Powwow Report for Canada - Toronto (Feb 12 2012)

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Report from  Levent Yildizgoren
We met at 3pm instead of 2pm as it was originally planned due to last minute glitch with the venue. But the Starbucks just round the corner provided a good refuge until 3pm.

There were 11 of us all together. Some of us already knew each other from the previous meetings held regularly and some met the first time.

After a brief introduction by everyone, we have talked about the current challenges facing translators based in Canada and globally, shared information about various tools and trends.

An email I received from one the attendees summarises the meeting very well: "the conversations I had with several of the attendees answered some of the burning questions I had regarding continuing education in translation and gave me more perspective in where to attain certification"

Attendees shared their insight and experience in few matters including how to get most out of proz and sustain better prices for our services.

The venue was very quiet and suitable for the meeting and our waitres was accomodating and friendly.

Overall it was a friendly, warm and productive meeting.

Photos from  Levent Yildizgoren

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Amir Gavriely
Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Levent Yildizgoren
Gary Wellman
Bianca Bold
Miriam Papps
Jamie McLennan
Jari Nieppola
AD Translations
Babar Khan

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Feb 16 '12  Levent Yildizgoren: Toronto powwow on 12 February 2012
Dear Colleagues

It was a pleasure meeting with last Sunday. Thanks to you all for making me feel at home and your hospitality. I hope to keep in touch with you and would be happy to receive your CVs for TTC\'s database.

You clearly have a very good support group in Toronto. (Thanks Hege\'s continued efforts and enthusiasm). But if you need any help in any translation related subject please do get in touch and I would be happy to share my ideas with you.

If you visit the UK and you are in London, please let me know and it would be great to catch up with you again.

Best Wishes

Levent Yildizgoren
Feb 16 '12  Levent Yildizgoren: Toronto powwow on 12 February 2012
Dear Colleagues

It was a pleasure meeting with last Sunday. Thanks to you all for making me feel at home and your hospitality. I hope to keep in touch with you and would be happy to receive your CVs for TTC\'s database.

You clearly have a very good support group in Toronto. (Thanks Hege\'s continued efforts and enthusiasm). But if you need any help in any translation related subject please do get in touch and I would be happy to share my ideas with you.

If you visit the UK and you are in London, please let me know and it would be great to catch up with you again.

Best Wishes

Levent Yildizgoren