Working languages:
German to French English to French French (monolingual)
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Rate vendor Manage list Anne Diamantidis - eLoc Smart Solutions Professional Trainer Specialist French medical translations Kehl am Rhein, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Local time : 15:43 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : French
Translator likelihood of working again (LWA)
German to French and English to French medical translator, BDÜ member
Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified site user This person previously served as a moderator.This translator helped to localize into French This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
Blue Board affiliation:
Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Training, Desktop publishing, Project management, MT post-editing Specializes in: Medical (general) Medical: Pharmaceuticals Medical: Instruments Medical: Health Care Medical: Cardiology
Also works in: Genetics Zoology Psychology Livestock / Animal Husbandry Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) Cosmetics, Beauty
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations PRO-level points: 379 , Questions answered: 195 , Questions asked: 80 <3 employees 2017 Business & Marketing , Finance & Bookeeping , Medical Master's degree - ESTRI (Ecole Supérieure de Traduction & Relations Internationales), Université Catholique de Lyon Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jan 2007. N/A German to French (Universite Lumiere Lyon II, verified) German to French (Université Catholique de Lyon, Ecole Supérieure de Traduction et Relations Internationales , verified) English to French (CC Franco-Britannique de Lyon, verified) English to French (Université Catholique de Lyon, Ecole Supérieure de Traduction et Relations Internationales , verified) English to French (Universite Lumiere Lyon II, verified)French (France : ESTRI, verified) French (Universite Lumiere Lyon II, verified)
N/A XR80 , French localization team , Chateau Montchat Adobe Acrobat, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast CV will be submitted upon request Conference presentations Premier congrès annuel de en France - Aix 2007 : " : ça marche", ou comment tirer profit des multiples possibilités offertes par ProZ I. Winter Conference in Germany - Dortmund 2007 : - Dressing the shop window II Congrès annuel de en France - Paris 2008 : Comment utiliser II Congrès annuel de en France - Paris 2008 : Social Media Marketing for translators: why, what, how 2012 international conference : Boostez votre utilisation de , Ouverture / Opening , Table ronde d'agences: "Ce que nous attendons de nos traducteurs" III Congrès annuel de en France - Nice 2009 : Begrüßung/ Opening Ceremony , Optimale Nutzung von , Abschluss/Closing Ceremony Austria Conference - Vienna 2009 : Opening session: Welcome , Closing session , Boost your use of Netherlands Conference 2009 : Opening of the conference 6th Conference - Ohrid 2009 : Opening ceremony , Closing ceremony 7th Conference - Prague 2010 : Boost your use of , The future of the translation industry 3ª Conferencia de en España - Barcelona 2010 : Ouverture & Photo de groupe/ Opening & Group picture , Optimisez votre présence en ligne IV. France Networking and Training Days - Paris 2010 : The future of the translation industry First Seminar in Montevideo : Utiliser Twitter pour accroître sa visibilité en ligne et gérer sa réputation , Le marketing Facebook ou le revers de la médaille Formations et Rencontres 2012 : Decoding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) More
Training sessions attended eLoc Smart Solutions endorses's Professional Guidelines .
Welcome! I am a German/English to French medical translator (credentials available in the profile standard view above), a former site moderator, French localizer and former site staff member (2009-2011) in La Plata. Member of the BDÜ, the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (member number BW003198). Based in the beautiful Black Forest region in Germany, I provide freelance medical translation services as well as small agency services. Click the standardized view above to find detailed information and feel free to reach out to ask for a quote or discuss your project! Let's connect!
