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SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings
Thread poster: Daniel Grigoras
Sian Cooper
Sian Cooper  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:06
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In memoriam
Thanks for feedback Paul and Emma May 2, 2014

Emma - just wanted to say re item 1 - sorry so busy not read your blog entry yet, but I can only say that when I first started SP1 I spent some time verifying whether I had actually installed it etc, because the Alignment view just was not there. And, I did a single file alignment (therefore with no specifically saved file), and voilà, still not alignment view, and it did not open the UI. I only got it to trigger after saving an alignment file (going through the folder=based option). But I don'... See more
Emma - just wanted to say re item 1 - sorry so busy not read your blog entry yet, but I can only say that when I first started SP1 I spent some time verifying whether I had actually installed it etc, because the Alignment view just was not there. And, I did a single file alignment (therefore with no specifically saved file), and voilà, still not alignment view, and it did not open the UI. I only got it to trigger after saving an alignment file (going through the folder=based option). But I don't have a handy way of being able to go back to previous state and reproduce.

I've sussed the concept of merge via n:n now, although the functionality is still somewhat clunky (despite Paul's helpful addition, although I feel his delightful slip of 'not all three bad' is worth remembering!)

Local time: 07:06
English to Lithuanian
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Terminology recognition bugs in Trados Studio 2014 SP1 May 19, 2014

Recognized terms in SP1 Editor are presented for inserting not in the order they appear in the segment, but in the rather unpredictable order. Also the rate of unrecognized terms is higher than it was in Studio 2014, despite they are in the termbase. Therm that differ by one letter is not recognized, but three letters of 10 letters word are marked as recognized term, sometimes entire word and its parts are marked as recognized terms.

Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member for the following reason: Duplicate of - please post only once.
Peter Mueller
Peter Mueller  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:06
Member (2008)
English to German
QA: Selecting an entry will now show the issue Jul 23, 2014

When I use the Trados 2014 QA, I can click on a finding to go to the faulty segment. Yet, frequently on muliti-line segment the actual issue is hidden:

I need to scroll it down manually, duh, to see the full content of the segment:

This is another one of the very tedious productivity killers in Trados 2014. As a freelance translator I'd hope to see improvements here, as this really adds up in my daily work.

Local time: 06:06
English to Spanish
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Splitting a TU freezes Studio 2014 SP1 Jul 23, 2014

mirekk wrote:

As in the title - when I try to split the TU the whole TRADOS freezes and I need to restart it

Same here with just a simple HTML with Studio 2014 SP1.

I quite used the split function under Studio 2011 and never had this issue. Studio stalling after splitting is quite usual with Studio 2014 with other HTML files…

Tried on another PC with Studio 2014 and same thing.

Did anybody give you an answer/idea?

... Jesús Prieto ...

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:06
Can I see the file? Jul 24, 2014

Hi Jesús,

I'd like to try and repro this problem. Can you share the file you are using and give me some simple instructions so I do what you do?



Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:06
French to English
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Significant verification bug - correcting double spaces and end spaces Aug 21, 2014

I just finished a project that required delivery of sdlxliff files, so that the quality controls usually performed on the final output had to be run on the bilingual files.

I was shocked to discover a major bug of the verifier function:

First of all, the review of double spaces flagged by the Verifier function is e x t r e m e l y s l o w and lacks the basic option to correct all the found instances in one go, so that you can't even make a cup of coffee while the m
... See more
I just finished a project that required delivery of sdlxliff files, so that the quality controls usually performed on the final output had to be run on the bilingual files.

I was shocked to discover a major bug of the verifier function:

First of all, the review of double spaces flagged by the Verifier function is e x t r e m e l y s l o w and lacks the basic option to correct all the found instances in one go, so that you can't even make a cup of coffee while the machine is working. The same function in the exported final document is practically instantaneous (Find and Replace two spaces by one space, Replace All). Interestingly, the Find and Replace function of Studio (which is not great, either) is still much better at eliminating the double spaces than this verification function.

The shocking part, however, of this seemingly innocuous function is that it also eliminates tags in-between spaces, so that the effect of running this function without being aware of this particular behavior may be even more wasted time in re-inserting these tags manually.

Basically, I am posting this for information purposes, as I don't consider using this function again in the future.

Another disadvantage of Trados Studio in general (as I mentioned on a previous occasion, but it's worth repeating) is the non-customizable, non-adjustable and generally useless column separating the source and the target columns, which makes the side-by-side view, uncomfortable and unergonomic to begin with, even more so.

Thank you,

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:06
English to Italian
yes... Aug 22, 2014

I get the last 3 bugs mentioned too...

Jens Lindén
Jens Lindén  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:06
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Undo function in Editor not working (greyed out) Sep 28, 2014

I cannot, for no apparent reason, use the undo function in the project I'm currently working on. It's disabled (greyed out) in the left upper corner. Redo works though. Never happened before.

Alena Tomesova
Alena Tomesova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:06
Member (2013)
English to Czech
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Font issues May 25, 2015

Dear all,

is there any way to "abstract" from fonts in Studio 2014? To have the same font in the editor regardless of the font of the original file?

