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[View Powwow Report] powwow: A holiday in Japan

August 26, 2009, 6:30 pm
JapanTokyoIn personEnglish
Hallo! I will be on holiday in Japan with my partner (a lawyer, but also a part-time translator) for 2 weeks. Though Japanese does not belong to my working languages, I would like to meet fellow translators, and have a nice Japanese meal and chat. We'll be arriving in Tokyo on the 24th of August. Looking forward to meeting you :-)

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (12) / Confirmed: 4 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Paola Dentifrigi  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
pikachupichu  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Maynard Hogg  \"Photographer\" I won't be back home till August 28th.  n
Gertraud K.  \"Host\" I come....  
Xlaborare139e (X)  \"Photographer\" Hi all, interested in meeting old Proz members. There is enough time to organize and select a nice location and I can come with few suggestions  n
tradino   I am interested in meeting fellow translators. I probably can play a role.  
ikeda45   I want to join if I'm not pinned down by my translation job then.  
davidexplainer   ...  y
Kai Kadoich   ...  
Ken Morikawa   ...  m
Minoru Kuwahara   i'm afraid i cannot make it since i already an assignment this week. hope good time for everyone attending to this round of powpow. -   n
Andrea Pardini   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Tokyo - Japan
Paola Dentifrigi
Paola Dentifrigi  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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confirming Aug 18, 2009

Hi all, sorry if I did not post for a long time, but I have a heavy workload to complete before vacation. Well, we booked an accomodation near the Ikebukuro station, and I guess we'll be pretty lost... Can you recomend a nice place where we could meet? Of course a Japanese restaurant, mid-range would doicon_smile.gif Thank you for your kind help!

pikachupichu  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
English to Japanese
+ ...
Ikebukuro Aug 18, 2009

Hi, Paola

I would recommend a Japanese restaurant in the name of Sushi Restaurant Kitahama.

This restaurant is inside of Tobu Department Store.

I will see you on the lobby floor of your hotel, then let's go there together.

Please let me know if you prefer other cuisine, then I would recommend others if you like, although there are many choices for you
... See more
Hi, Paola

I would recommend a Japanese restaurant in the name of Sushi Restaurant Kitahama.

This restaurant is inside of Tobu Department Store.

I will see you on the lobby floor of your hotel, then let's go there together.

Please let me know if you prefer other cuisine, then I would recommend others if you like, although there are many choices for you in the same building.




Gertraud K.
Gertraud K.  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
Japanese to German
+ ...
Hello Paola and Ken and all the others, Aug 19, 2009

So, the Powwow is on August the 26th in that Sushi Restaurant. Is that right? I'll try to be there. When does it start? And do you need a kind of help or something else? I would like to do something.

Paola Dentifrigi
Paola Dentifrigi  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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actually... Aug 19, 2009

Hallo, I have not decided the venue site yet, as I'd like too choose among several options and/or see wether the others agree. However, the date is confirmedicon_smile.gif
I'm flying on the 24th and gland in Tokyo on the 25th (morning). So looking forward!

laborare139e (X)
laborare139e (X)
Local time: 12:19
French to Japanese
+ ...
alternatives Aug 21, 2009

I would rather suggest a venue in Ginza, either a yakiniku or a horse meat restaurant, a sushi-ya doesn't offer an atmosphere suitable for a long exchange.

Anyway, I am afraid we can't join, it looks we will have to work until 8:00pm on Wednesday, zannen!

Have a great time.

Paola Dentifrigi
Paola Dentifrigi  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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@ laborare Aug 21, 2009

Well, you can join after 8:00. It's not late at all.icon_smile.gif

Gertraud K.
Gertraud K.  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
Japanese to German
+ ...
Dear members, Aug 23, 2009

I just wonder, what is with our powwow.
I would like to propose two restaurants. Both are at JR Shinanomachi Station.
1. is Mori no Beergarden; very relaxing atmoshere, but a bit expensive. It is in the middle of greenery with big trees and even a waterfall and just 3-5min from the station.
2. if it rains there is in the station at the 2nd floor a nice italian restaurant, normal prices .
I propose we meet at 17:00
please write what would you like to do.
More infor
... See more
I just wonder, what is with our powwow.
I would like to propose two restaurants. Both are at JR Shinanomachi Station.
1. is Mori no Beergarden; very relaxing atmoshere, but a bit expensive. It is in the middle of greenery with big trees and even a waterfall and just 3-5min from the station.
2. if it rains there is in the station at the 2nd floor a nice italian restaurant, normal prices .
I propose we meet at 17:00
please write what would you like to do.
More informations are here:Mori no Beergarden.
The atmosphere is very relaxing, but a bit expensive.
It is in thr middle of the town but also in the midts
of greenery with big trees and even a waterfall.


