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    • Finnish
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            • Puolisointu
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            • Puolisointu eli assonanssi on loppusoinnun vajaa muoto, jossa äänneyhtäläisyys muodostuu sanojen lopputavujen välille muttei ala niiden ensimmäisestä vokaalista, kuten täydellisessä loppusoinnussa. Muhi - by Tarja Braun
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Mieleni minun tekevi, Aivoni ajattelevi, Lähteäni laulamahan, Saa’ani sanelemahan, Sukuvirttä suoltamahan, Lajivirttä laulamahan; Sanat suussani sulavat, Puhe’et putoelevat, Kielelleni kerkiävät, Hampahilleni hajoovat. - Muhi by Tarja Braun
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    • Japanese
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            • 母音韻、アソナンス(半階音)
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            • アクセントのある母音だけの押韻。 例: BRAVE LADIES LIVE (not) IN VAIN 詩作における技法のひとつで,同一または類似の母音をくりかえすことにより,部分押韻効果をねらう。 詩学以外で、広い意味での音の類似を指すことも。 たとえば、 音楽ではスイスの現代音楽家、ミヒャエル.ジャレル作曲の ASSONANCE という例があります。 Own research - by bigcat
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            • ...母音だけの押韻、類音の一致をアソナンス(半階音)というが、西欧のような意識的な詩作はわが国ではごくまれ日本語ではむずかしいとされている。 - 言語の岸辺で  ー定形と韻� by bigcat
            • Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in stressed syllables to achive partial rhyme... - ALLITERATION AND ASSONANCE by bigcat
            • Example of Assonance Literary Term           The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe   Hear the mellow wedding bells ... - EXAMPLE OFASS� by bigcat
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    • English
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            • assonance
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            • Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close to each other - this also includes diphthongs. Like alliteration, it is the sound rather than the letter used that is important. The Poetry Archive
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            • The Greeks occasionally employed assonance for the sake of its aesthetic effect but took no pains to avoid it when no effect was intended, even when the repetition of sound seems to us displeasing. -
            • While the bling of rhyme and meter are exciting, sometimes what a poem needs is the soft power of assonance. - The Fix
            • In more modern verse, stressed assonance has become the main literary device in modern rap, starting with gangsta rap like 2Pac in the 1990s, departing from rap's foundations in the 80's rapper like Slick Rick when rhyme at the end of each line was the cornerstone of poetic expression. - Wikipedia
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    • Turkish
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            • asonans
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            • Asonans, şiirdeki ünlü harflerin benzer seslerden seçilmesiyle sağlanan uyumdur. Vikipedi - by Cagdas Karatas
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            • Yazarın; mizacı, kültürel birikimi, kompozisyon oluşturma başarısı veya yöntemleri az çok özgün bir metin ortaya çıkarır. Çoğu zaman gözden kaçırdığımız veya şiire özgü olarak düşündüğümüz ses örgüsü (aliterasyon, asonans; ünsüz ve ünlü seslerin tekrarıyla elde edilen ahenk) nesir için de geçerlidir. - MEB by Cagdas Karatas
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    • Dutch
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            • assonantie
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            • "Assonantie: Rijm van woorden of regels door middel van gelijkheid van klinker maar niet van de daarop volgende medeklinkers. Halfrijm en klinkerrijm zijn synoniemen voor assonantie." woordenboek - by Sabine Piens
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            • "Assonantie De rijmvorm waarbij klinkers of tweeklanken worden herhaald. Bijvoorbeeld: 'bomen' en 'rozen'. (...) Assonantie komt, vooral in middeleeuwse poëzie, ook als eindrijm voor. In de Franse chansons de geste is het de enige rijmvorm en in de Nederlandse liederen uit de middeleeuwen treft men er verscheidene voorbeelden van aan, zoals in het Lied van Heer Halewijn: Wat deed zij aen haren lyve Een hemdeken fynder als zyde In de Oudgermaanse poëzie was assonantie samen met alliteratie de enige vorm van rijm." - by Sabine Piens
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    • Persian (Farsi)
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            • هم آوایی-واج آرایی
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            • به تکرار یک واج صامت یا مصوت در یک بیت یا عبارت گفته می‌شود به گونه‌ای طنین آن در گوش بر جای بماند و باعث پیدایش موسیقی آوایی در آن بخش از سخن شود Wikipedia - by Saeid Hasani
          • Example sentence(s)
            • هقابل ذکر است که واج تکرار شونده می تواند صامت یا مصوت باشد. برای مثال: مثال 1: خوابِ نوشینِ بامدادِ رحیل بازدارد پیاده را ز سبیل که همان طور که مشاهده می کنید تکرار مصوت کوتاه «اِ» در این مصراع تکامل بخش موسیقی درونی است. - Wikipedia by Saeid Hasani
            • واج آرایی با تکرار صامت /س/) مثال 2: خيزيد و خز آريد كه هنگام خزان است باد خنك از جانب خوارزم وزان است - Wikipedia by Saeid Hasani
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, German, Greek, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Ukrainian

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