Working languages:
French to Dutch English to Dutch
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Rate vendor Manage list Ingeborg Aalders Legal, Commercial & Consumer issues Doesburg, Gelderland, Netherlands
Local time : 06:27 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : Dutch
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Training, Project management Specializes in: Cooking / Culinary Economics Finance (general) Food & Drink Marketing Medical: Health Care Tourism & Travel
Also works in: Advertising / Public Relations Printing & Publishing Insurance General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Cosmetics, Beauty Telecom(munications) Business/Commerce (general) Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting Sports / Fitness / Recreation Nutrition Media / Multimedia Medical (general) Management Linguistics Law: Contract(s) Law (general) Human Resources Journalism Internet, e-Commerce International Org/Dev/Coop Furniture / Household Appliances Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Euro (eur) PRO-level points: 479 , Questions answered: 229 , Questions asked: 153 Wire transfer algemeen Other - ITV Hogeschool, Utrecht, The Netherlands Years of experience: 18. Registered at Oct 2006. N/A N/A VZV Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio English (PDF)
Training sessions attended Ingeborg Aalders endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1) .
Extensive experience with economic topics and translations for banks/investment funds. Thorough knowledge of insurance matters thanks to over 10 years of field experience. Vast experience in legal translations (French-Dutch): court orders, contracts, articles of association etc., but also like to do translations on lighter topics like fashion & make-up, tourism and cooking. Please refer to my CV or my website for more information about my translation work.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: Ingeborg Aalders, Aalders Vertaalt, Aaldersvertaalt,, Trait d’Union, Trait d’Union translations, Trait d’Union vertalingen, Trait d’Union traductions,, vertaler. See more . Ingeborg Aalders, Aalders Vertaalt, Aaldersvertaalt,, Trait d’Union, Trait d’Union translations, Trait d’Union vertalingen, Trait d’Union traductions,, vertaler, freelance, freelancer, freelance vertaler, corrector, proofreader, freelance corrector, freelance proofreader, vertaaldienst, vertaaldiensten, vertaalservice, vertaalbureau, vertaalbureaus, vertaling, vertalingen, vertalen, redigeren, corrigeren, Engels, Frans, Nederlands, Engels - Nederlands, Engels naar Nederlands, Frans - Nederlands, Frans naar Nederlands, Nederland, Frankrijk, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk, VS, internet, brochures, bedrijfscorrespondentie, documenten, gidsen, handleidingen, nieuwsartikelen, persberichten, teksten, websites, automatisering, computer, software, telecommunicatie, cultuur, geschiedenis, kunst, muziek, EU, Europese Unie, natuur, milieu, ontwikkelingshulp, politiek, economie, financieel, management, marketing, public relations, media, film, journalistiek, internet, radio, tv, televisie, techniek, fotografie, productinformatie, vrije tijd, ontspanning, horeca, luchtvaart, reizen, toerisme, medische hulpmiddelen, medisch, gezondheid, juridisch, voedsel, consumentenartikelen, contract, hypotheekakte, snelle service, kwaliteit, ervaring, Ingeborg Gonizzi, Trait d’Union, Trait d’Union translations, Trait d’Union vertalingen, Trait d’Union traductions,, translator, freelance, freelancer, freelance translator, corrector, proofreader, freelance corrector, freelance proofreader, translation service, translations services, translating service, translations agency, translations agencies, translation, translations, translating, editing, correcting, English, French, Dutch, English - Dutch, English to Dutch, French - Dutch, French to Dutch, Netherlands, Holland, France England, United Kingdom, USA, US, internet, brochures, business correspondence, documents, tourist guides, manuals, annual reports, news articles, press release, text, websites, automation, computer, software, telecommunication, culture, history, art, music, religion, EU, European Union, nature, environment, developing aid, politics, economy, finance, management, marketing, public relations, media, film, journalism, internet, radio, tv, television, technics, photography, product information, leisure, sports, medical equipment, medical, health, legal, food, cooking, travel, tourism, consumer goods, contract, fast, accurate, experienced, Ingeborg Gonizzi, Trait d’Union, Trait d’Union translations, Trait d’Union vertalingen, Trait d’Union traductions,, traducteur, freelance, freelancer, freelance traducteur, corriger, éditer, proofreader, freelance corrector, freelance proofreader, service de traduction, services de traduction, translating service, agence de traduction, agences de traduction, traduction, traductions, traduire, éditer, corriger, anglais, français, néerlandais, hollandais, anglais - néerlandais, anglais vers néerlandais, français – hollandais, Pays-Bas, Hollande, France, Angleterre, Royaume-Uni, Etats-Unis, USA, US, internet, brochures, plaquettes, correspondance, documents, guides touristiques, manuels, compte rendu annuel, bulletin d’information, informations, communiqué de presse, texte, sites web, automation, automatisation, ordinateur, computer, software, logiciel, télecommunication, culture, histoire, art, musique, réligion, UE, Union Européenne, nature, environnement, aide humanitaire, politiques, économie, finance, management, gestion, marketing, rélations publiques, média, film, journalisme, internet, radio, télé, télévision, technique, photographie, information produit, loisirs, sports, équipements médicaux, équipement médicale, médecine, santé, légale, nourriture, cuisine, voyage, tourisme, articles de consommation, contrat, rapide, qualité, expérimenté. See less . Profile last updated Oct 9, 2022