Nov 11, 2024 03:16
1 mo ago
43 viewers *
Spanish term
en fe lo cual se levanta el presente acto
Spanish to English
Law (general)
Divorcio en Republica Dominicana
Sexto: Reiteran las partes que su Abogada: Juana Fernandez, podra hacerse representar por otro abogado con la facultad de elegirlo libremente, para presentarlo por ante cualquier acto del procedimiento, en fe lo cual se levanta el presente acto.
Proposed translations
3 +2 | IN WITNESS WHEREOF this instrument is drawn up (Dom. Rep.) | Adrian MM. |
Proposed translations
7 hrs
Spanish term (edited):
en fe (de) lo cual se levanta el presente acto
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this instrument is drawn up (Dom. Rep.)
Deed is routinely used ofr a land translation the US. Compare the first discussion entry of deed recorded vs. record *engrossed*.
IN WTINESS WHEREOF - all caps in English legal drafting, despite ProZ glossary rules.
The drafting is misleading in that the first act means a step taken, so 'por ante cualquier acto del procedimiento' would be before any step taken in the prceedings,
This one ought to change to 'la present acta', but see West: acto 1. act 2. ceremony Dom. Rep. document - this ia calque of the French 'acte'. The standard term Spanish term for a docuemnt is 'acta' not 'avvto'.
IN WTINESS WHEREOF - all caps in English legal drafting, despite ProZ glossary rules.
The drafting is misleading in that the first act means a step taken, so 'por ante cualquier acto del procedimiento' would be before any step taken in the prceedings,
This one ought to change to 'la present acta', but see West: acto 1. act 2. ceremony Dom. Rep. document - this ia calque of the French 'acte'. The standard term Spanish term for a docuemnt is 'acta' not 'avvto'.
Example sentence:
AND IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties sign this Agreement with its Annexes, which form an integral part hereof, in two (2) copies
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Charles Davis
8 hrs
Gracias and thanks, Charles.
agree |
: (Dom. Rep.) is totally spurious and capitalisation, aping Blighty yet again, is spurious.
4 days
Gracias and thanks any road, Chris. Obiter, your caps. objection is predictable and the ProZ lower-casing rule is out-of-sync and out-of-keel with Anglo-Saxon, ha, ha! = Anglo-American & Canadian etc. vs. Blighty-only legal drafting practic/se.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Muchas gracias por ayudar. "