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English to Croatian: Cardiovascular Disease / Kardiovaskularne bolesti General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death worldwide. The most well known examples of cardiovascular disease are heart attacks and stroke.
Cardiovascular disease occurs when a person’s heart and blood vessels (veins and arteries) become unhealthy. Fatty deposits of excess cholesterol can build up inside the blood vessels, making them harder and narrower, and unable to transport blood around the body effectively. This can damage other parts of the body like the heart or brain.
Fortunately, you can take control of most risk factors for cardiovascular disease:
• Smoking doubles or triples a person’s risk of heart disease. Stopping smoking is the biggest step someone can take to protect heart health. The risk starts dropping within minutes of quitting!
• Diet: Eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day and limiting salt intake can help prevent heart disease. You should also try to eat less unhealthy (saturated) fat and more healthy (unsaturated) fat. Do this by eating nuts, avocados, olive oil and oily fish. Cut back on red meat, pre-packaged snack foods, fast foods and high fat dairy products.
• Physical Activity: As little as 30 minutes of physical activity a day, most days of the week, can improve heart health tremendously. Brisk walking counts – no equipment needed!
• Mental Health: People who are depressed or socially isolated are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
• Genetics: Find out if heart disease runs in your family. Knowing your family’s health history can help you assess your own risk. People with a family history of heart disease need to be even more careful about their lifestyle.
• Other Medical Conditions: High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes all increase a person’s risk of heart attacks and stroke. People with these conditions can stay healthier by routinely monitoring their health and working to get their condition under good control.
Translation - Croatian Kardiovaskularne bolesti glavni su uzrok smrti širom svijeta. Najpoznatiji primjeri ovakvih bolesti su srčani i moždani udar.
Do kardiovaskularnih bolesti dolazi prilikom obolijevanja srca, vena i arterija. Masne naslage suvišnog kolesterola mogu se nataložiti u krvnim žilama, čineći ih tako tvrđima i užima, te nesposobnima za učinkovit prijenos krvi kroz tijelo. Ovo pak može oštetiti druge dijelove tijela kao što su srce ili mozak.
Srećom, nad većinom rizičnih čimbenika za kardiovaskularne bolesti moguće je preuzeti kontrolu:
• Pušenje udvostručava ili čak utrostručava rizik obolijevanja od srčane bolesti. Prestanak pušenja najveći je korak koji se može poduzeti u svrhu zaštite zdravlja vlastitog srca. Rizik se počinje smanjivati već nekoliko minuta nakon prestanka pušenja!
• Prehrana: Konzumacija pet ili više porcija voća i povrća dnevno, te ograničen unos soli mogu pomoći pri sprječavanju srčanih bolesti. Također biste morali pokušati jesti manje nezdravih (zasićenih) masnoća, a više onih zdravih (nezasićenih). Ovo možete učiniti tako što ćete jesti orašaste plodove, avokado, maslinovo ulje i plavu ribu. Smanjite unos crvenog mesa, pakiranih grickalica, brze hrane i mliječnih proizvoda s visokim udjelom masti.
• Tjelesna aktivnost: Svega 30 minuta tjelesne aktivnosti dnevno tijekom većine dana u tjednu može izuzetno poboljšati zdravlje srca. I brza šetnja se računa – a za nju vam nije potrebna nikakva oprema!
• Mentalno zdravlje: Veća je vjerojatnost da će osobe koje su u depresiji ili društveno izolirane oboljeti od kardiovaskularnih bolesti.
• Genetika: Saznajte postoji li u vašoj obitelji povijest srčanih bolesti. Poznavanje medicinske povijesti vlastite obitelji može vam pomoći pri procjenjivanju vlastitog rizika. Osobe s obiteljskom poviješću srčanih bolesti moraju biti još opreznije po pitanju stila života.
• Druge zdravstvene tegobe: Povišeni kolesterol, povišeni krvni tlak, pretilost i dijabetes povećavaju rizik od srčanog i moždanog udara. Osobe koje pate od ovih tegoba mogu se održati zdravima tako što će redovito pratiti svoje zdravstveno stanje i svjesno raditi na učinkovitom kontroliranju svojih tegoba.
Croatian to English: Društveni ugovor o osnivanju društva s ograničenom odgovornošću / Company Agreement on Incorporation of a Limited Liability Company General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Croatian Dijeljenje i prijenos poslovnih udjela
Članak 8.
Poslovni udjeli članova Društva mogu se dijeliti i prenositi.
Članak 9.
Osnivači - članovi Društva imaju pod jednakim uvjetima pravo prvokupa poslovnog udjela koji se dijeli ili prenosi.
Članak 10.
Osnivač - član Društva koji ima namjeru dijeliti ili prenijeti svoj poslovni udio trećoj osobi obvezan je ostale članove Društva, preporučeno pismenim putem, obavijestiti o svojoj namjeri i ujedno navesti pod kojim uvjetima dijeli ili prenosi svoj poslovni udio u Društvu.
Osnivači - članovi Društva ukoliko žele, po ponuđenim uvjetima, iskoristiti svoje pravo prvokupa iz prethodnog članka ovog ugovora moraju o tome, preporučeno pismenim putem, obavijestiti člana Društva koji dijeli ili prenosi svoj poslovni udio u roku od 30 (trideset) dana od dana primitka obavijesti iz st. 1. ovog članka.
Članak 11.