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: affaires réglementaires, agence de traduction, traducteur, traductrice, traduction, German to French, English to French, allemand vers francais, anglais vers francais, all languages supported. See more . affaires réglementaires, agence de traduction, traducteur, traductrice, traduction, German to French, English to French, allemand vers francais, anglais vers francais, all languages supported, hôpital, health 2.0, Santé 2.0, e-health, télémedecine, Telemedizin, anesthesia, anesthésie, appareils médicaux, article médical, articles médicaux, asuntos reglementarios, Beipackzettel Übersetzung, biologie, biology, biotech, biotechnologies, biotechnology translation, biotechnology, BPF, brochures médicales, cabinet de traduction, chirurgie laser, Chirurgie, clinical information systems, clinical records, clinical research, clinical trials localisation, clinical trials localization, clinical trials translation, clinical trials, communiqués de presse, compliance dentaire, dental, documentation médicale, dossier médical, dossiers cliniques, dossiers patients, DRGs, EMA, European Medicines Agency, FDA guidelines, EMA guidelines, équipements médicaux, essais cliniques, étude de marché, études cliniques, évaluation linguistique, Farmacia, Farmacologia, FDA Applications, FDA, formulaires de consentement, fournitures médicales, GMP, Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Clinical Practices, healthcare translation, healthcare, hospital information system, HIS, bedside device connectivity medical device connectivity, medical device integration, HL7, EMR, Electronic Medical Record, CPOE, BMDI, biomedical device integration, bedside medical device integration, UMDB, universal medical device bus, automated charting, paperless charting, CIS, Clinical Information System, HCIS, Healthcare Information system, EPR, Electronic patient record, CPR, Computer-based patient record, medical device data systems, MDDS, Medizingerätekonnektivität, connectivité des appareils biomédicaux, système d'information hospitalier, hospital interpreter, hospital translator, ICD, ICPM, IFU, instrument sterilization, stérilisation des instruments, techniques de stérilisation, sterilization techniques, imagerie médicale, industrie pharmaceutique, informations cliniques, informatique médical, Informed Consent Forms, instruments chirurgicaux, instruments médicaux, intensive medicine, intensive care, médecine intensive, soins intensifs, Intensivmedizin, internationalization, internationalisation, interprétation médicale, interprète congrès médical, interprète hôpital, interprète médical, interprète médicale, interprète, interpreter, laboratoires, laboratories, language services provider, laser surgery, linguistic services provider, linguistic testing, linguistic validation, localisation essais cliniques, Localisation, Localization, market research, médecine générale, médecine, medical articles, medical brochures, medical conference interpreter, medical devices instruction manuals, medical devices manuals, medical devices translation, medical equipment, medical imaging, medical informatics, medical instruments, medical interpretation, medical interpreter, medical interpreting, medical leaflets, medical papers, medical press, medical publishing, medical records, medical statistics, medical translation, medical translations, medical translator, medical writing, Medizindolmetschen, Medizindolmetscher, Medizindolmetscherin, Medizinübersetzer, Medizinübersetzerin, Medizinübersetzung, MEDRA, modes d'emploi d'appareils médicaux, notices de médicaments, ORL, orthopeadics, Chirurgie du glaucome, Glaukomchirurgie, orthopédie, Patents, patient questionnaries, patient records, pediatrics, pédiatrie, pharma translation, pharma translator, Pharma, Pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical translation, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutique, Pharmacologie, Pharmacology, PIL, PIL translation, presse médicale, Product Information Leaflet, professional translation services, professional translation, psychiatrie, psychiatry, psychologie, psychology, publications médicales, publications scientifiques, Pupillometrie, pupillométrie, questionnaires patient, radiologie, radiology, réanimation, recherche clinique, rédaction médicale, regulatory affairs translation, regulatory affairs, regulatory support, revues médicales, Santé, scientific publishing, services de traduction professionnelle, services linguistiques, société de traduction, SPCs, standards, statistiques médicales, Study Protocols, Surgery, surgical instruments, technologie médicale, therapeutics, thérapeutique, thérapie, therapy, toutes langues, traducteur hôpital, traducteur médical, traducteur pharmaceutique, traducteur, traduction affaires réglementaires, traduction biotechnologies, traduction dossiers médicaux, traduction essais cliniques, traduction industrie pharmaceutique, traduction médicale, traduction notices de médicaments, traduction pharmacie, traduction pharma, traduction professionnelle, traduction santé, traductions médicales, traductions vétérinaires, traduction vétérinaire, traductions, traductrice médicale, traductrice, translation agency, translation company, Translation Informed Consent Forms, translation of medical records, translation pharma industry, Translation PIL, Translation SPCs, translation, translator, übersetzer, übersetzerin, übersetzung, traductrice allemand vers français, traducteur médical allemand vers français, traducteur spécialisé en ophtalmologie, traducteur allemand français ophtalmologie, User Manuals, validation linguistique, vétérinaire, veterinarian, veterinarian translations, healthcare IT, medical imaging, medical technology, HIT, informatique médicale, imagerie médicale, healthcareIT, ophtalmologie, ophtalmology, Augenheilkunde, Augenmedizin, Augenarzt, ophtalmologue, ophtalmologiste, Glaukom, glaucome, vitrectomie, vitrektomie, Ophtalmologische Instrumente, Augenchirurgie, chirurgie ophtalmique, retina, Netzhaut, rétine, Deutsch Französisch Augenmedizin Übersetzung, Deutsch Französisch Ophtalmologie Übersetzung, Fachübersetzer Medizin, Medizinische Fachübersetzer, Pharma marketing, QRD templates, Pharmaindustrie, Pharmazeutische Fachübersetzer, medical devices labelling, . See less . Profile last updated Aug 29, 2023