Powwow Report for North Macedonia - Stip (Nov 28 2009)

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Report from  Gabriela Nikolova

The Second Pastrmajlija powwow took place on the second floor of a small coffee bar in Stip, named Versailles. The powwow started after 1 pm, gathering total 8 translators.

A big Thank You note to Zoran who came from Prilep, Bojan who arrived straight from Kozuf, Jasmina who drove from Skopje and the rest of the translators who took time to attend this Powwow. All of them left their jobs and private obligations behind them that day and arrived in Stip (and I personally know that they had a lot of them). Thanks to all the translators who informed me that they can’t attend this powwow, mainly from health reasons and I wish they all get better as soon as possible.

The main topic at the powwow was the situation of the Freelance Translators in Macedonia. The discussion started with the information I shared on "Study on the size of the language industry in the EU”, I heard at the conference that took place live at the European Commission webcast portal a day before (November 27) as from the live discussion which was going on during the live chat, was that our industry was one of the least affected from the financial crisis in the world, and that although we felt some price reduces and smaller batches of work, the industry is continuing to grow and there is a very good prediction until 2015 year. As I promised at the powwow, I have already sent them the study in pdf format and gave them a link where very soon they could watch the video from the conference.

Jasmina Martinovska, experienced freelance translator, took the word later, explaining her point of view as an independent translator working on her own for more than 6 years, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of our profession. The conclusion, that she has never had second thoughts, and that she simply loves the fact that she is a Freelance Translator, planning her own time (concerning her family, not work) and being her own boss, made the atmosphere even more positive.

Then we discussed the issues that concern us and we exposed the problems we are facing with – health insurance, prices, payment, clients, CAT tools. We agreed that there is a lack of cooperation and networking among the translators, as a way of sharing information, experience, knowledge and improvement. We all agreed that we should have more similar meetings and more often - at least for those of us who want to share their experience, to improve ourselves and of course, have fun. As a result of this, we decided that our next powwow will be held very soon, but naturally, we’ll keep the location as a surprise.

Regarding the food and the drink, I could just say “A picture is worth thousand words” 

Once again, thank you my friends for coming at the powwow and for the great time we had together that day!


Photos from  Gabriela Nikolova

Photos from  Gabriela Nikolova

Photos from  Gabriela Nikolova

Photos from  Jasmina Martinovska

Photos from  Jasmina Martinovska

Photos from  Gabriela Nikolova

Photos from  Zoran Jovanoski

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Bojan Kicurovski
Jasmina Martinovska
Gabriela Nikolova
Stole Markovski
Biljana Vasileva Bojcev
Gabriela Breslieva
Ksenija Shuteva
Zoran Jovanoski

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 1 '09  Kitanovska: Колку ми е жал..
што ја пропуштив оваа прилика...
Nov 30 '09  Bojan Kicurovski: Кој сака да биде милионер
Драги колешки... (и колеги)
Да не се повторувам, ама се согласувам:
1) навистина беа :)
2) навистина беше
3) се согласувам [vis-à-vis милионите :)]
4) ...тие што не дојдоа, ќе си останат посиромашни... („апропо милионите“ што би рекла Јасмина)
Nov 30 '09  Ksenija Shuteva: Благодарност за организацијата
Уште еднаш јавно да се заблагодарам за прекрасната организација. Мило ми беше што се дружевме, фала и на Јасмина за деталното објаснување.....До следната се надевам не далечна средба....Поздрав
Nov 29 '09  Gabriela Nikolova: Благодарност
Голема благодарност до колегите кои дојдоа во Штип, се надевам убаво се дружевме и наскоро пак ќе се видиме!

Извештајот за средбата ќе биде објавен наскоро.

Nov 29 '09  Jasmina Martinovska: Да резимираме :)
Драги колеги...
1) пастрмајлиите беа феноменални :)
2) дружбата беше срдечна
3) дискусијата беше поучна... во вистинска смисла „прашај паталец, а не гаталец“ [ова, апропо милионите ;) ]
4) ... оние што не дојдоа, е па, ја пропуштија...