編集する森のビアガーデン の店舗情報(詳細)
「みんなで作るグルメサイト」という性質上、店舗情報の正確性は保証されませんので、必ず事前にご確認の上ご利用ください。 詳しくはこちら»

店名 森のビアガーデン (モリノビアガーデン)
ジャンル ビアガーデン、西洋各国料理(その他)、ジンギスカン

TEL 03-5411-3715

住所 東京都港区北青山1 神宮児童遊園内

交通手段 JR 信濃町駅徒歩5分
銀座線 青山1丁目駅徒歩10分
大江戸線 国立競技場駅徒歩5分

営業時間 [月~金]


予約 予約可


個室 無

席数 1000席

駐車場 無

禁煙・喫煙 全面喫煙可

飲み放題コース 飲み放題あり

コース 食べ放題あり

ロケーション 景色がきれい、夜景が見える

空間・設備 オープンテラスあり

サービス 子供可


備考 2009年は5月22日~9月23日までの期間限定。

平均予算 最も多くの方が実際に使った金額です。 →予算分布を見る
[夜] ¥4,000 ~¥4,999 | [昼] ¥3,000 ~¥3,999

2.Italian Restaurant: It's directly at the Shinanomachi Station 2nd floor.
not very expensive and if it rains, we don't need to go outside.
I can make a reservation,too.

イタリアンレストラン パスタ&ピッツァ パパミラノ 信濃町店 [ワインレストラン]
住所 東京都新宿区信濃町34 JR信濃町駅ビル2F

電話 03-3354-0380
アクセス JR線信濃町駅より徒歩1分
営業時間 11:00~22:30
定休日 無休
予算の目安 2,000円未満 客席数 120席
メニュー 一品料理 ドリンクメニュー 宴会コース
特徴 ・予約可 2名様~可
・飲み放題 1500円から

pikachupichu  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
English to Japanese
+ ...
Dear All POWWOW participants on Aug. 26, 2009. Aug 23, 2009

Just wanted to let you know.........regarding the place I am suggesting, I have confirmed that we won’t be able to occupy a separate room; however, we can occupy a blocked/partitioned space with 7 people plus. I just checked with a lady there on phone. We can talk for a longer hours without too mu... See more
Just wanted to let you know.........regarding the place I am suggesting, I have confirmed that we won’t be able to occupy a separate room; however, we can occupy a blocked/partitioned space with 7 people plus. I just checked with a lady there on phone. We can talk for a longer hours without too much noise.

寿司和食 北浜 池袋店
住所:東京都豊島区西池袋1−1−25 東武百貨店スパイス12F
予 約:可




Gertraud K.
Gertraud K.  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
Japanese to German
+ ...
hey ken, Aug 23, 2009

I see. So you propose this sushi restaurant. I guess, it is nice. But I would also like to know, which time is best for everyone to meet. I guess, people also have to work and so on. How about 18:00?

pikachupichu  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
English to Japanese
+ ...
Dear Gertraud Aug 23, 2009

I basically agree with you on the proposed hour to get together at 6 PM. I like to know the name of the hotel Paola is staying. I believe that it's better to get together on the lobby floor of the hotel before ging to the restaurant.




Paola Dentifrigi
Paola Dentifrigi  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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hotel Aug 23, 2009

Hi Ken, my hotel is actually a hostel:
Sakura Hostel Ikebukuro
2-40-7 Ikebukuro

It's not a bad idea to meet there, as we'll probably be quite lost and with a jet lagicon_smile.gif We can meet at 18:00, and then go to the sushi place ore elsewhere. The most important thing is to eat Japaneseicon_smile.gif. However, I
... See more
Hi Ken, my hotel is actually a hostel:
Sakura Hostel Ikebukuro
2-40-7 Ikebukuro

It's not a bad idea to meet there, as we'll probably be quite lost and with a jet lagicon_smile.gif We can meet at 18:00, and then go to the sushi place ore elsewhere. The most important thing is to eat Japaneseicon_smile.gif. However, I'll be on-line again on Tuesday and keep you posted. I'll probably even have a Japanese phone. Bye, see you all there!!!

Paola Dentifrigi
Paola Dentifrigi  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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So... Aug 26, 2009

We can meet at Sakura cafe-restaurant in Ikebukuro 2-40-7 Toshima-ku at 19:00. I will check my mail later - sorry, I have my mobile is not functioning.See you :-) Paola

pikachupichu  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
English to Japanese
+ ...
Dear Paola Aug 26, 2009

It's OK to see you at Sakura restaurant @7 PM.

See you then.



Gertraud K.
Gertraud K.  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
Japanese to German
+ ...
Kitahama Restaurant 19:00 Aug 26, 2009

I will go directly to the Kitahama restaurant at about 19:00. looking forward to see you there .


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