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English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 25 - 30 USD per hour / 30.00 - 45.00 USD per audio/video minute Simple English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 25 - 30 USD per hour / 30.00 - 45.00 USD per audio/video minute
English to Indonesian: CONCEPTUALIZING STIGMA General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English In the midst of this growth, the stigma concept has been criticized as being too vaguely defined and individually focused. In response to these criticisms, we define stigma as the co-occurrence of its components–labeling, stereotyping, sep- aration, status loss, and discrimination–and further indicate that for stigmatization to occur, power must be exercised. The stigma concept we construct has implications for understanding several core issues in stigma research, ranging from the definition of the concept to the reasons stigma sometimes represents a very persistent predicament in the lives of persons affected by it. Finally, because there are so many stigmatized circumstances and because stigmatizing processes can affect multiple domains of peo- ple’s lives, stigmatization probably has a dramatic bearing on the distribution of life chances in such areas as earnings, housing, criminal involvement, health, and life itself.
Translation - Indonesian Meskipun meningkat pesat, konsep stigma dikritik karena definisinya masih samar dan fokusnya terlalu individual. Menanggapi kritikan tersebut, kami definisikan stigma sebagai kemunculan komponennya–pelabelan, penstereotipan, pemisahan, hilang status, dan diskriminasi–dan selanjutnya menandaskan bahwa agar stigmatisasi dapat terjadi, kekuasaan harus digunakan. Konsep stigma yang kami susun memiliki implikasi untuk memahami beberapa isu inti dalam penelitian stigma, mulai dari definisi konsep tersebut hingga alasan stigma terkadang merepresentasikan situasi membahayakan dalam hidup orang-orang yang distigmakan itu. Terakhir, karena ada banyak situasi berstigma dan karena proses stigmatisasi dapat mempengaruhi beberapa aspek hidup orang-orang, stigmatisasi mungkin terkait erat dengan sebaran kesempatan hidup dalam hal penghasilan, perumahan, tindak kejahatan, kesehatan, dan hidup itu sendiri.
English to Indonesian: Nonreneweable Energy Resources: Fossil Fuels and Geothermal Energy General field: Science Detailed field: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Source text - English Crude oil or petroleum, is a gooey, dark greenish-brown, foul-smelling liquid; hydrocarbon compounds make up about 90 to 95 percent of its weight, and about 5 percent by weight:Is In the form of oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen compounds.
Typically, deposits of crude oil and natural gas are trapped together deep underground, beneath a dome of sedimentary rock such as sandstone and shale, with the natural gas lying above the crude oil.
Normally the crude oil is dispersed throughout the pores and cracks of the underground sandstone rock formation, much like as sponge filled with water.
If there is enough pressure from water and natural gas under the dome of rock to force some of this crude oil to the surface when the well is driPed, we say that primary recovery occurred. however, what we called gushers, are relatively rare.
Since oil floats on water, water is injected to force out some of the remaining crude oil when the initial pressure of a gusher has been released or when the well has too little pressure for primary recovery.
This is known as secondary recovery.
Typically the combination of primary and secondary recovery removes only about one-third of the crude oil in a well.
This means that two barrels of heavy oil with the consistency of asphalt is left in a typical well for each barrel removed by primary and secondary recovery.
As oil prices rise, it may become economical to remove about 10 percent of the heavy oil remaining in a petroleum deposit by enhanced oil recovery processes such as (1) forcing steam into the well to soften the heavy oil so it can be pumped to the surface, (2) igniting some of the heavy oil to increase the low rate of it, it can be pumped to the surface, and (3) injecting a chemical such as carbon dioxide or alcohol into the well to dissolve the oil, pumping the mixture to the surface, and extracting the heavy oil.
However, these processes are expensive and take energy equivalent to that in one barrel of .oil to pump each three barrels to the surface, thus reducing net useful energy yield.
Additional energy is needed to increase the flow rate and remove impurities such as sulfur and nitrogen before the heavy oil can be sent via pipeline to an oil refinery.
Recoverable heavy oil from known U.S. crude oil reserves could supply U.S. oil needs, for only about 7 years at 1984 usage rates.
Translation - Indonesian Minyak mentah atau minyak bumi adalah cairan kental dan lengket, berwarna coklat kehijauan, dan berbau tajam; senyawa hidrokarbon menempati sekitar 90 hingga 95 persen dari bobot minyak bumi, dan sekitar 5 persen ditempati oksigen, belerang, dan senyawa nitrogen.
Biasanya, cadangan minyak mentah dan gas alam terjebak bersama jauh di bawah permukaan bumi, di bawah kubah batuan sedimen, misalnya pasir batu (sirtu) dan serpihan, dengan gas alam berada di atas minyak mentah.
Biasanya minyak mentah tersebar di sepanjang pori dan rekahan formasi batuan sirtu bawah tanah, mirip spons yang terisi air.
Jika ada cukup tekanan dari air dan gas alam di bawah kubah batuan untuk memaksa sebagian minyak mentah tersebut ke permukaan saat sumur minyak dibor, berarti terjadi recovery primer. Namun sumur minyak yang disebut gusher relatif jarang.
Karena minyak mengambang di atas air, air diinjeksikan untuk mendorong sisa minyak mentah setelah tekanan awal gusher dilepas, atau saat sumur minyak memiliki tekanan terlalu kecil untuk recovery primer.
Ini dikenal sebagai recovery sekunder.
