Translation glossary: Miscellaneous Glossary: English/French/Greek

Showing entries 2,251-2,300 of 2,581
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son arbitrage fut demandé avec confiancethey asked for and trusted his decision...
French to English
S��Uj��p� _~E��۫�򴺮�Z\e���r�Kf��N�OT�xޔ|T�5O3���.�Q�"-z^�9�v��Z����n��Z�H��!���l4FZ������e����Ku��o���ݹ���!FU�����"��[�\vN����l�4�����[(�� '� �f���"LՁ �i�CD���dv����~&�u�|�;�E�0�+�f.Y���g�3T��|��Q�;��Q�\�E�TG�C-N��Ł�LM}�O%�F��'�cv �t8t苦V_]���P� �tsH��%�n� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
soudé a rayonsspoke welded
French to English
spam enginemoteur de spam / SPAM
English to French
special partnershippartenariat privilégié
English to French   Government / Politics
special partnershippartenariat privilégié
English to French   Government / Politics
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
step upprendre les devants / prendre position
English to French
stratifierπαράγοντας στρωματοποίησης
English to Greek
stratifierπαράγοντας στρωματοποίησης
English to Greek
Streaming nowΜεταδίδεται τώρα
English to Greek
Streaming nowΜεταδίδεται τώρα
English to Greek
strictement personnellestrictly reserved to the user
French to English
Strongly urgingexhortant vivement
English to French   Government / Politics
Strongly urgingexhortant vivement
English to French   Government / Politics
stun gunsfusils assommoirs
English to French
English to French
success failure reportrapport de réussite / échec
English to French
Support du SIIT system support / IS support
French to English
sur manchettein the headlines
French to English
Surjet passé.lock-stitch suture
French to English
Surjet passé.lock-stitch suture
French to English
susceptible refugia[διατήρηση] ευαίσθητων καταφυγίων ή refugia 
English to Greek
swept by the wavesBalayé par les vagues
English to French
swing shaftbras oscillant
English to French
système de margemarginal system
French to English
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
tant activement que passivementboth actively and passively
French to English
tant activement que passivementboth actively and passively
French to English
taux d’actualisation differentiée / TADDifferentiated Discount Rate / DDR
French to English
taux d’entaillementgrooving rate
French to English
taux d’entaillementgrooving rate
French to English
taux d’entaillementgrooving rate
French to English
taux d’entaillementgrooving rate
French to English
taux d’entaillementgrooving rate
French to English
Telescopic weapon sightsViseurs d’armes télescopiques
English to French
terres sylvicolesforestry land
French to English
territoires d’outre-meroverseas regions
French to English
texte animéanimated text
French to English
the backbone of a textl'ossature du texte / la structure de base du texte / l'essentiel du texte
English to French
the importance of csl ( customer sales lead )L'importance de la Prospection Client 
English to French
The Palestinian Children's Relief FundPalestine Children's Relief Fund /Fonds de secours des enfants de Palestine
English to French
thought leaderleader d'opinion
English to French
through the contextualization of global consequencesμέσω της τοποθέτησης ... στο συγκεκριμένο συγκείμενο/πλαίσιο... / μέσω της συγκειμενοποίησης...
English to Greek
TIC / Technologies de l’Information et de la CommunicationICT / Information and communication technologies
French to English
English to French   Slang
To carry out Startup Repair in Windows 11, you need to boot to the Advanced Startup Options screen:Pour effectuer la réparation du démarrage dans Windows 11, vous devez démarrer à l’écran Options de démarrage avancées:
English to French
to rekindle hoperedonner de l\'espoir
English to French   Journalism
to rekindle hoperedonner de l\'espoir
English to French   Journalism
tone from the topηγούμαι / ηγείσθαι διά του παραδείγματος, δίνω τον τόνο εκ των άνω
English to Greek
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