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Donating browniz - anyone interested?
Thread poster: Russell Gillis
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
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We discussed it in November too... Oct 4, 2006

This topic was also discussed last November.

Henry has made his comments here, so unless he has changed his mind, there are probably no great chances for setting up a pool.

I have also tried unsuccessfully to donate browniz to individuals, and I am a little inclined to use them to reduce my own subscription, then send the
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This topic was also discussed last November.

Henry has made his comments here, so unless he has changed his mind, there are probably no great chances for setting up a pool.

I have also tried unsuccessfully to donate browniz to individuals, and I am a little inclined to use them to reduce my own subscription, then send the money I save to someone I know will use it well independently of

There is actually a world beyond this community, though I've been too busy to take much notice of it the last couple of weeks

But I do still like the idea of donating Browniz to translators in countries where fees are not so high and it takes longer than in Northern Europe to earn the cost of a subscription.

4000 Browniz anyone?

Joanna Borowska
Joanna Borowska  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:30
English to Polish
More browniz... Oct 10, 2006

I still have 4000 browniz to spare. Anyone interested?

MitsukoD  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:30
+ ...
Browniz to donate Oct 18, 2006

I have my first 4,000 browniz to donate. If there is anyone interested, pls send me an e-mail with your Proz identity, and let's see if it works!

Gina W
Gina W
United States
Local time: 05:30
Member (2003)
French to English
I also have BrowniZ to donate Nov 21, 2006

Just please email me through my profile and I'll be happy to donate them to you. I'm pretty sure, though, that you can only use them to upgrade your membership (correct?). In any case, if someone would like them for this purpose, I have extra BrowniZ to give.

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:30
Member (2003)
German to Dutch
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another 4000 Nov 21, 2006

to share.

Let me know

Valentina Pecchiar
Valentina Pecchiar  Identity Verified
English to Italian
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2x 4000 browniz here as well Nov 21, 2006

First come, first served

Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:30
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In memoriam
Please create a BrowniZ application forum Nov 21, 2006

I have some, but I'm not prepared to toss them into cyberspace. Like with hard earned money, I'd like to give them to a person, who really needs them or to someone for whom I otherwise feel sympathy.
If someone presents worthwhile reasons, I would gladly donate.
As Christine says:
"But I do still like the idea of donating Browniz to translators in countries where fees are not so high and it takes longer than in Northern Europe to earn the cost of a subscription."

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:30
Member (2003)
French to Italian
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I still have 4000 Nov 21, 2006

Please let me know, I will be glade to donate them



Ildiko Santana
Ildiko Santana  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 02:30
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Donating browniz points - anyone interested? Mar 20, 2012

Hello All,

I fully agree with Mats Wiman's suggestion (2006) re. "Please create a BrowniZ application forum" but I still can't seem to find such option.

Mats Wiman wrote:

Please create a BrowniZ application forum

I have some, but I'm not prepared to toss them into cyberspace. Like with hard earned money, I'd like to give them to a person, who really needs them

I was able to find where and how this transaction can be completed,
but only if I know the user name or ID of any particular candidate.
I believe that implementing this feature would not only help out users who are otherwise unable to buy membership but it would also bring more paying members to the site.
If I'm mistaken and there is such feature in place already, please share the link.

In the meantime, interested users please message me here or in private. At the moment I have enough browniz points to help out up to 4 users with their purchase of membership.

Best regards,

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:30
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Is this fair? Mar 21, 2012

Is it fair for someone to have Browniz who didn't actually earn them? Won't that show up on their profile and make it look as if they've answered zillions of Kudoz questions?

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:30
Member (2006)
English to Russian
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Fair? Mar 21, 2012

Oh, do you really think there is something fair in this world?

As for browniz donation, you can get them only once and only use once to pay the first year of your ProZ membership.

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:30
Italian to English
Me too Mar 21, 2012

Mats Wiman wrote:

I have some, but I'm not prepared to toss them into cyberspace. Like with hard earned money, I'd like to give them to a person, who really needs them or to someone for whom I otherwise feel sympathy.
If someone presents worthwhile reasons, I would gladly donate.
As Christine says:
"But I do still like the idea of donating Browniz to translators in countries where fees are not so high and it takes longer than in Northern Europe to earn the cost of a subscription."

I have quite a lot spare to donate, but it must be on the same terms that Mats has outlined.

Lucia Leszinsky
Lucia Leszinsky
Donating browniz points Mar 21, 2012

Hello all,

Please note that browniz points and KudoZ points are two different things. While you earn KudoZ points for answering KudoZ questions and getting your answers selected as the most helpful ones, you earn browniz points by contributing something to the community or the site, such as site translations, introduction of new members, organization or attendance of powwows, etc. Only browniz points can be donated. More information
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Hello all,

Please note that browniz points and KudoZ points are two different things. While you earn KudoZ points for answering KudoZ questions and getting your answers selected as the most helpful ones, you earn browniz points by contributing something to the community or the site, such as site translations, introduction of new members, organization or attendance of powwows, etc. Only browniz points can be donated. More information is available here:

You can donate browniz points to other site users without the need to post an offer to the forum by completing this form: . The member's ID is the last set of numbers in their profile URL. For instance, my profile URL is , so my user ID is 855539. If you have any doubts about a member's ID, you can submit a support request at


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Donating browniz - anyone interested?

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