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    • Slovak
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            • minimalizmus
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            • Americký smer 60. rokov usilujúci o redukciu umeleckej formy na minimum, rešpektívne o minimálny stupeň umeleckého vyjadrenia. Own research - by Vlasta Veres
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            • Je minimalizmus diabolsky zvodný alebo božsky jednoduchý? Ide o rozpor medzi rôznorodosťou našej existencie a vyhranenosťou minimalizmu? - Môj dom by Vlasta Veres
            • Na rozdiel od ostatných súťažných prác návrh Yoshia Taniguchiho reprezentuje jednoduchosť koncipovanú kombináciou funkcionalizmu a japonského minimalizmu v detaile. - ASB by Vlasta Veres
            • Ako som už spomenul, začiatkom 60-tych rokov sa minimalizmus začína presadzovať už v širšom kontexte. Medzi prvých tvorcov minimalizmu radíme Terryho Rileya a Le Monte Younga. - Referaty, seminarky by Vlasta Veres
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    • English
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            • minimalism
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            • A movement and style of art from the 20th century which attempts to reduce art to the basic geometric shapes with the fewest colors, lines, and textures. Minimal art does not seek to be representational of any object. Bluemoon Art Glossary
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            • Though never a self-proclaimed movement, Minimalism refers to painting or sculpture made with an extreme economy of means and reduced to the essentials of geometric abstraction. - Guggenheim Museum
            • The reduction of form, the controlled gesture and emotional outburst, the rationalistic behaviour and a sensibilized minimalism – these were the main features of an entirely different standpoint from the one dominating the painting of the preceding decade. - Sava Stepanov ON MINIMALISM
            • While many people tend to associate minimalism with painting, the principle is also applied in the creation of musical compositions, theatrical performances, and even interior design. - WiseGeek
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    • Chinese
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            • 极简抽象主义
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            • A school of abstract painting and sculpture that emphasizes extreme simplification of form, as by the use of basic shapes and monochromatic palettes of primary colors, objectivity, and anonymity of style.Also called ABC art ,minimal art ,reductivism ,rejective art 极简抽象主义:抽象派绘画和雕塑的一个流派,强调对形式的极端简化,如使用基本形状、原色中的单色且讲究客观性而不讲究风格也作 ABC art,minimal art,reductivism,rejective art Own research - by William He
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            • 对于当时的观众来说,极简抽象主义被认为是概念性的而在审美上是无法有满足感的,批评家Clement Greenberg说:“极简抽象艺术保持了太多的构思的能力,而不是要表现什么。” 极简抽象艺术几乎抛弃了绘画中的色彩元素,朝纯黑和纯白的方向发展。 “极简主义”没有在绘画领域留下过多的痕迹,却在戏剧、建筑、音乐、电影、服装设计等领域影响深远。 - 视觉中国 by William He
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    • Romanian
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            • minimalism
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            • Minimalismul se referă la acele mişcări sau stiluri în diverse forme de artă şi design, în special arte vizuale şi muzică, unde lucrarea de artă este redusă la părţile fundamentale. În alte domenii ale artelor, minimalismul caracterizează nuvelele lui Ernest Hemingway, piesele de teatru ale lui Samuel Beckett, filmele lui Jean-Pierre Melville şi Robert Bresson, poveştile lui Raymond Carver şi chiar planurile de automobile ale lui Colin Chapman. Wikipedia - by Diana Macau (X)
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            • O pictură minimalistă, de exemplu, va folosi în general un număr limitat de culori şi va folosi forme geometrice simple. Deşi mulţi cred că minimalismul implică doar reprezentări abstracte-geometrice, acestă mişcare se extinde în afara acestor limitări. - Wikipedia by Diana Macau (X)
            • Minimalismul respinge necesitatea dimensiunii sociale, exprimarea, naratiunea sau orice alta aluzie, oricat de subtila, la istorie, politica sau religie, scopul sau esential fiind de a crea obiecte interesante si frumoase, nimic mai mult. Artistii care au adoptat aceasta maniera de lucru folosesc in compozitii cat mai putine culori, forme, linii. - Artline by Diana Macau (X)
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    • Korean
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            • 미니멀리즘
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            • 단순함과 간결함을 추구하는 예술과 문화적인 흐름. 네이버 백과사전 - by eunju
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            • 미니멀리즘(minimalism)은 단순함을 추구하는 예술 및 문화 사조이다. 1960-70년대 미국의 시각예술과 음악을 중심으로 일어났으며, 모든 기교를 지양하고 근본적인 것을 표현하려 한다. 대표적인 작가로는 스티브 라이히, 테리 릴리, 필립 글래스가 있다.이후 음악에서는 포스트 미니멀리즘으로 이어지며, 연극, 영화, 디자인 등의 분야에서 활발히 적용되었다. - 위키백과 by eunju
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    • French
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            • Minimalisme
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            • Né aux Etats-Unis au milieu des années 60, interprété comme une réaction au débordement subjectif de l’Expressionnisme abstrait et à la figuration du Pop art, le Minimalisme est caractérisé, entre autres, par un souci d’économie de moyens. Il hérite du célèbre principe de l’architecte Mies Van der Rohe « Less is more », des œuvres de Malevitch, et reconnaît le peintre abstrait Ad Reinhardt comme l’un de ses pionniers. Le Minimalisme regroupe des artistes tels que Frank Stella, Donald Judd, Carl Andre, ainsi que Robert Morris et Sol Le Witt, mais qui vont s’en détacher rapidement (1). Centre Pompidou - by trad500
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            • - Centre Pompidou by trad500
            • Le minimalisme (ou art minimal) est un courant de l'art contemporain né au début des années 1960 aux États-Unis. La notion d'Art Minimal a été donnée à la fin de l'année 1965 par le philosophe analytique anglais Richard Wollheim (décédé en 2003) dans Arts Magazine au sujet d'une exposition à la Green Gallery de New York. - Wikipedia by trad500
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