This is a problem that traces back to Freelance 7, TagEditor, it was less frequent in 2011 but now in 2014 it is a nightmare and it has been such a productivity killer.

The problem is that Trados sometimes randomly changes fonts in the target segment. I have read the discussions here about this, there might
... See more
Dear all,

is there any way to "abstract" from fonts in Studio 2014? To have the same font in the editor regardless of the font of the original file?

This is a problem that traces back to Freelance 7, TagEditor, it was less frequent in 2011 but now in 2014 it is a nightmare and it has been such a productivity killer.

The problem is that Trados sometimes randomly changes fonts in the target segment. I have read the discussions here about this, there might be a bunch of reasons but my point is: why should the translator be bothered with fonts at all? (Except those rare cases when two or more fonts appear in one segment.)

Well, actually it wouldn’t be a problem if this didn’t change the target file but sadly it does. For example, I had a paragraph of about 10 sentences, all of them the same formatting, there were even no bold or similarly highlighted words. In the editor, the font was absolutely random for some of them and after export to the final document, these sentences were in different fonts and even sizes! It was a simple Word document and the formatting of the entire paragraph was the same, I checked this.

Of course, there is a workaround, you can copy the source text to the target segment and rewrite it, then the font is kept.. but to be honest I am getting tired of workarounds in Studio, it’s all extra clicking, extra inserting, extra formatting.

Even worse, there are other cases when Studio changes the font randomly and then there is no workaround: very often after Shift+Enter and sometimes even after a comma without any reason.
Trados then switches to this random font and there is no way to make Trados use the font of the source segment. Copy+paste of formatting (such as in Word, Ctrl+Shift+C/V) is not an option. (And we have been told we don’t need these features... well, we do.)

I have watched the video "Trying to Understand Tags and Formatting in Studio 2014"
and it has only confirmed what I have been fearing for years.

In my humble opinion, SDL got this utterly wrong.

I would say that the basic algorithm would be:

1. Strip the text off as much formatting as possible. This means that if something applies to the WHOLE segment, it is irrelevant for me during translation. This is exactly the case of fonts. I don’t care whether the original text is Calibri or Arial. I don’t care whether the text is size 8 or 12. I want to concentrate on the text.

2. Translate, taking into account formatting changes INSIDE the segment. Bold, italics, superscript, colour, etc. We have to deal with these. But these must be as simple to use as possible! Ideally Ctrl+key to apply them, Ctrl+key to remove them as it works everywhere else.

3. Generate the target file, applying the “external” (for the whole segment) settings and the “global” settings (page layout).

The tag scheme would then might look e.g. like this (I am using round brackets to avoid clashes with the forum's setting):

(whatever font) (b)....(/b)...........(i).....(/i)............(/whatever font)

“Whatever font” is actually irrelevant for me because it applies to the whole segment. So I can only concentrate on bold and italics.

Instead, Studio in the video did this:

(Whatever font + b)........(/ end of tag), which effectively means the end of "whatever font" too, not only end of b

.....and now I have lost "whatever font" and have to waste my time adding "whatever tag" to the rest of the segment manually. This starts in the video at around 5:10. Sincerely, what Paul is doing there is a nightmare (as everyone who has tried to recreate the original formatting knows). Clearing all formatting and adding the tags manually? Really? (If I ever manage to find the “hidden” one.) And the worst thing is that it would be absolutely unnecessary if Studio was smarter in handling tags.

So my question is: is this the basic setup that cannot be changed or can I do anything about it?

Alena Tomesova
Alena Tomesova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:06
Member (2013)
English to Czech
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An example that it can work May 25, 2015

I did a small experiment this afternoon. I created a file similar to Paul’s one in the video. I want to show that if the CAT tool developers get the algorithm right, the result is much better.

I tried this with MemSource, I was positive I would get the expected behaviour. Yes I did! The tool is an absolute opposite of Studio. Simple and 100% functional, from the very beginning.

See? I only concentrate on what is INSIDE the segment.

... See more
I did a small experiment this afternoon. I created a file similar to Paul’s one in the video. I want to show that if the CAT tool developers get the algorithm right, the result is much better.

I tried this with MemSource, I was positive I would get the expected behaviour. Yes I did! The tool is an absolute opposite of Studio. Simple and 100% functional, from the very beginning.

See? I only concentrate on what is INSIDE the segment.

Sentences 2–5 are then 100% matches. So I got the other 4 sentences translated with one hit of Ctrl+Enter.

And now Trados. I think you can already see the difference. How are we supposed to concentrate on the text if we see this?! So distracting.

What’s worse, problems in propagation. 100% matches? No way. Just painful attempts to restore the original formatting. When I start typing, I get this “core” font, so I have to do the workaround with copying source to target, typing over... Then, following Paul’s manual, I would actually need doubled TM entries because the first segment is treated as different (although it needn’t be if you have a look at MemSource).

And what’s worst, if I attempt apply do the formatting on the go (which is the most efficient approach, much faster than highlighting and formatting after having written the whole segment), I am lost when I try to remove (in this case) italics.

