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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Russian to English, English to Russian, English to Ukrainian, and 6 more.
Specializes in
Accounting, Law: Contract(s), General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, and 7 more.
Native in
Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian

7 positive reviews

(7 reviews) profile photo
Leigh Mosley (freelance translator based in Knoxville, Tennessee)
Apr 23, 2018
pinned feedback
I'm worked with many non-native speakers of English, and Yuri Larin is by far the best. He has an extraordinary mastery of smooth, educated, idiomatic English.
...View reply profile photo
Yuri Larin (this provider)

Thank you, Leigh! profile photo
Valeriy Koblitsky, Project Manager (HotFridges Inc. (Canada))
Apr 21, 2018
I have had many years' experience working with Yuri Larin and and would highly recommend him as a super competent language professional. In plain words, if you want translation done well, Yuri is the person to rely on. It will be quality from the first attempt, saving a lot of time for you and your team. Valeriy Koblitsky, IT Project Manager profile photo
Nataliia Zhygaltsova (Ukraine Horticulture Business Development Project )
Apr 11, 2018
Starting from 2008, Yuri has been our main translator for high-profile projects being delivered by Mennonite Economic Development Associates and funded by Global Affairs Canada in Ukraine. He’s an excellent professional with an amazing skill set. His translations are always accurate, appropriate, delivered on time and sensitive to the profile of target audiences (ours are those based in Canada and the USA). profile photo
Vladimir Turovsky (Chief Representative Officer for C.I.S. at Roemhel)
Apr 07, 2018
It's been nearly fifteen years since we first started collaborating with Yuri Larin as our trusted provider of Russian/Ukrainian-English translations. He consistently produces superior quality work, delivers projects on time and within budget. His quality, competence, and performance standards never cease to impress me. An excellent translator! Vladimir Turovsky, Chief Representative Officer for C.I.S. at Roemheld (Germany)

Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Aug 24, 2018
Wordminds Blue Board Wordminds Translations Ltd
Avg. LWA : 4.9 (30 entries)
Willing to work with again: Yes

Apr 23, 2018
Leigh Mosley

Willing to work with again: Yes profile photo
Joseph Gathman, Assistant Professor of Biology (University of Wisconsin, River Falls)
Aug 09, 2018
Yuri has an outstanding command of formal (including technical) and colloquial English. Best of all Ukrainians I have known, because he is a true student of the language, both British and American variants.

Managed Services feedback
(This section shows feedback received after completing jobs via Managed Services)

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