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    • English
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            • restless legs syndrome
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            • Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a disorder of the part of the nervous system that affects movements of the legs. Because it usually interferes with sleep, it also is considered a sleep disorder. * People with RLS have strange sensations in their legs (and sometimes arms) and an irresistible urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations. * The sensations are difficult to describe: they are not painful, but an uncomfortable, "itchy," "pins and needles," or "creepy crawly" feeling deep in the legs. * The sensations are usually worse at rest, especially when lying in bed. * The sensations lead to walking discomfort, sleep deprivation, and stress. WebMD, Inc.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Symptomatic restless legs syndrome may occur secondary to iron deficiency, anemia, folate deficiency, uremia, thyroid problems, diabetes, or peripheral neuropathy. - WE MOVE by
            • Restless legs syndrome may be triggered by peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy, but a distinction should be made between these disorders. In pure peripheral neuropathy and radiculopathy, patients do not have the compelling need to move to relieve leg discomfort and the symptoms are not consistently worse at rest or at night. - EMIS & PiP by
            • Restless legs syndrome can begin at any age and generally worsens as you get older. Women are more likely than men to develop this condition. Restless legs syndrome can disrupt sleep — leading to daytime drowsiness — and make travelling difficult. - Mayo Foundation for Medical Education by
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    • Spanish
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            • síndrome de las piernas inquietas
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            • El síndrome de las piernas inquietas (o RLS, por sus siglas en inglés) es un trastorno neurológico caracterizado por sensaciones desagradables en las piernas y un impulso incontrolable de moverse cuando se está descansando, en un esfuerzo para aliviar estas sensaciones. Las personas a menudo describen las sensaciones del RLS como quemantes, como si algo se les jalara o se les deslizara, o como si insectos treparan por el interior de sus piernas. Estas sensaciones, a menudo llamadas parestesias (sensaciones anormales) o disestesias (sensaciones anormales desagradables), varían en gravedad de desagradables a irritantes, a dolorosas. NINDS - National Institutes of Health - by Carlos Miranda, Ph.D.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La causa del SPI es aún desconocida, pero hay estudios que inciden sobre determinados problemas en el transporte de hierro al cerebro y secundariamente, alteraciones en la síntesis de determinados neurotransmisores, como la dopamina. Parece claro que el síndrome de piernas inquietas tiene una potente base familiar y genética. - Institut Ferran de Reumatología by Carlos Miranda, Ph.D.
            • No hay ningún examen específico para el síndrome de las piernas inquietas. El médico por lo regular no encontrará ninguna anomalía, a menos que también se presente neuropatía periférica - Medline Plus by Carlos Miranda, Ph.D.
            • Un tratamiento para el SPI consiste en asegurarse de que sus niveles de hierro y de glóbulos rojos en la sangre sean lo suficientemente altos; pregúntele a su médico. Usted puede aliviar el SPI si lleva una dieta equilibrada, si toma vitaminas múltiples aprobadas por su médico y si deja de tomar cafeína, alcohol y deja de fumar. - Life Options by Carlos Miranda, Ph.D.
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    • Slovak
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            • Syndróm nepokojných nôh
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            • porucha centrálneho nervového systému, vôľou neovládateľné a nepotlačiteľné nutkanie pohybovať končatinami, najmä nohami. Nohy postihnutého mravenčia, svrbia, tŕpnu, pália dokonca až bolia. Príznaky sa pravidelne objavujú alebo stupňujú večer a v noci, najmä počas odpočinku, nezáleží či sedíte alebo ležíte. ZZZ - by Martina Stryckova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Syndróm nepokojných nôh (SNN) je senzitívnemotorická porucha nervového systému charakterizovaná intenzívnym nutkaním k pohybu dolnými končatinami resp. i inými časťami tela, ktorá je často sprevádzaná senzitívnym dyskomfortom alebo bolesťami v postihnutých častiach. - I. neurologicka klinika LFUK a FN by Martina Stryckova
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    • Macedonian
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            • синдром на немирни нозе
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            • Синдромот на немирни нозе е повеќе синдром отколку болест, односно збир на симптоми предизвикани од различни фактори. Првиот и еден од најкарактеристичните знаци кај луѓето што страдаат од овој синдром е неодложната потреба за придвижување на нозете, особено стапалата. Own research - by Marina Marinova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Синдромот немирни нозе е, пак, пример за растројство кое на посебен начин ја нарушува рамнотежата и интеракцијата на спротивставените страни - сонот и будност. - Шпиц by Marina Marinova
            • Боцкање,“трнење“, жар па и болка во нозете се само некои од симптомите на синдромот немирни нозе (RLS, eng. restless leg syndrome) која ги мачи 5% од популацијата, а од неодамна беа дијагностицирани како грчеви во нозете. - Ексклузив by Marina Marinova
            • Уредниците на изданието, тврдат дека состојбите како нарушената женска сексуалност, хиперактивното нарушување на недостаток на внимание (ADHD) и синдромот на немирни нозе се всушност непостоечки болести промовирани од фармацевтските компании. - Он.нет by Marina Marinova
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