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    • English
      • Genetics
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            • deme
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            • A locally interbreeding population. Hypermedia Glossary Of Genetic Terms
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            • Basically, the virtual world where migrations take place is constituted by a matrix of demes. Each deme has its own environmental characteristics according to the input files. - Splatche
            • Key components of this simulation model include: (i) a three layer intra-deme population structure: hunter-gatherers, non-dairying farmers and dairying farmers. (ii) Population genetic simulation of a LP allele under selection, and an undrifted allele signifying general genetic background. (iii) Intra and inter-deme gene flow and sporadic longer distance migration (following a Gaussian random walk process). - UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON
            • The application of the island model is limited because it does not in fact contain explicit geography: migrants are equally likely to have come from any deme in the population. - Oxford Journals
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    • Japanese
      • Genetics
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            • デーム 
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            • 一般的には相互に交配する集団(地域繁殖集団)が群れと見なされる。これをデームと呼ぶ事もある。しかし実際には交配可能な集団の内部に、より小さな集団が存在することもある。このばあい、古典的な群選択はデーム間群選択と呼ばれる。これは上述したように限られた状態でしか起こらないと考えられている。デーム内の小集団の間で起きるデーム内群選択は血縁選択と同じものだと考えられている[7]。 Wikipedia 郡選択 - by stock
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 同所的種分化 (Sympatric speciation)は、地理的な隔離がなく、一つのデーム(交配している集団)において個体の分散・移動の範囲のなかで生殖隔離をしたあらたな集団が生じることである。 - 日本進化学会ニュース (c) 日� by stock
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    • Italian
      • Genetics
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            • deme
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            • Categoria più ristretta dell’ecotipo. È l’unità di popolazione più piccola, formata da gruppi di individui geneticamente molto simili, uniti uno all’altro da un interno rapporto temporale e spaziale. Si tratta di porzioni molto ristrette di popolazioni parzialmente isolate. Deme (accezione comune): sottopopolazione Suffisso ‘-deme’: gruppo di individui appartenenti a una categoria tassonomica specifica Scienze della Terra - by texjax DDS PhD
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            • Natural species are often composed of subspecies that differ conspicuously except in the zones of intergradation, and these are likely to be subdivided into local races with market statistical differences and so on in hierarchic fashion to ones with only slight statistical differences. The ultimate unit is the more or less completely isolated local population or deme (Gilmour and Gregor 1939) within which breeding may usually be treated as occurring at random. It is very unusual for a whole species to consist in a single deme. […] The effective size of a deme is often so small that the recurrence rates of mutations are likely to be negligibly small even over considerable periods of time. On the other hand, immigration of individuals from other demes, followed by crossbreeding, must nearly always be a very important factor in their histories. - Evolution and the Genetics of Population by texjax DDS PhD
            • “Demes” are groups of individuals who are more genetically similar to each other than to any other individuals. - Responsible Genetics by texjax DDS PhD
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    • Turkish
      • Genetics
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            • deme
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            • Çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı sadece kendi popülasyonları içinde çiftleşen lokal popülasyon. Own research - by Selcuk Akyuz
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            • Çoğu türün çok sayıda daha küçük soy içi çiftleşen “deme” adı verilen popülasyonlardan meydana geldiğini anımsamak da önemlidir. - apoptozis by Selcuk Akyuz
            • Bir türün aynı coğrafik bölge içinde bulunmalarına karşılık çeşitli nedenlerle birbirlerinden ayrılmış topluluklarına da lokal ırklar denir. Lokal ırkların oluşturdukları topluluklara deme adı da verilmektedir. Yani bir tür, birbirleriyle bazı yakınlıkları olan sayısız lokal populasyonlardan ya da demelerden meydana gelmektedir. - AOF by Selcuk Akyuz
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