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Macedonian to English Macedonian (monolingual) Serbian to English English to Serbian Serbian to Macedonian German to Serbian Croatian to Macedonian English to Croatian Croatian to English German to Croatian Croatian to German Serbian to German Spanish to English Russian to English Bulgarian to English Portuguese to English Italian to English Russian to Macedonian Spanish to Macedonian Bulgarian to Macedonian Italian to Macedonian
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
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Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), Macedonian Denars (mkd), U. S. dollars (usd)
Project History
3 projects entered
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 13480 words Completed: Nov 2024 Languages: German to Macedonian
Working on an excerpt from different handbooks on water contaminated with chemicals. Interesting to see what we use to water plants, which is also used to water our food.
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-), Agriculture
No comment.
Translation Volume: 71500 words Completed: Jul 2022 Languages: English to German
Just finished a translation of an Ecommerce website
Internet, e-Commerce
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1000000 words Completed: Jul 2022 Languages: German to English
Finished corpus project, translated multiple languages for the past 4 months.
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer, PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, Wise
Sample translations submitted: 3
Macedonian to English: Environmental crisis article General field: Other Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Macedonian Професор на МИТ Универзитетот, Ото Шармер, вели дека САД, на пример, го надминува трошењето како за пет планети. Крајно време е да се погледнеме в огледало, да си плеснеме шлаканица и да си речеме: „Им ја крадеме иднината на нашите деца“.
Дојдени сме до точка од која нема враќање. Постојат светски движења за нула отпад, за одговорност во консумирањето и етички пристап. Светската политичка елита и глобалните развојни агенции составуваат планови и агенди за итни предизвици, кои е потребно да ги адресираме.
Translation - English MIT university professor Otto Scharmer says that the United States is consuming resources at a rate applicable to five planets. Perhaps it’s time we, the human race, look in the mirror, slap ourselves in the face and say: “We are stealing our children’s future.”
Humans have reached a point of no return. There are worldwide zero-waste movements, an emphasis on consumer responsibility, and ethical approaches. The worldwide political elite and global development agencies make plans and plot agendas to tackle the environmental problems we face.
German to Macedonian: International jurisdiction General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - German Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Urteile
Hat der Kläger Recht bekommen und ein Urteil erstritten, so kann er schließlich ein Interesse daran haben, aus dem Urteil (auch) im Ausland gegen die andere Partei vorzugehen. Dies kann z.B. relevant werden, wenn der Beklagte Vermögenswerte v.a. im Ausland hat. Die dritte zentrale Aufgabe des IPR betrifft daher die Voraussetzungen für die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Entscheidungen im Inland.
Translation - Macedonian Признавање и извршување на странски пресуди
Ако тужителот бил во право и ја добил пресудата, тој врз основа на пресудата може да има интерес да постапува против другата страна (исто така) и во странство. Ова, на пример, може да биде релевантно ако обвинетиот има имот главно во странство. Третата централна задача на МПП се однесува на условите за признавање и извршување на странските пресуди во земјата.
Croatian to Macedonian: Poem Translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Croatian A voljela sam...
Voljela sam da gledam more
i da vidim prvi zrak sunca,
da udahnem oštri jutarnji vazduh,
da osjetim po koži vjetar
koji odavno me zna.
Da čitam dok ne osjetim san
kako lagano prilazi,
onako tiho i mirno.
Оnaj kratki zvuk dodire fildžane
miris toploga čaja,
koga držim u ruci i volim njegovu toplotu.
Voljela sam da gledam i ljude,
kako sve žure negdje
i zalutali zaborave na vrijeme.
A voljela sam da gledam i njega
kako smirujući uzdiše,
pa nježno i lagano
privuče me kod sebe.
A voljela sam...
Translation - Macedonian А сакав...
Сакав да го гледам морето
и првиот сончев зрак,
да го вдишам остриот утрински воздух,
да го сетам по кожата ветерот
кој одамна ме познава.
Да читам додека почувствувам
како сонот доаѓа,
сосема тивко и мирно.
И оној краток звук на допирот на филџаните
мирисот на топлиот чај
што го држам в рака, ја сакам неговата топлина.
Сакав да ги гледам и луѓето,
како брзаат некаде
и залутани забораваат на времето.
А сакав да го гледам и него
како смирувачки издишува,
па нежно и бавно
ме припива кон себе.
А сакав...
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Goce Delchev University
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Oct 2017. Became a member: Dec 2020.
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Full-time freelance translator, editor, and proofreader with a strong track record in providing high-quality translations between multiple languages. With my BA in German Language and Literature, I specialize in Translation and Interpretation and am equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide exceptional translation services.
Since 2017, I have worked both individually and with a small team of dedicated language professionals and native speakers to ensure that my clients receive only the best quality of work.