Ukoliko za ponuđeni dio poslovnog udjela ili prijenos cijelog poslovnog udjela bude zainteresirano više članova Društva oni svoje pravo prvokupa mogu iskoristiti razmjerno svojim poslovnim udjelima u Društvu.
Članak 12.
Ukoliko se članovi Društva očituju da ne žele iskoristiti svoje pravo prvokupa ili u roku od 30 (trideset) dana ne daju odgovor članu koji namjerava dijeliti ili prenijeti svoj poslovni udio, a ne daju niti suglasnost za prijenos poslovnog udjela trećem, predmetni član može istupiti iz Društva.
Članak 13.
Suglasnost za prijenos poslovnog udjela trećem valjana je ukoliko je dana sa najmanje 3/4 (tričetvrtinskom) većinom preostalih glasova članova Društva (od ukupnog broja glasova oduzimaju se glasovi člana Društva koji želi dijeliti ili prenijeti svoj poslovni udio te od tako dobivenog broja glasova suglasnost mora biti dana 3/4 većinom)
Članak 14.
U slučaju smrti člana Društva za prijenos poslovnog udjela umrlog člana Društva na njegove nasljednike nije potrebna suglasnost ostalih članova Društva.
Članak 15.
Član Društva ne može bez suglasnosti ostalih članova Društva opteretiti svoj poslovni udio u Društvu. Predmetna suglasnost mora biti dana 3/4 (tročetvrtinskom) većinom preostalih glasova članova Društva.
Translation - English Division and Transfer of Business Shares
Article 8
Business shares of the members of the Company may be divided and transferred.
Article 9
The Founder Members of the Company have the right to pre-emptively buy under equal conditions the business share that is to be divided or transferred.
Article 10
The Founder Member of the Company who intends to divide or transfer their business share to a third party is obliged to inform other Members of the Company of their intention, preferably in writing, and also state under which conditions they are to divide or transfer their business share in the Company.
The Founder Members of the Company, should they wish to, under the conditions offered, exercise their right of pre-emption as described in the previous Article of this Agreement, have to, preferably in writing, inform the Member of the Company who is to divide or transfer their business share of this wish within 30 (thirty) days from the day of receipt of the notice mentioned in Line 1 of this Article.
Article 11
Should several members of the Company show interest in the offered part of the business share or in the transfer of the whole business share, they may exercise their right of pre-emption in proportion to their business shares in the Company.
Article 12
Should the members of the Company state that they do not wish to exercise their right of pre-emption, or they do not respond to the member who intends to divide or transfer their business share within 30 (thirty) days, or they do not give their consent for the business share to be transferred to a third party, the said member may resign from the Company.
Article 13
The consent for the business share to be transferred to a third party is valid if it was given with at least a 3/4 (three-quarters) majority of the remaining votes of the members of the Company (the votes of the member of the Company who wishes to divide or transfer their business share are subtracted from the total number of votes, so the consent must be given by a 3/4 majority of the number of votes thus obtained).
Article 14
In case of death of a member of the Company, no consent of the remaining members of the Company is needed for transfer of the business share of the deceased member of the Company to their heirs.
Article 15
A member of the Company may not encumber their business share in the Company without consent of other members of the Company. The said consent has to be given by a 3/4 (three-quarters) majority of the remaining votes of the members of the Company.
Translation education
Master's degree - Dublin City University
Years of experience: 23. Registered at Jul 2004.
English to Croatian (University of Zagreb, verified) German to Croatian (University of Zagreb, verified) Swedish to Croatian (University of Zagreb, verified) Croatian to English (University of Zagreb, verified) Croatian to German (University of Zagreb, verified)
English to Croatian (Dublin City University, verified) German to Croatian (Dublin City University, verified) Swedish to Croatian (Dublin City University, verified) Croatian to English (Dublin City University, verified) Croatian to German (Dublin City University, verified)
I now work in-house and am no longer available for freelance assginments.
I am a freelance Croatian translator based in Ireland since 2003. I have been translating since 2001, and my professional experience also includes positions in the multicultural business environment at IBM and Google. In these roles I gained thorough understanding of the corporate world and how customer satisfaction plays a major role in achieving excellence and success. I have also honed my time management skills, as well as the ability to multitask, at the same time devoting great attention to detail. My structured and committed approach to work enables me to work to deadlines, thus being a highly dependable partner in any type of a business project. Additionally, I have extensive experience in community interpreting; I am a certified court interpreter and also hold an SDL Trados certification.
I offer high quality translation, localisation and subtitling services from English, German and Swedish into Croatian. While these are the main fields I work in, I also do proofreading, as well as telephone and on-site community interpreting in Dublin and the surrounding areas.
When translating, my goal is to deliver a fluent translation that clearly conveys the message of the source text. In order to achieve this, I carefully consider the purpose and the audience of the target text, meticulously research and consistently apply specific terminology, pay detailed attention to the general style and flow of the text and carefully proofread the final version of the document.
Areas of Specialisation
I mainly work with content intended for user or customer support in the fields of Internet-related products and services, healthcare (healthcare services, patient information booklets, informed consent forms for clinical research studies), questionnaires (quality of life, wellbeing and health), education (training manuals for teachers, teacher's handbooks), and tourism/travel (tourism website localisation). I also subtitle and proofread cinema, DVD and TV materials.
QualificationsMA in Translation Studies
2007 - Dublin City University, Ireland Diploma in Swedish Language and Literature
2003 - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia BA in English and German Language and Literature
2001 - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia