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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Medical: Instruments
Medical: Health Care
Medical (general)
English to Estonian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR per word / 15 - 25 EUR per hour
Payment methods accepted
PayPal, Skrill, Visa, Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Estonian: Product characteristics summary General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English 4.8 Side effects
As with all topical corticosteroids, local and general side effects can occur. The risk of these side effects occurring depends on the power and concentration of the corticosteroid used, the length of treatment, the size of the skin surface treated and the location of the lesion. The use of an occlusive dressing increases these risks.
The side effects are classified by system organ class with indication of frequency evaluation:
Very frequent (≥ 1/10), frequent (≥ 1/100, < 1/10), not frequent (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100), rare (≥ 1/10000, < 1/1000), very rare (
Translation - Estonian 4.8 Kõrvalmõjud
Nagu kõigi paiksete kortikosteroidide puhul, võivad ilmneda kohalikud ja üldised kõrvaltoimed. Nende kõrvaltoimete tekke oht sõltub kasutatava kortikosteroidi võimsusest ja kontsentratsioonist, ravi pikkusest, töödeldud nahapinna suurusest ja kahjustuse asukohast. Oklusiivse sideme kasutamine suurendab neid riske.
Kõrvaltoimed on klassifitseeritud organsüsteemi klasside kaupa koos sageduse hindamisega:
Väga sage (≥ 1/10), sagedane (≥ 1/100,
English to Estonian: Mortgage loan agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English 3.4. Ostja kohustused hüpoteegiga koormatud lepingu eseme kasutuslepingutega koormamisel, kindlustamisel ning leppetrahvi maksmisel on toodud käesoleva lepingu lisas.
3.5. Müüja, Ostja ja Hüpoteegipidaja lepivad kokku, et kui käesoleva lepingu punktis kaks kaks (2.2.) nimetatud krediidi arvel tasumisele kuuluv summa ei ole Müüjale tasutud hiljemalt neljateistkümnendaks (14) päevaks arvates hüpoteegi kinnistamisest, on Hüpoteegipidaja kohustatud hüpoteegi tasuta loovutama Müüjale ja sellisel juhul tagab hüpoteek käesolevast lepingust tulenevaid Müüja nõudeid Ostja vastu. Hüpoteegi loovutamist Müüjale ei toimu, kui Müüja on vastuvõtuviivituses.
3.6. Notariaalakti tõestaja on selgitanud, et:
3.6.1. Juhul, kui lepingu punktis kolm üks (3.1.) nimetatud hüpoteegiga tagatavaid nõudeid ei täideta, on Hüpoteegipidajal õigus nõuda hüpoteegiga koormatud nõuete rahuldamist Korteriomandi arvelt. Hüpoteegipidajal on õigus täitmata kohustuste osas nõuda sundtäitmist seega hüpoteegiga koormatud Korteriomandi arvelt ja Korteriomandi omanikuna kohustub ka Omanik alluma sundtäitmisele Ostja poolt võetud laenukohustuste täitmiseks. Täitemenetlus algatatakse sissenõudja avalduse ja sellele lisatud täitedokumendi alusel. Kui kohtutäiturile on esitatud notariaalselt tõestatud kokkulepe, mis näeb ette kinnisasja igakordse omaniku kohustuse alluda kohesele sundtäitmisele hüpoteegiga tagatud nõude rahuldamiseks ning selle kohta on tehtud märge kinnistusraamatusse, müüakse kinnisasi avalikul enampakkumisel või muul täitemenetluse seadustikus sätestatud viisil;
Translation - Estonian 3.4. The obligations of the Buyer when encumbering the object of mortgage with contracts of use, insuring it or paying contractual penalty, are set out in the Annex to this Contract.
3.5. The Seller, the Buyer and the Mortgagee agree that if the amounts due under the Clause two point two (2.2) mentioned in this Contract have not been paid to the Seller by the fourteenth (14) day following the mortgage registration, the Mortgagee is obligated to assign the Mortgage to the Seller free of charge, and in such case the Mortgage will secure the Seller's claims against the Buyer under this Agreement. The Mortgage shall not be assigned to the Seller if the Seller is in delay in acceptance.
3.6. The verifier of the notarial deed has explained that:
3.6.1. If the requirements secured by the mortgage specified in clause three point one (3.1.) of the Contract are not fulfilled, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to demand satisfaction of the claims encumbered with the mortgage at the expense of the Apartment Ownership. The Mortgagee shall have the right to require compulsory execution of the outstanding obligations at the expense of the Mortgaged Apartment Ownership, and as the Owner of the Apartment Ownership, the Owner shall also be obligated to perform the loan obligations assumed by the Buyer. The enforcement procedure is initiated on the basis of the claimant's application and the enforcement document attached thereto. If the bailiff has a notarised agreement stipulating the obligation of each owner of the immovable property to submit to immediate enforcement of a claim secured by a mortgage and this has been recorded in the land register, the immovable property shall be sold by public auction or in another manner prescribed by the Code of Enforcement;
Years of experience: 14. Registered at May 2016. Became a member: Jun 2022.
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, PhraseApp, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, XTRF Translation Management System
I have provided English-Estonian translations since 1999, focusing on medical texts since 2019.
Most of the projects that I work on are manuals for medical equipment and/or their software and clinical research related materials like informed consent forms, introductory texts, patient instruction, etc.
I have translated or proofread texts used by Siemens Healthineers, Mölnlycke, Braun and Abbott, among many others.
I work mostly with Trados, MemoQ and Xbench (having a licence for each) or Phrase (if the licence is provided).