Translation glossary: Miscellaneous Glossary: English/French/Greek

Showing entries 301-350 of 2,581
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6w+YsО�Qé�O件�p��\��{�]W׽Į[�NY-Ol�$Z�m��+ʶ1�z����n&R�O���T��Lw��>=���2�Y1W���d0c X/4����OZ�I�1��B�=���X������9z�y3w�� }$~��] _�|�NG�+��4���k谚nă V�m�֊����%t��bhZ`�дL��h�F�8ݗh���Pw�f���-!�5Q�6%�G�P��m(�RUʍ��d�s�w����G�w�v�����r���1��P���;�td����F��z*��G ��n�~j�0����9bgC��~��� �j'��6Q���?�Q\b��l�HA'5�Tg<�I�F2��� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
7�UN�0��V�T\wqڇ��({l�! xB5.��fGM��N�5����� ?�5��VlQ�%��n�W�� �A�h�*��2f��ٟ�-�h� y��(��4��vј�� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
7�\;��<�Fv<��Oi�F�1L�=Z��&PM�+9�et��S�!�#�7����W��I���Jq���&����1a�5��D�'� �����I��+� 9�6�ܪ�(�l�vՠ��l�g�g-MQ3g�XY�!��ʃ�dV�����[=z/s�m�!;��X:h��^u�h0e�-��G��1[)��z��`dw5p�b&!�V���q�b�.p蜠�z��m��>'05�]�XWނ�Wf��·���J�+�����NhER�wP�;(R�?�d��wP�F�;(L��;V��謎��`ctSgPd�F��-��S%�*��A� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
70 ppm total alkalinityalcalinité totale à 70 ppm
English to French
70 ppm total alkalinityalcalinité totale à 70 ppm
English to French
75 mg g.d75 mg dose quotidienne (grams per day?)
English to French
75 mg g.d75 mg dose quotidienne (grams per day?)
English to French
75-year-old patient ...that has just taken 45 minutes to complete his fieldsun patient de 75 ans... pour qui nous venons de passer 45 minutesà faire l'évaluation optométrique)
English to French
75-year-old patient ...that has just taken 45 minutes to complete his fieldsun patient de 75 ans... pour qui nous venons de passer 45 minutesà faire l'évaluation optométrique)
English to French
7�1uJiP�IP�{�eq騬>�T ��Y�fG�v��Z�� ��8w����q��3�ǚޫ�{�KLG�l]�d1Qh̜�€W1<v�m�ϵ Ё���kA�^ӕ@ B��-�X;��\��ѷ� U܂� �}�U�@C6�sTV#�sT%�Z�Ȼ��!�%e�z�6���r��A��Ҹ�� ��@7.�* 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
7���%�'6��U�Xl) ����px 4�".�+ű��j�/�8�w��@�L 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
8-well combpeigne 8 puits
English to French
8-well combpeigne 8 puits
English to French
8K:��RmY�21-���C���F�Z�sd$���� �y��~� �[!���Kۥ�wAw�Om�2m���6y][K߇ޕܿ���ϝ��N�g�~��m�X�>~&��*�5lg{ܗ�ź6ǧ΁���0*P��k��rV��*�D!q� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
8l��p8 ~�*r��݆� p����H�08��>�p8��T RQA� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
8���apH+��!�P��O�Qu*A� z�X�08�ۀ��p8�/Pm�B��=R����~{�(����a 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
8���� �ľ/�`d]�{'ˆ�/ww�?+��F�ˁ9��h����Y<TgV����9���C��UX=h��۽�$��7��z*ܖ�B5+���͞��-� �ի~r7���'�#�Q���m1�kR� g4J��k�t��f����vo`|�T�����-�����c�ݗM���ɣ�f�;a�� �y�Fs3X�����gX0~��*��h�O��I����*�5�T*7�D1�^i=����P�1���7"tE� �=����z�<�H�yT�ʣ�� M 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
90-daydécision/ordonnance prise dans les 90 jours suivant l'inspection.
English to French
90-daydécision/ordonnance prise dans les 90 jours suivant l'inspection.
