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Search results: (63 matches)
Off topic Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 Sorry, Tom [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Sundar
Gopalakrishnan wrote: Who is your choice for
the Nobel Prize in Literature 2020?
[/quote] The Nobel Prize FOR Literature ?
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Oct 5, 2020
Off topic Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 Who is your choice for the Nobel Prize in
Literature 2020?
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Oct 5, 2020
Translator resources Does anyone still use paper dictionaries? I love paper dictionaries! I love lexicography. I am a lexicographer also. So
naturally I love paper dictionaries. I will never
ever throw them away. Online dictionaries are
highly useful. Still I like and use paper
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jan 5, 2019
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever found errors in a translation after delivering it? Me too [quote]Muriel Vasconcellos wrote: I try not to
look! I'd rather not know, but I have found a few
over my career. Mostly typos. [/quote]
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Dec 25, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you usually buy new dictionaries or reference material? All The Time! I buy new dictionaries and/or reference materials
all the time.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Dec 19, 2017
Being independent Role models My Role Model... My role model is A.K.Ramanujan. He was an Indian
poet and scholar of Indian literature. He wrote in
both English and Kannada. Ramanujan was a poet,
scholar, a philologist, folklorist, tran
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Dec 15, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you prefer to spend more, or less, time translating than you currently do? Not happy! I am not happy. I have to spend more and more time
translating. Because there are no good
dictionaries available for my pair "English -
Tamil" in the market. The dictionary "Aankilam -
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Dec 9, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Should a freelancer observe their local holidays? I too agree... [quote]Muriel Vasconcellos wrote: being
free to decide how to use one's time. The
freelancer decides; not the client, not the banks,
not the local government. [/quote]
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Dec 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you done a translation of a language you can't speak with an automatic translator? Yeah! For personal use I use Google Translate. Sundar Gopalakrishnan Nov 30, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Worst phobia afflicting language professionals? Proofreading Phobia! Proofreading phobia! TestTranslationphobia! Sundar Gopalakrishnan Nov 29, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have some skills that "go to waste" as a freelance translator/interpreter? Yeah! Not one or two... Many... if not most of them or all of them!!! Teaching Skills, Writing Skills, Researching
Skills, Research Guiding or/and Research Leading
Skills, Leadership Skills, Speaking Skills,
Communicating Skills, Debating Skills,
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Nov 28, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: When did you register at Between 2007 and 2009 I had to look it up. Specifically November 2007.
Time flies!!!
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jun 9, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you type as fast in your source language as in your target language? Yes! I can type quite fast in English and Tamil. I have
passed higher grade exams in English typing as
well as Tamil typing. Got first class in both the
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jun 7, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What inspired you to become a translator/interpreter? Other [quote]Julian Holmes wrote: Chance and fate
[/quote] I love languages. I love dealing with
people. Translation Studies is one of the subjects
in my university studies (MA Linguistics
Sundar Gopalakrishnan May 30, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How did you mainly learn your source language(s)? Reading/Self Taught Even though I studied English from Third Standard
to Under Graduate course II year, the teaching at
the High School level was not good. My high school
teachers taught us English literature
Sundar Gopalakrishnan May 27, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think your name influences clients in choosing your services? Yeah! Fortunately to my advantage!!! My name "Sundar" is a proper name as well as a
common word (noun, adjective, adverb). It is a
Sanskrit word. This word is a very common word not
only in Sanskrit, but also in modern Indo-A
Sundar Gopalakrishnan May 26, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: I am a translator based in... Oceania! [quote]Jenny Forbes wrote: Australia and New
Zealand - don't they count? [/quote] Australia
and New Zealand do count. They come under
Sundar Gopalakrishnan May 18, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: I am a translator based in... I'm based in Asia! I am based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu state, India.
Chennai is a metropolitan and cosmopolitan city.
Tha capital of Tamil Nadu state. One of the four
important metros in India (Other metros: N
Sundar Gopalakrishnan May 18, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you good at other subjects, besides languages? Yes! I am good at Photography, English literature,
Tamil literature, World Music, Cinema, Theatre,
Linguistics, American Literature, Sanskrit
Literature, Folkloristics, Lexicography,
Sundar Gopalakrishnan May 16, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which social network is making a professional impact for you?! Thanks to Henry, Enrique, Drew, Jason, Jared,
Maria Florencia, Romina, Lucia, Patrick, Matt,
Helen, Yana, Alejandro, Maria, Karen, Maria and
Paula (The team)!!!
Sundar Gopalakrishnan May 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have any alternative source(s) of income other than translation? Yeah! I edit and proofread both English and Tamil texts.
I do indexing. I check the accuracy, consistency,
and aptness of translations by others.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 6, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you proud of your profession? I agree... [quote]Michele Fauble wrote: There are too many
"translators" who should be doing something else.
[/quote] For example, take my case. A very
curious case. I must be and should be tea
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 30, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you proud of your profession? Definitely! Yeah! I love translations and translating.
Translating gives me immense pleasure. Not only
that, it challenges me. I am willing to take risks
and challenges. I can't think of a life withou
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 29, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Where do you usually work? All the options except Other! Actually I like all the options listed here. Even
then, I prefer working in my home. Because I have
everything in my home. Personal Computer, In
addition to dictionaries, encyclopedias, I
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 28, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: …is a translator’s best friend. Preferably a female colleague! Just six options! Very bad. The pollster could
have added "Other" atleast. Coffee or Tea or
Sukku Coffee. Music. Thamizh Isai, Carnatic,
Hindustaini, Folk Music, Western Classical,
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 27, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: When you are working on a project what distracts you the most? Background noise. . . Background noise distracts and irritates me a lot.
When I work, I don't browse the internet. I don't
have pets. 6.3 % answerers say "I'm never
distracted." Could they please explain how th
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Apr 19, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Is there a frustrated writer inside of every translator? I wanted to be a writer! I have always wanted to be a writer but ended up a
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Dec 27, 2009
KudoZ Voters for removal of useless reclassification as PRO / non-PRO. Me too! Please remove both 'PRO/non-PRO' and 'not for
points' options. They are not necessary.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 17, 2009
Hindi Happy New Year! Happy New Year 2009!!! Dear Lalit, I wish you a Happy and Prosperous
New Year! Best wishes, G.

[Edited at 2009-01-02 11:51 GMT]
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jan 2, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: In how many projects are you involved right now? None! Temporary Unemployment!!! Sundar Gopalakrishnan Dec 12, 2008
Off topic When they pay late again... Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes. This is my favourite! Sundar Gopalakrishnan Oct 23, 2008
Off topic India's first lunar mission blasts off Sanskrit is not the mother of all Indian languages! [quote]ostom wrote: In all other Indian
languages the words means the same thing showing
that Sanskrit is mother of all Indian
languages. [/quote] Absolutely nonsense and
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Oct 23, 2008
Literature / Poetry 2008 Nobel of Literature is announced tomorrow Better late than never! In my humble opinion, Mario Vargas Llosa deserves
Nobel Literature Prize more than others.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Oct 9, 2008
Off topic Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday,! Wish you many more happy returns of the day! Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 26, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you still be a translator without the aid of the Internet & PC? Why do you need PC and Internet? No need for PC and Internet. If you have pen and
paper, you could become a translator.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 25, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever translated a novel/book? Just two! So far I've translated just two books and one
magazine only. One book is an introduction to
archeology and the other is a memoir by a sports
icon (which is still pending publication).
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 23, 2008
Off topic What is your favorite book ever? One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and . .
. Pudumaippithan Kathaikal (Complete collection
of short stories by Pudumaippithan) (Tamil)
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 21, 2008
Tamil Classical Tamil Romanization First Volume [quote]Hannah Gunasingh wrote: Thanks to you
both for taking the time to reply! I was wondering
if I have to order the "Tamil Lexicon" (Madras
University) but there seem to be 6 volumes
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 19, 2008
Tamil Classical Tamil Romanization Yes Yes, there are set standards for classical Tamil
romanization. Generally, Tamil scholars and
students follow the Transliteration Table given in
Tamil Lexicon (p. lxviii, University of Madr
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 18, 2008
Being independent Would you work with this client? 419? What does it mean? Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 17, 2008
Off topic Did you watch the opening ceremony? No! I didn't watch the opening ceremony. I am fed up
with watching opening and closing ceremonies. But
certainly I will watch some of the sports events
(e.g. football, tennis, gymnastics, etc.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Aug 8, 2008
Off topic Kundera quote Wonderful Writer! [quote]Pompeo Lattanzi wrote: I don't really
like Kundera. . . [/quote] Milan Kundera is a
wonderful writer. Even though I have read just one
short story by him (the story about the
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 26, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Feedback from first-time clients I agree with. . . [quote]Amy Duncan wrote: I want to reiterate -
why? I think it just makes the translator look
insecure. I say, send the job off and move on --
to your next job! Amy [/quote] I
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 21, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever accepted different jobs with the same deadline from different clients? It depends! It depends on how much time I have at my disposal.
If I have a lot of time I accept more than one job
with same deadline.

[Edited at 2008-07-11
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 11, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Back translations - I HATE THEM!!! No use! What is the use of back translations? They serve
no purpose at all. A back translation is never
going to match the source text exactly. So it is
better to employ a competent translator ra
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 9, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How far is your workplace from your bed? Same house! My workplace is near the fridge! I can't afford to
rent an office. Should I get someone to share rent
and other expenses I may rent a small office.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jul 3, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp Good quotes on translation A Malayalam writer's quote! "... translation is an act of shifting eggs from
one nest to another. In the process the yolk and
white are separated, and what you have left with
is broken shells." - O.V.Vijayan (O
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jun 26, 2008
General technical issues Anyone else had problems with the 'Directory Ranking' section? Yeah! I too had this problem. I request
site staff to provide an answer.
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jun 24, 2008
Tamil 7th Translation Contest: Submission phase is on! No entries so far! Dear Romina, 7th Proz. com Translation contest
is coming to a close. But there are no entries
from Tamil so far. Why? Is it because only
members are allowed to submit
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jun 17, 2008
Business issues Job posting for just 5 US $ - is it worth it? Great! [quote]RichardDeegan wrote: Sometimes you have
to seriously question the thinking of agencies
that post such jobs. Often it seems that, although
they have nice BB ratings shown, they ha
Sundar Gopalakrishnan Jun 15, 2008

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