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    • Serbian
      • Fisheries
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          • Term
            • održiv prinos
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          • Definition(s)
            • Održivi prinos (ili prirast) se odnosi na one resurse koje možemo dobiti iz osnove bez da na nju utičemo, to jest to je onaj višak resursa u prirodi koji možemo koristiti ali samo u onoj meri koja ne remeti prirodno funkcionisanje sistema Own research - by Jasmina Djordjevic
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ...održivo je stanje u kom se resursi koriste tako da donose održivi prinos, ili prirast. Ovo tumačenje održivosti odgovara, pre svega, eksploataciji obnovljivih resursa. - Održivi razvoj by Jasmina Djordjevic
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    • Russian
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            • (ежегодный) допустимый объем изъятия
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            • Sustainable Yield: the amount of a material which can be removed from an ecosystem without compromising the ability of the ecosystem to regenerate itself. In the context of sustainable forestry, a sustainable yield would mean that 100% of the trees which are harvested in one season would be able to be replaced before the next harvest. - by Leila Usmanova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • В соответствии с Лесным кодексом РФ объем лесопользования для заготовки древесины выражается в **допустимом ежегодном объеме изъятия** древесины в эксплуатационных и защитных лесах, определяемом расчетной лесосекой. - лесной кодекс (ссылки by Leila Usmanova
            • Основной задачей Министерства природных ресурсов Российской Федерации являются организация и проведение государственной экологической экспертизы материалов, обосновывающих **допустимый объем изъятия гренландского тюленя ** - Министерство природн� by Leila Usmanova
            • I. Ставки платы за забор (изъятие) водных ресурсов из поверхностных водных объектов или их отдельных частей (за исключением морей) в пределах **объема допустимого забора (изъятия) водных ресурсов**,установленного договором водопользования - Постановление правит� by Leila Usmanova
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    • Polish
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            • zrównoważona eksploatacja
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            • Rozsądne korzystanie z zasobów naturalnych w sposób pozwalający na zaspokojenie obecnego zapotrzebowania w granicach ich zachowalności dla przyszłych pokoleń Own research - by KASIAJAN
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Wędkarze są szczególnie powołani do działania na rzecz zrównoważonej eksploatacji zasobów przyrody ponieważ mają możliwość wglądu w środowisko wodne w sposób unikalny, niedostępny innym, nieprofesjonalnym grupom społecznym (może poza niektórymi płetwonurkami). - by KASIAJAN
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    • Albanian
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            • prodhim i qëndrueshëm
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            • Në këtë rast, prodhimi natyral i qëndrueshëm në kohë dhe sasi i cili mund të mblidhet a korret pa e cënuar aftësinë e një komuniteti a bashkësie për të mbështetur vetveten. Own research - by Roland Lelaj
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Zoti Flavin thotë se sektori i prodhimit të qëndrueshëm që është vërejtur si në energji, bujqësi, në ndërtim dhe në prodhimin e makinave, ka sjellë ndryshime ekonomike me vlerë. - Mbrojtja e mjedisit i jep formën ekonom by Roland Lelaj
            • Për të stabilizuar këtë gjendje dhe për të siguruar një prodhim të qëndrueshëm të peshkut kërkohet peshkim i ndërgjegjshëm, i bazuar në kriteret e kësaj fushe. - Revista "Mjedisi Sot" by Roland Lelaj
            • Strategjia e sektorit tonë është fokusuar në ruajtjen e tërësisë së fondit pyjor e kullosor; nxitja e mbarështimit të qëndrueshëm për prodhimet dhe shërbimet që ofron fondi pyjor e kullosor. - Qendra Rajonale e Mjedisit by Roland Lelaj
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    • English
      • Fisheries
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          • Term
            • sustainable yield
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          • Definition(s)
            • The number or weight of fish in a stock that can be taken by fishing without reducing the stock biomass from year to year, assuming that environmental conditions remain the same. Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Marine conservation requires a new ecosystem-based concept for fisheries management that looks beyond sustainable yield for individual fish species - American Scientist
            • At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, in September 2002, the EU Member States signed up limiting fishing to sustainable levels by maintaining or restoring stocks to levels that can produce the maximum sustainable yield. - European Commission - Fisheries
            • The quantity removed by the mothership/dory fishing operation was found to be more than 3 times the estimated maximum sustainable yield. - OceanDocs
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    • Japanese
      • Fisheries
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          • Term
            • 維持可能な漁獲量
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          • Definition(s)
            • sustainable yield (fisheries) - Marine conservation requires a new ecosystem-based concept for fisheries management that looks beyond sustainable yield for individual fish species worldwatch institute, Nissui - by Sawako H
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 国連食糧農業機関(FAO)によると、世界の400万もの漁船は、全海洋漁場の4分の3で持続可能な漁獲量以上の魚を捕獲している。 - Worldwatch Institute by Sawako H
            • つまり、魚種別に環境収容力を見極め、持続可能な漁獲量の最大値〔Maximum Sustainable Yield(MSY)〕を見定めないと、効率的な持続的漁業を行うことができないのです - Nissui by Sawako H
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  • Compare this term in: Croatian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Chinese, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

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