Powwow Report for United Kingdom - Nottingham (Aug 8 2009)

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Report from  Sarah Appleby (X)
Thanks to everyone who made it down to The Orange Tree on Saturday. It was very pleasant sitting out and chatting in the garden. Welcome to James who attended for the first time - hope to see you again if you are ever in this neck of the woods.

The next Nottingham powwow will be held on Saturday 26 September from 3 pm. It will hopefully include a quiz to celebrate the European Day of Languages and International Translation Day.

Happy translating,

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Jennifer White
Dierk Widmann
Sarah Appleby (X)
X \"Reporter\"
Mattijs Warbroek
Elizabeth Catling, PhD

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Aug 12 '09  Dierk Widmann: Thanks from the three of us.
It was great to get to know a new face and a new place, and as grand to meet all the familiar ones, too. Thank you for keeping the Nottingham Powwow running so well, Sarah!
Aug 11 '09  Jennifer White: Thanks Sarah
Another pleasant afternoon. Thanks for organising, Sarah. See you next time.
Aug 11 '09  JabTrad: Nice to meet you all.
Congratulations to all on a lively and useful get-together, thanks especially to Sarah.
Aug 10 '09  Languageman: A great day out as always
Thanks for organising the PowWow again, had a great time meeting faces old and new as always. Look forward to the next one.
Aug 10 '09  Mattijs Warbroek: Thanks again for organizing!
It was nice to see everyone, even if it was only briefly! Hopefully I can stay longer next time.
Aug 10 '09  Sarah Appleby (X): Report now posted
Date for your diary: next powwow 26 September