Biasanya kombinasi recovery primer dan sekunder mendorong hanya sekitar sepertiga minyak mentah dalam satu sumur.
Ini artinya masih tersisa dua barel minyak berat dengan konsistensi aspal di dalam satu sumur biasa untuk tiap barel yang didorong dengan recovery primer dan sekunder.
Saat harga minyak melonjak, rasanya sangat ekonomis kalau mendorong sekitar 10 persen minyak berat yang tersisa dalam cadangan minyak bumi dengan peningkatan proses recovery minyak, misalnya (1) menginjeksikan uap ke dalam sumur untuk melunakkan minyak berat agar dapat dipompa ke permukaan, (2) menyulut sebagian minyak berat untuk meningkatkan laju aliran minyak di sekitarnya agar dapat dipompa ke permukaan, dan (3) menginjeksikan bahan kimia seperti karbon dioksida atau alkohol ke dalam sumur untuk melarutkan minyak, sehingga memompa campuran ke permukaan dan mengekstraksi minyak berat.
Namun, proses tersebut mahal dan membutuhkan energi yang setara dengan satu barel minyak untuk memompa tiga barel ke permukaan, sehingga mengurangi hasil bersih energi yang berguna.
Energi tambahan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan laju aliran dan membuang kotoran seperti belerang dan nitrogen sebelum minyak berat dapat dikirim melalui jalur pipa ke kilang minyak.
Minyak berat yang dapat direcovery dari cadangan minyak mentah A.S. yang diketahui dapat memasok kebutuhan minyak A.S. hanya selama sekitar 7 tahun berdasarkan laju penggunaan tahun 1984.
English to Indonesian: Healthy eating for infants and young children General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English During this period, babies go through a developmental transition from a milk-only diet to an adult diet with varieties.
They also transition from dependent feeding to using a cup and a spoon to eat by themselves.
Parents should start feeding babies solid foods at around 6 months.
Nutritious baby foods can be home prepared from the food basket of the family, including grains and cereals, vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish, meats and bean.
It is essential to ensure iron intake by providing the baby meat, fish, egg yolk, liver, and dark green leafy vegetables.
Parents should offer foods of different tastes, textures and colours.
It helps children learning about the foods, enjoying eating and fosters good eating habits.
In the early transitional phase, breastmilk or infant formula still provides most of the nutrients.
As the babies eat more, in terms of variety and amount of solid foods, they need less milk.
After the first birthday, the typical diet with a variety of nutritious foods should provide the nutrients children needed.
The diet can be family meals with little adaptation.
Milk is no longer the main food although it remains to be part of a healthy diet.
Mothers are recommended to continue breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond to provide their children antibodies and nutrients.
Translation - Indonesian Selama periode ini, bayi melewati transisi perkembangan dari hanya minum ASI menjadi makan beragam makanan seperti orang dewasa.
Bayi juga mengalami transisi dari kebiasaan makan yang bergantung menjadi makan dengan cangkir dan sendok secara mandiri.
Orang tua harus mulai memberi makan bayi mereka berupa makanan padat di usia sekitar 6 bulan.
Makanan bayi yang bergizi dapat dibuat di rumah dari dapur keluarga, termasuk biji-bijian dan sereal, sayuran, buah-buahan, telur, ikan, daging, dan kacang-kacangan.
Penting untuk memastikan asupan zat besi dengan memberi makan bayi daging, ikan, kuning telur, hati, dan sayuran berdaun hijau gelap.
Orang tua harus menawarkan makanan dengan beragam rasa, tekstur, dan warna.
Itu membantu anak-anak belajar tentang makanan, sambil menikmati makanannya dan mendorong kebiasaan makan yang baik.
Di fase transisi awal, ASI atau sufor masih menyediakan sebagian besar nutrisi.
Saat bayi makin banyak makan, dalam hal keragaman dan jumlah makanan padat, mereka tidak begitu butuh susu.
Setelah usia setahun, sajian makan berupa makanan bergizi yang beragam seharusnya memberi anak-anak gizi yang diperlukan.
Sajian makan dapat berasal dari sajian keluarga dengan sedikit adaptasi.
Susu bukan lagi makanan utama, meskipun tetap jadi bagian makanan yang sehat.
Ibu dianjurkan terus memberi ASI hingga 2 tahun ke atas untuk memberi anak mereka antibodi dan nutrisi.
If you are looking for English to Indonesian translator, I'm one of them. However, I'm the only who will make myself available since any other colleagues have been terribly busy.
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Translated Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women of UNITED NATIONS
Translated economic-themed book titled The Complete Idiot's Guide to Economics;
Translated education-themed book titled Instructional Technology and Media for Learning;
Translated education-themed book titled Classroom Management for Elementary Teacher;
Translated learning-themed book titled Learning Theories-An Educational Perspective (Last Two Chapters);
Translated child development-themed book titled Observing Development of the Young Child;
Translated child development-themed book titled Endless opportunities for Infant and Toddler Curriculum.
Translated Global Heinz Academy: Navigating the Transition
Translated Global Heinz Academy: Navigating the Transition (Facilitator Guide)
Translated Global Heinz Academy: Navigating the Transition (Participant’s Guide)
Translated RED SHEET Negotiation Tool: Top 10 Tactics for REDucing Opposition’s Control
Translated RED SHEET Negotiation Tool: Negotiation Case study: CRG Holdings
Translated RED SHEET Negotiation Tool: Negotiation Case study: Goldana Media & TV
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