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    • Turkish
      • Livestock / Animal Husbandry
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            • otlama baskısı
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            • Zamanın herhangi bir noktasında, birim alana düşen hayvan birimlerinin veya yemlenen birimlerin sayısıyla yem kuru maddesi ağırlığı arasındaki ilişki Own research - by Cagdas Karatas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Pek çok yerde yoğun otlama baskısıyla büyük ölçüde değişmiş olmasına karşın kumul bitki örtüsü son derece zengin bir çeşitlilik gösterir. Alanda 1994 yılında gerçekleştirilen bir çalışmada saptanan bitki örtüsü tipleri arasında, Euphorbia peplis-Sabola ruthenica sahil, Ammophila arenaria-Eryngium maritimum-Otanthus maritiumus ön cephe kumul, Corispermum fllifolium-Cyperus capititatus-Digitartia sabulosa-Pancratium maritimum-Silene dichotoma erken san (ön cephe) kumul, Glycyrrhiza glabra ve Holoschoenus vulgaris sabit kumul meraları (bu bölümler ağır bir otlama baskısı altındadır), Artemisia aff. campestris-Teucrium chamaedrys-Terucrium polium-Tragus racemosus sabit kumul meraları sayılabilir. - WWF-Türkiye by Cagdas Karatas
            • Uzun yıllardır meraların aşırı otlatılması sonucu olarak meralar verimliliklerini kaybetmekle kalmamış aynı zamanda meraların kalitesi de düşmüştür. Botanik karışımda istenen bitkilerin oranı %10 ila %20 arasındadır. Bölgeye ve otlama baskısına bağlı olarak meralardaki bitki örtüsünün oranı %10 ile %50 arasındadır. - Tarım Bakanlığı by Cagdas Karatas
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    • Ukrainian
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            • пасовищне навантаження
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            • Пасовищне навантаження - це співвідношення між кількістю голів худоби та фуражною продуктивністю пасовища, на якому вона утримується. Own research - by Vassyl Trylis
          • Example sentence(s)
            • # Народ.Ру: Новая страница Головною причиною цього є надмірне пасовищне навантаження, щорічне раннє викошування травостою. Проте в районі ще є немалі ділянки лучного степу, ... - Кеш - # - Экология -> Роль природно – заповідних об'єктів в охороні ... Надмірне пасовищне навантаження призводить до розвитку процесів ерозії та деградації лук. Значні площі лук використовуються для сінокосіння. ... - Google by Vassyl Trylis
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    • Catalan
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            • càrrega ramadera
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            • La càrrega ramadera es descriu com la quantitat d’Unitats de Bestiar Major (UBM) per unitat de superfície farratgera que existeix en una determinada àrea (Paladines, 1992) en un moment o durant un temps determinat (Ohlenbusch, 1994). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - by iolanda casacuberta
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La càrrega ramadera mitjana per hectàrea és bastant baixa, 0,2 UR/ha, tot i que si s’elimina la superfície forestal, l’índex augmenta considerablement passant a 1 UR/ha (taula 2). - Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Al by iolanda casacuberta
            • Respectar les càrregues ramaderes màximes i mínimes, en zones de rostolls i subproductes pasturables. Càrrega ramadera mínima: 0,1 UBM/ha. Càrrega ramadera màxima: 0,4 UBM/ha. No superar la càrrega ramadera de l'explotació fixada al Pla de gestió de l'explotació, durant els anys que duri el compromís. - Generalitat de Catalunya by iolanda casacuberta
            • - El càlcul de les càrregues ramaderes s’ha establert a partir de la informació proporcionada pels ramaders, nombre i tipus de bestiar en la Vall, i de la cartografia quant a superfície de pastures accessibles pel bestiar en les unitats pastorals. Les càrregues ramaderes es donen en animal/ hectàrees; però per poder fer una comparació de les càrregues segons el tipus d’animal, s’utilitza la Unitat de Bestiar Gros (UBG), en lloc d’animal i s’introdueix el factor temps. - Universitat de Lleida by iolanda casacuberta
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    • Hindi
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            • चराई का दबाव
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            • चराई का दबाव पशुओं की संख्या के अनुपात में उनके चारे की खपत का द्योतक होता है. Own research - by C.M. Rawal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • अधिकतर वन/ वृक्षारोपण क्षेत्र अत्यन्त आबादी से घिरे हुए हैं जिनमें ईंधन, चारा एवं चराई का अत्यधिक दबाव होता है। जनसंख्या वृद्धि के साथ-साथ पशुओं की संख्या में वृद्धि हो रही ... - by C.M. Rawal
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    • English
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            • grazing pressure
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            • The relationship between the number of animal units or forage intake units and the weight of forage dry matter per unit area at any point in time; an animal-to forage relationship. May be expressed as animal units or forage intake units to forage mass (animal units/forage mass at a specific time). IFAD - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • An optimum grazing pressure is one in which available forage matches animal needs; this is analogous to the quantity of forage offered daily to animals in confinement when rations are balanced. - The Pennsylvania State University by Enrique Cavalitto
            • The different grazing pressures were obtained through different stocking rates, adjusted every 21 d according to forage mass, predicted forage production rate, and an estimated forage allowance of 10, 15 and 20 kg dry matter (DM) heifer-1 d-1 for high, medium, and low pressures, respectively. - American Society of Agronomy by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Stocking rate and annual average grazing pressure (with or without account for feral animals) did not appear to be, in themselves, good indicators of sustainability. Rather, the sustainability of different areas/systems and the impacts on sustainability of changes in management, e.g. stocking rates, may be assessed better through calculating year-to-year variability of the feed base, and periods of critical grazing pressure. - by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • German
      • Livestock / Animal Husbandry
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            • Weidedruck
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            • Weidedruck ist ein Maßstab für die Intensität der Beweidung von Flächen/Verhältnis von verfügbarer Futtermasse zu vom Viehbestand auf diesen Flächen verzehrten Mengen. Own research - by Rhettro
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Der Weidedruck aufgrund hoher Tierzahlen zeigt sich in Form verstärkter Bodenerosion in allen Höhenstufen. - Nüsser, Marcus and Stefan Grab: Land De by Rhettro
            • Zum Beispiel verwendet das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft einen einfachen GV-Schlüssel, in dem die RGV lediglich als solche markiert sind [5], während das Ministerium für Landwirtschaft des Königreiches Bhutan einen verfeinerten Schlüssel anwendet, in dem der unterschiedliche Weidedruck der Tierarten beachtet wird: Rinder, Büffel und Maultiere werden darin mit dem Faktor 1 verrechnet, Yaks und Pferde mit 0,8, Esel mit 0,4, Schafe und Ziegen mit 0,16. - Wikipedia by Rhettro
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