Powwow: Wien - Austria

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Nathalie Kourimsky
Nathalie Kourimsky  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Treffpunkt Sep 27, 2010

Ich freue mich, dass sich schon einige Personen zu diesem Powwow angemeldet haben!
Als Treffpunkt würde ich den Cafe Stein vorschlagen. Es gibt einen abgetrennten Raum, wo wir uns treffen könnten und es ist sehr zentral.
Hat jemand einen anderen Vorschlag?

David Wright
David Wright  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:08
German to English
+ ...
sounds fine to me Sep 27, 2010

I think I even know where it is!

christenino  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:08
English to German
+ ...
Cafe Stein Sep 27, 2010

wär fein. Aber wann ?

Nathalie Kourimsky
Nathalie Kourimsky  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Cafe Stein ab 19 Uhr Sep 28, 2010

Ich freue mich auf neue Bekanntschaften!

Markus Hoedl
Markus Hoedl  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:08
English to German
+ ...
Café Stein... Sep 30, 2010

... ist das das hinter der Uni?


Nathalie Kourimsky
Nathalie Kourimsky  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Cafe Stein ... Sep 30, 2010

ist am Schottentor, auf der Währinger Strasse.
Es ist nicht das Cafe Einstein! (das ist hinter der Uni)

Markus Hoedl
Markus Hoedl  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:08
English to German
+ ...
@ Nathalie: Oct 1, 2010

Danke für die Info - ist aber auch dumm, dass die da zwei Cafés mit ähnlichem Namen nebeneinander bauen dürfen... ,-)

Dann bis in zwei Wochen!

Éva Vajda
Éva Vajda  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:08
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Question Oct 2, 2010

@ Nathalie and all the participants

Me and my partner (we are both En-Hu translators) will be travelling to Wien at the time of the powwow and would be very interested in participating. My question to you all is: Will the powwow be held in German or is there a possibility to communicate in English as well? We both understand some German, but are not fluent enough to confidently take on the whole powwow in German. So, I thought I'd ask you before committing to the trip/powwow.
... See more
@ Nathalie and all the participants

Me and my partner (we are both En-Hu translators) will be travelling to Wien at the time of the powwow and would be very interested in participating. My question to you all is: Will the powwow be held in German or is there a possibility to communicate in English as well? We both understand some German, but are not fluent enough to confidently take on the whole powwow in German. So, I thought I'd ask you before committing to the trip/powwow.
Thank you very much and hope to meet you all soon!!

Markus Hoedl
Markus Hoedl  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:08
English to German
+ ...
Szia(sztok)/Salut Éva+? Oct 3, 2010

I will be pleased to speak English with you! I have some friends in Hungary (who I met through my ex wife who is also Hungarian) with whom I only speak English since my Hungarian has become toooo rudimentary to lead a conversation...
(csak egy kicsit beszélek...) And David, I guess, will be able to speak with you, too...
Thus, please don't hesitate to join
... See more
I will be pleased to speak English with you! I have some friends in Hungary (who I met through my ex wife who is also Hungarian) with whom I only speak English since my Hungarian has become toooo rudimentary to lead a conversation...
(csak egy kicsit beszélek...) And David, I guess, will be able to speak with you, too...
Thus, please don't hesitate to join us!!

cu l8er,

Éva Vajda
Éva Vajda  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:08
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Szia Markus! Oct 3, 2010

Thank you for the kind words (jól írsz magyarul, kellemes volt látni) .

Hope to make it and meet you all.

David Wright
David Wright  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:08
German to English
+ ...
To Markus Oct 3, 2010

David lives in the mostviertel and believe me if you can't speak german there, you're in for a tough time. But nice of you to think of me! CU all hopefully next week. És egy kicsit magyarul konn' i a, (ex frauen mit ungarischen background scheinen voraussetzung für den beruf als übersetzer.


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Powwow: Wien - Austria

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