I offer a wide range of services, such as:
Legal translations (certificates, powers of attorney, official documents, contracts, birth certificates, agreements)
Technical translations(user manuals, user guides, software localization, automotive)
Medical translations (medical devices and procedures, health products, research papers, medical reports, general).
Editing / Proofreading
All texts, articles, and press releases are ready for publication. Guaranteed content that is both comprehensive and powerful.
Transcription, Transcreation, Copywriting
Adapting and localizing the source text to the target language offers companies the opportunity to expand in the market, improve cultural understanding, and foster international collaboration.
In addition, my services include MT post-editing, native-speaker conversation, language instruction, and project management.
Responsible, and flexible, I can ensure you the accuracy of the source material, paying attention to the smallest details while maintaining confidentiality.
Keywords: Macedonian, German, English, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Italian. See more.Macedonian, German, English, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Italian, translation, editing, proofreader, proofreading, copywriting, MT post editing, Macedonian to German, German to Macedonian, English to Macedonian, Macedonian to English, German to English, English to German, German language and Literature, English to Serbian, Serbian to English, Serbian to Macedonian, German to Serbian, Croatian to Macedonian, Croatian to English, English to Croatian, German to Croatian, Spanish to English, Spanish to Macedonian, Russian to English, Portuguese to English, Bulgarian to Macedonian, Italian to Macedonian, professional, reliable, accurate, international, freelance translator, translation services, written translation, native macedonian, environment, hotel, culture, certificates, diplomas, brochures, business, economy, education, conversation, greetings, letters, legal, law, financial translations, telecommunications, nongovernmental, user manuals, product manuals, product descriptions, advertising, public relations, general, computers, IT, IT- Services, history, religion, literature, poetry, linguistics, marketing, marketing research, ecology, commerce, Internet, sports, fitness, recreation, nutrition, food, medical, medicine, heath care, tourism, travel, transport, science, press releases, newspaper articles, македонски, англиски, германски, српски, хрватски, шпански, бугарски, италијански, преведување, превод, преведувач, точност, професионално, хонорарен преведувач, германски јазик, англиски јазик, македонски јазик, српски јазик, хрватски јазик, шпански јазик, руски јазик, италијански, бизнис, право, невладин сектор, невладини организации, економија, финансии, ИТ, информатичка технологија, упатства, прирачници, животна средина, екологија, исхрана, писмен превод, литература, поезија, лингвистика, маркетинг, спорт, фитнес, туризам, интернет, науки, Deutsch, deutsche sprache und literatur, english, mazedonien, serbische sprache, kroatisch, spanisch, russisch, italienisch, übersetzung, übersetzerin, übersetzer, professionell, schnell, zuverlässig, wirtschaft, ökonomie, pressemitteilungen, produktbeschreibungen, telekommunikation, IT-Technik, Informationstechnologie, Angebotsdokumente, ernährung, finanzen, Recht, Verkaufsprospekte, literatur, literarische Texte, linguistik, poesie, tourismus, sport, wissenschaften, medizin, Marktforschung, marktberichte, finanzberichte, Allgemeinmedizin, Sozialwissenschaften, Journalismus, Lebensmittel, Werbung, CAT tools, Trados, Trados Studio, Wordfast, MemoQ, MateCat, Smartcat, MemSource Cloud, prevodilac, prevod, srpski, makedonski, engleski, nemački jezik, hrvatski, ruski, bugarski, talijanski, medicina, ugovori, sertifikati, potvrde, korisnički priručnici, ekonomija, engleski na srpski, engleski na makedonski, nemački na makedonski, srpski na makedonski, nemački na srpski, spanski na engleski, spanski na makedonski, lektura, izvještaji, klinicke studije, prevoditeljske usluge, medicinska dokumentacija, nutricionizam, pravni prjevodi, upute za uporabu, brošure, prirucnici, ugovori, prevoditelj, traducción, español a inglés, español a macedonio, servicios de traducción, cultura, certificados, diplomas, economía, educación, historia, religión, literatura, poesía, ecología, comercio, Internet, deportes, fitness, nutrición, medicina, turismo, transporte, русский на английский, профессиональный, переводчик, письменный перевод, культура, сертификаты, дипломы, брошюры, бизнес, экономика, образование, финансовые переводы, юридические переводы, история, религия, поэзия, экология, коммерция, туризм, пресс-релизы, новости, български език, преводач, бизнес, икономика, финансови преводи, правни преводи, история, религия, поезия, екология, търговия, туризъм, прессъобщения, новини, italiano, traduttore, traduzione, economia, istruzione, traduzioni finanziarie, traduzioni legali, poesia, ecologia, commercio, turismo, natalija galacheva, наталија галачева. See less.