Freelance translators » Spanish to German » Other » Page 3

Below is a list of Spanish to German freelance translators specializing in translations in the Other field. You may choose a more specific field to the right.

232 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Native in German Native in German
media, copy-writing, marketing, film, subtitling, over-voicing, journalism, journalismus, periodista, publizistisch, ...
Andrea Funke
Andrea Funke
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, translation, proof-reading, native Italian level, best price, native German, ...
Janine Mahrt
Janine Mahrt
Native in German Native in German
electrical engineering, electronics, communications engineering, mechanical engineering, material science, civil engineering, automotive engineering, control engineering, ship engineering, electromedicine, ...
Maria Klimesch
Maria Klimesch
Native in German (Variants: Austrian, Germany) Native in German
translator, german, english, spanish, hungarian, tourism, economy, übersetzer, fordító, deutsch, ...
Cvijan Tomasevic Sanz
Cvijan Tomasevic Sanz
Native in German , Catalan Native in Catalan
Wirtschaft, Industriekataloge, Alternative Heilmethoden, Tourismus & Gastronomie, economía, filología, turismo y viajes, hostelería, medicina alternativa y complementaria, gastronomía, ...
Margit Loerzer
Margit Loerzer
Native in German (Variants: Germany, Bavarian, Swiss, Swabian, Austrian) , Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
ArrayGenealogy, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, Furniture / Household Appliances, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, ...
translation, traducción, traducciones, Übersetzung, Proofreading, transcripción, transcripciones, transcription, Transkription, typist, ...
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
automobiles, pharmaceutical, tobacco, chemical, industries, journalism, tourist-guides, Portugal, Germany, medicine, ...
Native in French Native in French
AI, artificial, intelligence, artificial intelligence, predictive, machine, machine translation, MTPE, post-editing, SEO, ...
Kleopatra Polyzou
Kleopatra Polyzou
Native in Greek Native in Greek, German Native in German
language professional, translation, translator, Übersetzung, Übersetzer, traducteur, traduction, traducción, traductor, sustainability, ...
Alois Palacios
Alois Palacios
Native in German Native in German, Spanish Native in Spanish
technische Übersetzung, traducción técnica, Tourismus, turismo, español, spanisch, deutsch, alemán, automoción, Automobil, ...
Deborah Christen
Deborah Christen
Native in German Native in German
ArrayGeneral / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, Sports / Fitness / Recreation, Tourism & Travel, Slang, ...
Michael Spohn
Michael Spohn
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
german, translation, hotel, tourism, destination, sports, healthy lifestyle, localization, computer, software, ...
Christiane Weill
Christiane Weill
Native in German (Variants: Germany, Austrian) Native in German
Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, Französisch-Deutsch, vereidigter Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, beglaubigte Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Recht, Gesellschaftsrecht, juristische Texte, Verträge, Urkunden, ...
Christina Stuettgen-Williams
Christina Stuettgen-Williams
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
english, german, italian, translation, transcription, editing, proofreading, proof-reading, localization, coding, ...
Beate Lutzebaeck
Beate Lutzebaeck
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
law, legal, finance, business, commercial, insurance, copywriting, tourism, marketing, advertising, ...
Wolfgang Friesel
Wolfgang Friesel
Native in German Native in German
Lokalisierung, Anleitungen, Computer, Software, Hardware, Benutzeroberflächen, user interface, localization, user guides
Boris Smirnov
Boris Smirnov
Native in Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian, English (Variants: UK, US) Native in English
russian, english, german, spanish, translation, translator, literature, fiction, short story, legal, ...
Estrella Bosch Giménez
Estrella Bosch Giménez
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
Spanish, English, German, French, Translation, Consecutive Interpreting, Simultaneous Interpreting, Proofreading, Sworn Translation, Published work, ...
Native in German , Spanish Native in Spanish
academic, academic papers, academic texts, academic translations, accuracy, accurate, adaptation, ad hoc, ad hoc statement, ad hoc statements, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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