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    • Finnish
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          • Term
            • podcast-lähetys, podcasting
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          • Definition(s)
            • Lataustiedoilla varustettujen ääni- ja videotiedostojen tilausperustainen lähetys vastaanottimeen internetin välityksellä. tsk, Tietotekniikan termitalkoot - by Juuso Rantanen
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Podcasting on tilauspohjaista äänitiedostojen julkaisua verkossa. Podcastin pitäjä julkaisee RSS- tai Atom-syötettä, jossa on tiedot julkaistuista äänitiedostoista. Kuuntelijalla on puolestaan ohjelma, joka seuraa syötteen päivittymistä ja automaattisesti lataa sen perusteella tiedostot myöhemmin kuunneltavaksi. - Wikipedia by Juuso Rantanen
            • Podcasting on yhdistelmä sanoista iPod ja broadcasting. Podcast tarkoittaa verkossa jaeltavaa äänitettä, jonka voi ladata omalle koneelleen (tai kannettavaan soittimeen kuten iPodiin) ja kuunnella koska tahansa. - Omenatarha by Juuso Rantanen
            • Miss America kertoo Internetin turvallisuudesta Miss America, Lauren Nelson, antaa tässä podcast-lähetyksessä neuvoja perheen suojaamiseksi verkossa. - Symantec by Juuso Rantanen
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    • English
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            • podcasting
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            • Podcasting is a kind of audio broadcasting that uses the Internet, like an on-line radio show. The name was created by combining “iPod” and “broadcasting”. Podcasting involves making one or more files available in an RSS feed. A pod-caster (the creator of the podcast) makes a list of music and/or other audio files and makes the list available for other users to retrieve. BatchBook - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Just as blogging has enabled almost anyone with a computer to become a bona fide reporter, podcasting allows virtually anyone with a computer to become a radio disc jockey, talk show host or recording artist. - HowStuffWorks by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Podcasting lets you create your own syndicated online talkshow or radio program, with content of your choosing. - What is podcasting by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Podcasting is the process of creating an audio show of some sort available in MP3 format via an RSS 2.0 feed that supports enclosures. Podcasts are designed to include talk shows, tutorials, music, or other audio content. - Podcasting toold by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • Romanian
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            • podcasting
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            • Podcasting este o metodă de distribuţie a fişierelor în format multimedia (de obicei fişiere audio dar şi video), prin intermediul formaturilor de sindicalizare de conţinut RSS şi ATOM. Fişierele pot fi descărcate şi redate pe echipamente mobile sau calculatoare ce acceptă formatul în care acestea au fost create. Un autor de podcast este de obicei denumit podcaster. Siturile de podcasting pot oferi fişierele spre descărcare şi ascultare off-line sau pentru redare directă on-line. Metoda de bază este totuşi aceea de descărcare prin intermediul unui cititor de conţinut RSS sau Atom. Numele vine de la faimosul player portabil de muzică, iPod. Wikipedia - by Andrei Albu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Podcasting-ul ameninta mass-media clasica Costin Ionescu, 23 August 2005 Saptamana Financiara Dupa bloguri si alte unelte ale Internetului, „podcasting-ul“ acrediteaza, in presa din tarile dezvoltate, ideea ca oricine poate fi jurnalist daca are la indemana un calculator si o conexiune la Internet. - wall by Andrei Albu
            • Dupa ce a adoptat sistemul de jurnale personale online (blog), gigantul IT&C International Business Machines (IBM) se numara printre companiile care vor sa adopte si tehnologia podcasting (jurnale audio in format digital, care pot fi descarcate de pe Internet si ascultate pe playere de muzica digitala), scrie presa internationala. - Ziarul Financiar by Andrei Albu
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    • French
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            • podcast
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          • Definition(s)
            • Podcast : contraction d'iPod (le baladeur numérique d'une marque à la "pomme") et de l'anglais broadcast (diffusion). Le podcast permet de télécharger les programmes audio ou vidéo d'un site Internet sur son baladeur numérique ou sur son PC. - by Anne Farina
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Le podcasting permet aux utilisateurs d'automatiser et de s'abonner (gratuitement sur le site de Radio France) au téléchargement d'émissions ou de chroniques diffusés sur les antennes des stations du groupe. Ces fichiers (au format mp3) peuvent ensuite être écoutés sur un baladeur numérique ou sur un ordinateur personnel, pour une écoute différée. - Radio France by Anne Farina
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