Spanish term
apelación de autos
All help gratefully recieved
3 | appeal of a decision | Lisa Rosengard |
5 | the appeal on record | Georgina Grigioni |
3 | application to stay proceedings | Adrian MM. |
see | liz askew |
la apelación de los autos | Lisa Rosengard |
Proposed translations
appeal of a decision
'There are several types of legal processes which form decisions, while the cases can be of disciplinary or grievance procedures, or decisions on state benefits and appeals.
The Courts and Tribunals Judiciary have an appeals process for those who do not win their case, as there's a normal right of appeal, based purely on the decision reached in the case.'
In the question asked:
'It's been brought to the attention of the Honourable Committee which filed a request for consolidation of the appeal of the order or decision in the ... case.'
Consolidation is the combination of 2 or more actions of law.
application to stay proceedings
Moción para solicitar la consolidación de la ******apelación de autos***** (asterisks assumed not to denote another case number) y el caso de XXXXXX : Motion seeking consolidation (vs. joinder) of the application to stay proceedings and the case of XXX.
The second web ref of a procedural appeal may be on all fours linguistically, but is otherwise a red herring:'an appeal from a master or a judge that does not directly decide the substantive issue in a claim.'
A stay of proceedings is a ruling by the court in civil and criminal procedure that halts further legal process in a trial or other legal proceeding.
Peru: Artículo 376.- Plazo y trámite de la apelación de autos con efecto suspensivo (interlocutory effect). La apelación contra los autos a ser concedida con efecto suspensivo se interpone dentro de los siguientes plazos:..
the appeal on record
Reference comments
la apelación de los autos
Los autos son los actos (las sentencias y las decisiones) del Juez mediante los cuales se resuelve una 'cuestión incidental' por oposición a la 'principal'.
En caso de impugnación o contestación de un deciso (un auto) judicial, según el artículo 358:
Requisitos de procedencia de los medios impugnatorios. El impugnante fundamentará su pedido en el acto procesal en lo que interponen, precisando el agravio y el error o el vicio que lo motiva.'