What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?
Mario Freitas posting from ProZ.com shared:

Regular translations: (1) Markets.com, finance/trading site documents; (2) Hour of Code, computer science for high-school students; (3) MDRT, documents of the annual meeting; (4) Knight Piésold, Aurizona Gold Mines, engineering documents Tailings disposal dam expansion; (5) OKX site documents, cryptocurrencies; (6) SonicWall net/cloud protection systems + firewalls, all documentation.


2 usersI Do That

  • English to Portuguese
  • 100000 words
  • Engineering: Industrial, Law: Contract(s), Science (general)
  • MemoQ
replied from ProZ.com at 10:43 Nov 18, 2019:

Amazing, Mario!

replied from ProZ.com at 20:08 Mar 7, 2020:

Cool, Mario!