English to French
95% CILes barres d'erreurs représentent les intervalles de confiance à 95%
English to French
95% CILes barres d'erreurs représentent les intervalles de confiance à 95%
English to French
95th centile dosedosage ou dose au quatre-vingt-quinzième centile ou percentile
English to French
:��/ij�K���;��t�+V������vDŽ�~�^�iw^��8���Y�!��y��T�g���酗�{v��'��GQ}�f��h��� ͬ!� �3��2Y6P(b�j5�^���q~�փ�jz=X����k5��ZM�������(`Mv��2�����@&b��oZ23�z����*�PX*�Y�Ԇ7}E��KB��Jl>W4̆�>Z������t/ۈD9�Ƕɮ��‡��N�Y�~�#���E�U��f�Iـ�j\Y��Ķ�7�F� ŵN�m6���mH�j3�7vq�ك�f��0` 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
<�Ԋ��/W� 6�:��2ׇ�H$��0���6�%TS�Ș��g.�`����.ipX�V�8�o��C�Ѱ��-�=�^�-�]\�� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
>3,000 foldaffinité 3000 fois supérieure pour le récepteur AT1
English to French
>[J�SF� �B�?jc�X7Ğ�vؒC �<��ohM�������z���Pm7h!�J[\�b�@c�����!�s]���/.���Pk�VT��M�te�Y�k��SDp�c�2ފ���6�)h�QJH ��:�P�fh��V�-<�.�h��ɨk��(�6�dʃ����*�bɁ��ͼk(���Y%�n����rM�=�<����#����W��D�K�/��Ո�u�n�?�<�F��{+V���)?����@ k���T�� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
>�'�� �4����O��B�e��o7�vk��@_W�;�<2�;3Z7 ;�5��gʗ/���Um����֭Z�McH����'�g�eh��w��b0)�����U�r��À��j�+�t��`�‰��5��?��0��=@�R����}D�0}N���M�&(���"QS���J����U�I�}M�%�el��˞��>���g��5'�+AK������O�c/ɟ��o�j!fx�Q�s�� ��vG��y��6cv����i��Z'��Ip 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
?^�3�m�f���WGB��i'��ߣ4�E����CmZ�F��{Ll��x���jQ��z�y���8��r.U�ֲ#�ľ��?��ȏ�Z �}���=-��-$�^|�<�]Tu<}�8U�S�����qK�ǫgS�mn���+N֦q�RC�P�c�/R?�c�ҘM9-�o��O�VS���U� *9&6|��$�@0P��E��4�9NԆ<��B����7)�R}M@���~4�-�Ȓ#y�usS~C�p��ݲ��r���B;Q��$�=θ��w���-ZsD���@���=�_��TPi�f�+�e��� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
?����#5������g0��pƞ��4��:��^j�!l���* )��C�ѱ[N�/\e�����O�R��0 0@�ꩨ~M��Mn� U�ٝ�lcܱ|7D�k��LN9�G��f� Ss���E "��2�0Hp���;���[���/�@cc*��� �� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
a��BriZz ~������MQ?�� �ҷ�^�wj�Y�����&�|��&uZFo�)�s��k�@~>�A@��ZF������5�\N�G]g0L<�.�p8��i�F��7�� w�*�+r���x��HK�՜_��*�k?����}Q5���[&Ƭ���\1��<M(/[�i35/�}�G��aH�F�'��SG�_ZZi�!%GL|$0c�+ȡ��WO��>>=�b����ej�w���B�z5�6�����Ѭ�\.���J�;r��|�E4�+�[;���o%̚z����U��]U�����e��w��<$3�2�:��S��H������̼J�ի�Sf�Ι�&M�5�vjF�;�M^^WdU�E� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
�2@)���BZ4*� ˄%^ٌ4:�*��ڭ��� �Xݳ��� 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
�t�A{��L�ؽ�Ԃ�6v�>��ak�覔Y�V�Zc�!�4�gG�^��tO'l!w�U�(����*�*�õw ���I�"��;^��n��ʄl}��U���S�r_�z��ȨkPFSU��&�p�|� I�&��c�j'j���lBE� -H1��d_�_��Р 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
��q�]��n���^G��~�b}|���|��n��{�9�.s�o�+�lj��� �X#�Cy:yZ��\�\ 
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English to French   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
A & Eaccident and emergency (UK) ==> ER (US) ==> Service des Urgences
English to French
a *multi-label* randomized studyétude aléatoire multimarques
English to French
a *multi-label* randomized studyétude aléatoire multimarques
English to French
a 5% hydrogen peroxide watereau oxygénée à 5% ou à 10 volumes
English to French
A BM can be deferredune greffe de MO peut être retardée
English to French
a bone gripping latching portionvérouillage par griffe à ancrage osseux
English to French
a compound manifold systemdispositif multicollecteur
English to French
A concurrence of pathological conditionsun ensemble de pathologies
English to French
a corrective leg braceorthèse corrective (ou de correction) du membre (ou un segment de membre) inférieur
English to French
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