Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

realizar ejecución

English translation:

initiate enforcement proceedings

Added to glossary by muse_muse
Nov 9, 2024 16:42
2 mos ago
25 viewers *
Spanish term

realizar ejecución

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
Hola. Es de un poder de Valencia. En la parte de facultades dice:
El apoderado está autorizado a hacer peticiones al tribunal, presentar pruebas, hacer preguntas a testigos, negar las peticiones de otra parte, a reducir o aumentar el alcance de la demanda, a realizar ejecución, con derecho a concluir el caso en paz.

realizar ejecución- seems too general to me, execute what?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

initiate enforcement proceedings

Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Levey
12 mins
Many thanks Jennifer! ;-)
agree neilmac
10 hrs
Many thanks Neil! ;-)
agree Shaun Richards
10 hrs
Many thanks Shaun! ;-)
agree Yvonne Gallagher
15 hrs
Many thanks Yvonne! ;-)
agree AllegroTrans
5 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
39 mins

enforce decisions/carry out enforcement procedures

It means to make sure the court's decisions are carried out, for example if the defendant doesn't pay.

Note added at 40 mins (2024-11-09 17:22:30 GMT)

Or judgments.
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Thank you!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jennifer Levey : The 'apoderados' cannot, themselves, 'enforce' anything, or 'carry out procedures'.
3 hrs
That's just nitpicking. They may have to employ a lawyer or a bailiff, but it's still them getting the judgment enforced. You might just as well say they can't sue people.
agree Andrew Bramhall
11 hrs
agree Sebastian Witte : carry out enforcement procedures
14 hrs
agree neilmac
14 hrs
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5 hrs

to levy execution


1. ejecución forzosa is 'implied'.

2. levy of execution is an or the obvious answer. whilst levy of distress is a collection process, esp. for unpaid rent in England and Wales.

3. 'execution issues' out of a court, rather than from a litigant

4. Implementing enforcement is, yes, verging on a tautology.

5. It doesn't matter that the apoderado is doing the levying, namely as an agent, 'donee of the Power' (Donor vs. Donee oft-misunderstood on PrioZ in this context), Attorney-in-Fact or at Law and on behalf of the client/principal as a judgment creditor turned *execution creditor*. S/he is allowed, Transatlantically subject to safeguards, to 'Drive their Chevy to the Levee', as in American Pie, going on to land and into buildings to seize goods.

6. PS 'Adrian often quotes on ProZ examples that contradict his own answer'. I am in fact citing the ProZ weblink as an example of scattergun, inaccurate answers: levy: imponer, gravar, recaudar; gravamen
Example sentence:

A levy of execution is when the (US. government9 takes someone's property and sells it to pay off a debt they owe.

IATE: the procedure for levy of execution CdT es el procedimiento de ejecución forzosa

Note from asker:
Thank you!
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : "Levying execution" is but one method of enforcement. Nothing in the ST suggests that this is the intended meaning. Care to comment?
5 days
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