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    • Albanian
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          • Term
            • stagflacion
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            • Termi stagflacion përdoret për të përshkruar një situatë në të cilën rritja është pothuajse zero, ka inflacion të lartë dhe papunësia është më e lartë se normalisht. Kjo situatë zakonisht fillon me rritjen e çmimeve ndërkohë që prodhimi bie. Për shkak të rënies së prodhimit, edhe papunësia rritet. Të tre këta faktorë të kombinuar shkaktojnë stagflacionin. Own research - by Αlban SHPΑTΑ
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Me çmimet e konsumit që po rriten me ritmin më të shpejtë në 16 vjet, analistët e financave thonë se frika e një stagflacioni është tepër reale. - Voice of America by Αlban SHPΑTΑ
            • Rritja e çmimeve u mbeshtet nga komentet e bera nga shefi i Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, sipas te cilit ekonomia amerikane nuk eshte e kercenuar menjehere nga stagflacioni, nje kombinim i dobesimit ekonomik dhe inflacionit ne rritje. - Revista Monitor by Αlban SHPΑTΑ
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    • English
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            • stagflation
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            • The term stagflation is sometimes used to describe a situation in which there is slow to zero growth in real output, high inflation exists, and unemployment is higher than normal. This situation usually begins with rising prices at times when production is declining. Because of declining production, unemployment also increases. All three of these factors combined cause stagflation—stagnation in production and employment together with increasing inflation. - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • If monetary authorities respond appropriately to growing inflationary pressure - recognising that much of it is imported, and not a result of excess domestic demand - we may be able to manage our way through it. But if they raise interest rates relentlessly to meet inflation targets, we should prepare for the worst: another episode of stagflation. - by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Once stagflation occurs it is difficult to deal with. The measures a government would usually take to revive an economy in recession (cutting interest rates or increasing government spending) will also increase inflation. - by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Folks of a certain age might remember the stagflation which dominated the US economy in the 1970s. It was a gloomy time when energy prices (and gasoline lines) dominated the news; when whole industries slumped at the same time, and when job losses and price hikes seemed to travel in tandem. - by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • Hebrew
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            • סטגפלציה
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            • כינוי לתופעה כלכלית בה פועלים שני תהליכים מנוגדים לכאורה - אינפלציה וסטגנציה; - לשון אחר: כלכלה דפלציונית קופאת על שמריה, בד בבד עם עליית מחירים, תוך ששני אלה מתקיימים בצוותא במשך תקפה ארוכה. כתוצאה מכך יש תהליך של עליית מחירים, מזה; וירידה בפעילות הכלכלית ועלייה באבטלה, מזה. מעות - אגרון הכלכלה - by Ron Armon
          • Example sentence(s)
            • זאת לא הפעם הראשונה שהעולם נקלע למצב המורכב שנקרא סטגפלציה. בשנות ה70 מדינות ברחבי העולם בראשות ארה"ב ראו שיעורים דו סיפרתיים של האינפלציה והאבטלה יחדיו. - by Ron Armon
            • תופעת ה"סטגפלציה" בשנות השבעים, שבה הייתה אבטלה גבוהה במקביל לאינפלציה גבוהה, עמדה בסתירה לתאוריה ולעקומת פיליפס. - Wikipedia by Ron Armon
            • סטגפלציה היא תופעה המציינת צירוף של האטה כלכלית, שפל ומיתון המלווה בעליית מחירים. הדברים מנוגדים. בדרך כלל תקופת האטה כלכלית מלווה בירידת מחירים והדבר מנוגד לתהליכי הכלכלה הקלאסיים. אולם, תופעה זו התרחשה כבר בעבר. ישראל של שנת 2003 היתה על סף סטגלפציה חמורה ביותר ומדיניות נבונה של צמצום הוצאות הממשלה יחד עם הורדת ריבית (והתערבות של הדוד סם עם ערבויות נדיבות) הביאו גל צמיחה שלא נראה פה במשך שנים רבות. - TheMarker Cafe by Ron Armon
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