
Chemistry; Chem Sci/EngBiology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Medical: InstrumentsMaterials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
GeneticsScience (general)
Medical: Health CareMedical (general)

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 472, Questions answered: 225, Questions asked: 20
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Bitcoin, Other cryptocurrency, ProzPay | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 4
Glossaries ebaykara_en-tr, ebaykara_tr-en
Experience Years of experience: 21. Registered at Mar 2015. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Turkish (Bogazici University, School of Foreign Languages)
Turkish to English (Bogazici University, School of Foreign Languages)
German to Turkish (Sprachdiplom Stufe II)
Memberships N/A
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, Crowdin, Fluency, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Crowdin, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, SDLX, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
Forum posts 455 forum posts
Events and training
Professional practices Elif Baykara Narbay endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Buy or learn new work-related software
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This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 536
PRO-level pts: 472

Top languages (PRO)
English to Turkish282
Turkish to English138
German to Turkish32
German to English20
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences24
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Medical (general)92
Mechanics / Mech Engineering48
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng31
Medical: Pharmaceuticals20
Automotive / Cars & Trucks20
Medical: Instruments20
Medical: Health Care20
Pts in 35 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: freelancer, translator, translation, turkish, german, english, patent, chemistry, forensic, science. See more.freelancer, translator, translation, turkish, german, english, patent, chemistry, forensic, science, biochemistry, genetics, toxicology, pharmacology, pharmaceuticals, clinical, nonclinical, medicine, drugs, criminalistics, crime scene, silver, biomedical, PIL, SPC, CTD, medicinal product, biotechnology, validation, laboratory, quality control, quality assurance, 17025, mass spectrometry, chemical analysis, laboratory apparatus, gem, jewelry, automotive, medical instrument, healthcare, cardiology, nutrition, rugby, chemical, analysis, analytical, enzyme, resin, injection, mold, silvercraft, materials, mechanics, ceramics, building chemicals, additives, workplace, safety, occupational, hazard, hazardous, toxicity, life sciences, MSDS, neurology, archaeometry, regulatory affairs, scuba, diving, spearfishing, fishing, free diving, skin diving, scientific article, REACH, arkeometri, nöroloji, işyeri güvenliği, tehlike, toksisite, MGVS, tehlikeli, çevirmen, çeviri, serbest çevirmen, türkçe, almanca, ingilizce, kimya, adli tıp, bilim, adli bilimler, biyokimya, genetik, toksikoloji, farmakoloji, ilaç, farmasötik, klinik, klinik dışı, tıp, kriminalistik, olay yeri, gümüş, biyomedikal, KT, KÜB, CTD, tıbbi ürün, biyoteknoloji, validasyon, laboratuvar, kalite kontrol, kalite güvence, kütle spektrometrisi, kimyasal analiz, laboratuvar cihazı, mücevher, kuyumculuk, otomotiv, tıbbi cihaz, sağlık, kardiyoloji, beslenme, ragbi, analitik, sentetik, enzim, reçine, enjeksiyon, kalıp, gümüşçülük, altın, akademik, materyal, malzeme, seramik, yapı kimyasalı, katkı maddesi, mekanik, makina, yaşam bilimleri, fen bilimleri, ruhsatlandırma, skuba dalış, tüplü dalış, zıpkınla avlanma, balıkçılık, serbest dalış, bilimsel makale, makale, freiberuflich, Übersetzer, Übersetzung, Türkisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Patent, Chemie, Gerichtsmedizin, Rechtsmedizin, forensische Medizin, Forensik, forensische Wissenschaft, Wissenschaft, Biochemie, Genetik, Toxikologie, Pharmakologie, Arzneimittelkunde, Arzneimittel, Pharmazeutika, Medikamente, klinische Studienberichte, nichttklinische Studienberichte, präklinische Studienberichte, Kriminalistik, Tatort, Silber, Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels, Packungsbeilage, wissenschaftlischer Fachartikel, wissenschaftlicher Artikel, REACH. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 23, 2021