Earlier in this forum, there was a request for the option to remove individual formatting options by shortcuts.. the reply was we did not need these functions.. Really? Since I didn't have the option of removing italics only, I had to remove all formatting... and now I get the old "core" font again and can't do anything about it.

Most CAT tools I work with do have this functionality. Want to apply bold, press Ctrl+B, want to remove bold, press Ctrl+B again. SDL, PLEASE, would it be possible to just implement this instead of telling us we don't need it? That would be really appreciated.

(Without irony. I am not attacking SDL or its representatives, please don’t misunderstand me, I think all of them have been really helpful around here. I just can’t get rid of the impression that we are too often only offered workarounds or complicated solutions. If SDL doesn’t listen to users’ needs and doesn’t give them the simplest features to increase their productivity, they will go away. I am myself half way gone.)


[Edited at 2015-05-25 20:10 GMT]

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:06
I think you may be missing the point... May 25, 2015

... a little. You can turn off the formating in Studio so you work with plain text. But the formatting tags will always need to be handled whether you see them or not and Studio provides a consistent way to do it whether it's just bold and italic or anything else. Please try the file I placed here for fun.
... See more
... a little. You can turn off the formating in Studio so you work with plain text. But the formatting tags will always need to be handled whether you see them or not and Studio provides a consistent way to do it whether it's just bold and italic or anything else. Please try the file I placed here for fun.

In Studio it can be represented a couple of ways... such as these for example:


Wysiwyg single size

Plain text with the tags

Pretty horrible... but this is just an extension of what you showed. The overall fonts in each segment are moved structurally and you don't have to deal with them at all. But you still have to handle the internal tags. How does this look in your alternatives and how do you handle the tags?

I also translated the first one and confirmed it... all the rest are 100% because the overriding fonts are structural and not necessary:


SDL Community Support

[Edited at 2015-05-25 20:59 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-05-25 21:01 GMT]

Alena Tomesova
Alena Tomesova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:06
Member (2013)
English to Czech
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this is what I get May 26, 2015

Hi Paul,

Thank you for your answer. My editor looks like this:

[Edited at 2015-05-26 16:32 GMT]

Alena Tomesova
Alena Tomesova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:06
Member (2013)
English to Czech
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Some more clarification May 26, 2015

Sorry, I had to edit my post, I overlooked part of your reply between the pictures.

I couldn't get the file you link to, so I am only showing the original one.

"The overall fonts in each segment are moved structurally and you don't have to deal with them at all."

This is exactly what I am after. Because as you can see in the image, I do have to deal with them.

What I am saying is that the logic I would expect is... See more
Sorry, I had to edit my post, I overlooked part of your reply between the pictures.

I couldn't get the file you link to, so I am only showing the original one.

"The overall fonts in each segment are moved structurally and you don't have to deal with them at all."

This is exactly what I am after. Because as you can see in the image, I do have to deal with them.

What I am saying is that the logic I would expect is


But I get:

Arial........Arial + bold...../Arial +/bold........Arial + italics...... /Arial + /italics........../Arial

So where do I switch to "No. 1" logic?

And question No. 2: what didn't it propagate as 100% segments in your video then if the overriding fonts are not necessary? Because what you were doing is adding these overriding fonts to translation.

[Edited at 2015-05-26 16:28 GMT]

Alena Tomesova
Alena Tomesova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:06
Member (2013)
English to Czech
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And now I can't get rid of the tags. May 26, 2015

Now that I switched to the tag mode to show the tags I can't go back to WYSIWYG...

I would naïvely suppose that if I "turn on" something, I "turn it off" in the same place.
I had clicked one of the tag options in View - Options, so I must also get rid of that there. Nope.
If I click "Toggles display of formatting tags" in the same place, nothing changes. Ctrl + Shift + H doesn't work. I restarted Studio. Tags still there.

I checked the editor settings. I
... See more
Now that I switched to the tag mode to show the tags I can't go back to WYSIWYG...

I would naïvely suppose that if I "turn on" something, I "turn it off" in the same place.
I had clicked one of the tag options in View - Options, so I must also get rid of that there. Nope.
If I click "Toggles display of formatting tags" in the same place, nothing changes. Ctrl + Shift + H doesn't work. I restarted Studio. Tags still there.

I checked the editor settings. I set "Show formatting but hide recognized formatting tags" and save.
I try the WYSIWYG button again.
When I to the editor settings again, I see that "Show all formatting and tags" had been forced instead.

I checked in another file. It is the same.

I have spent almost an hour trying to work this out and reading on my options on various blogs and manuals. I give up.

Anyone knows how to get rid of tags, please?


UPDATE: I gave it the last try. I checked a file in another project. Tags are gone and Ctrl + Shift + H works. It doesn't in the original project. So now I have a 400-page project where I can't get rid of the tags. Excellent.

(And by the way, in the project where the toggle works I get the source segment in the TM as WIYWYG and the target one with tags. Interesting behaviour...)

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SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings

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