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    • Slovenian
      • Economics
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          • Term
            • stagflacija
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          • Definition(s)
            • Stagflacija je obdobje upočasnjene gospodarske rasti in istočasno višje inflacije. Z drugimi besedami, stagflacija je pojav, ki se zgodi, ko gospodarstvo ne raste, cene izdelkov in storitev pa se kljub temu povečujejo - kombinacija dveh nezaželenih ekonomskih pojavov. Finančni slovar - by Polona Likar (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Najnujnejša prioriteta na ekonomskem področju, ki so jo morajo postaviti evropske vlade, je omejiti škodo zaradi krize na finančnih trgih. Položaj je toliko bolj resen zaradi grožnje stagflacije, torej recesije oziroma stagnacije gospodarstva ob sočasni inflaciji. - Manager by Polona Likar (X)
            • Ob vsem tem so zadnji ekonomski signali iz ZDA in Evrope vse prej kot spodbudni. Zadnji, najhujši udarec finančne krize šele prihaja. Vedno več znamenj kaže na morebitno stagflacijo, torej fatalno kombinacijo inflacije in padajoče gospodarske rasti. - Delo by Polona Likar (X)
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    • English
      • Economics
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          • Term
            • stagflation
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            • The term stagflation is sometimes used to describe a situation in which there is slow to zero growth in real output, high inflation exists, and unemployment is higher than normal. This situation usually begins with rising prices at times when production is declining. Because of declining production, unemployment also increases. All three of these factors combined cause stagflation—stagnation in production and employment together with increasing inflation. - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • If monetary authorities respond appropriately to growing inflationary pressure - recognising that much of it is imported, and not a result of excess domestic demand - we may be able to manage our way through it. But if they raise interest rates relentlessly to meet inflation targets, we should prepare for the worst: another episode of stagflation. - by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Once stagflation occurs it is difficult to deal with. The measures a government would usually take to revive an economy in recession (cutting interest rates or increasing government spending) will also increase inflation. - by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Folks of a certain age might remember the stagflation which dominated the US economy in the 1970s. It was a gloomy time when energy prices (and gasoline lines) dominated the news; when whole industries slumped at the same time, and when job losses and price hikes seemed to travel in tandem. - by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • Greek
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          • Term
            • Στασιμοπληθωρισμός
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            • Το φαινόμενο της συνύπαρξης στασιμότητας στην οικονομική δραστηριότητα και πληθωρισμού (stagnation and inflation). Επίσης, Στασιμοπληθωρισμός αποκαλείται το οικονομικό φαινόμενο σύμφωνα με το οποίο, για ένα δεδομένο χρονικό διάστημα παρατηρείται αύξηση των ποσοστών ανεργίας παράλληλα με την αύξηση του πληθωρισμού. Πρόκειται ουσιαστικά για ένδειξη μη αποτελεσματικής αγοράς, καθώς παραδοσιακά τα ποσοστά της ανεργίας κινούνται αντίστροφα με τις πληθωριστικές πιέσεις. Συνήθως πληθωριστικές πιέσεις παρατηρούνται σε οικονομίες που τρέχουν με υψηλούς ρυθμούς ανάπτυξης, κάτι που αυξάνει τη ζήτηση για προϊόντα, συνεπώς και τις τιμές για δεδομένη προσφορά. Λόγω δε των ρυθμών ανάπτυξης, δημιουργούνται θέσεις εργασίας, συνεπώς θα έπρεπε τα ποσοστά της ανεργίας να συμπιέζονται προς τα κάτω. Wikipedia - by Ioanna Daskalopoulou
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Κατά συνέπεια, η Δύση οδηγείται και πάλι στον στασιμοπληθωρισμό, τα επιτόκια ανεβαίνουν και η στασιμότητα γενικεύεται, διότι τα δάνεια γίνονται ακριβότερα... - Wikepedia by Ioanna Daskalopoulou
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    • Bulgarian
      • Economics
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          • Term
            • стагфлация
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            • Стагфлация (от "стагнация"+"инфлация") е термин от макроикономиката, с които се означава състояние на икономиката, характеризиращо се със застой (нисък темп на икономически ръст), ръст на инфлацията и увеличаване на безработицата. Wikipedia - by Milena Dieva
          • Example sentence(s)
            • В икономическата литература стагфлацията е феномен, при който едновременно се забелязва ръст в цените и спад на реалната икономическата активност. В САЩ периодите, които се характеризират със стагфлация, са 1973-74 г. и 1979-80 г. Според широко разпространената теория спад в икономическата активност и увеличаване на безработицата трябва да бъде съпътствано от намаление на темпа на инфлация, а не от неговото увеличение. - IME Review by Milena Dieva
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