What settings in MemoQ do I need to change to avoid time lag when moving to a new segment?
Thread poster: Fredrik Pettersson
Fredrik Pettersson
Fredrik Pettersson  Identity Verified
Hong Kong
Local time: 13:44
Member (2009)
English to Swedish
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Feb 9

What settings in MemoQ do I need to change to avoid time lag when moving to a new segment?

In Settings, I have unchecked Check spelling as you type, Check grammar as you type and Check grammar with spelling.
But I still get a time lag on about 1 second when moving to a new segment.

Are there any other settings I can change, such as Perform LSC lookup, to avoid this time lag?

I have filtered out segments with a lot of repetitive elements in them and w
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What settings in MemoQ do I need to change to avoid time lag when moving to a new segment?

In Settings, I have unchecked Check spelling as you type, Check grammar as you type and Check grammar with spelling.
But I still get a time lag on about 1 second when moving to a new segment.

Are there any other settings I can change, such as Perform LSC lookup, to avoid this time lag?

I have filtered out segments with a lot of repetitive elements in them and want to quickly commit these to the TM, but the time lag on 1 second is a bit annoying.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:44
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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On a client's memoQ Server? Feb 9

When working on client's servers (and not a local project), that causes the lag is the time required in a client's memoQ Server that is slow or distant. The lag gets more noticeable in views and in large files.

Unless there is another person working right after you on the same file (for instance, you and a reviewer working with just a short distance), you can:

- Avoid using views and translate individual files (or make smaller views)

- Change the synchroniz
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When working on client's servers (and not a local project), that causes the lag is the time required in a client's memoQ Server that is slow or distant. The lag gets more noticeable in views and in large files.

Unless there is another person working right after you on the same file (for instance, you and a reviewer working with just a short distance), you can:

- Avoid using views and translate individual files (or make smaller views)

- Change the synchronization setting to Manual, i.e. the files get synchronised with the server only when you call for it or when you close/reopen the project. To change this to Manual, go to the Documents tab > Synchronization behavior > Manual Synchronization.

I hope this helps!

Fredrik Pettersson
Fredrik Pettersson  Identity Verified
Hong Kong
Local time: 13:44
Member (2009)
English to Swedish
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It's my own, local MemoQ project Feb 9

Normally, I work on online MemoQ projects from my own installation of MemoQ. But in this case the time lag is caused locally as my project is my own, local MemoQ project.

So it must be something else that causes this time lag.

Felix Sherrington-Kendall
Felix Sherrington-Kendall  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:44
German to English
Lookup delay Feb 9

Not sure to what extent this will directly affect the perceived speed, but in case you haven't already tweaked it, you could try reducing the "Lookup results delay" from the "Translation results settings". Either double-click on the eye symbol in the top-left of the translation results window, or open up the main program Options → Miscellaneous → Lookup results, and change the setting labelled "Delay before showing translation results".

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Fredrik Pettersson
Fredrik Pettersson  Identity Verified
Hong Kong
Local time: 13:44
Member (2009)
English to Swedish
+ ...
It didn't help to reduce the value for Delay before showing translation results Feb 9

Thanks for the suggestion Felix, I didn't know about this setting. But it made no difference to reduce the value from the standard value of 500 (of total 1000) to only 50 - it is the same time lag as before.

But why have a setting like this? Why would anyone want to have a delay before the translation results are displayed?


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What settings in MemoQ do I need to change to avoid time lag when moving to a new segment?

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