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    • English
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            • pulp fiction
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            • Novels written for the mass market, intended to be "a good read,"--often exciting, titillating, thrilling. Historically they have been very popular but critically sneered at as being of sub-literary quality. The earliest ones were the dime novels of the nineteenth century, printed on newsprint (hence "pulp" fiction) and sold for ten cents. Westerns, stories of adventure, even the Horatio Alger novels, all were forms of pulp fiction. Robert Harris - VirtualSalt
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            • At five to twenty-five cents an issue, pulp fiction was a literature accessible to Americans at every income level—often sold at newsstands and drugstores. Until the mid-1950s, pulp fiction was the literature of choice for the reading public, before it was supplanted by comic books and paperbacks. - The Library of Congress-American Memory by
            • The pulp fiction era provided a breeding ground for creative talent which would influence all forms of entertainment for decades to come. The hardboiled detective and science fiction genres were created by the freedom that the pulp fiction magazines provided. - Vintage New Media, inc. by
            • Pulp fiction was a great avenue to escape the mundane and escape into a world of gangsters and good guys, cowboys and cattlemen, spaceships and star travelers. For a thin dime one could read from the pens of some of the best writers of the era: the era of pulp fiction. - Robert Wheadon by
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    • Croatian
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            • šund literatura
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            • Šund - djelo (tekst, film, glazba, slika) bez umjetničkih i moralnih vrijednosti Izvor: Rječnik hrvatskoga jezika Own research - by eleonora_r
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Iza pseudonima najčešće se skrivaju pisci koji se boje da bi šund literatura ili trivijalni žanrovi mogli “potrošiti” njihovo autorsko ime. - Moderna vremena info by eleonora_r
            • U svom prijedlogu Gavran je šundom proglasio cijele žanrove i to »ljubiće, krimiće, porno-časopise i slično«. Tako bi porez na šund bio prilijepljen i krimićima koji spadaju gotovo u klasike svjetske književnosti, a možda bi se pod »i slično« ugurala i znanstvenofantastična književnost, detektivski i avanturistički romani. Recimo, Goranu Tribusonu bi neka njegova djela konkurirala za društveno priznate nagrade, kao što je nedavno dobio nagradu Fonda Miroslav Krleža, dok bi mu dogodovštine inspektora Banića priskrbile porez na šund - by eleonora_r
            • ŠTO JE ŠUND, A ŠTO VRIJEDNA KNJIGA: Neizbježno je pitanje kojim bi se općim kriterijima određivalo što jest šund, a što nije, te tko bi određivao koji će naslovi izazvati sreću ili jad njihovim autorima i izdavačima? - by eleonora_r
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    • Dutch
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            • pulproman
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            • Het lezerspubliek splitst zich op: er zijn teksten die worden geproduceerd voor massaconsumptie (pulpmagazines, stripverhalen, stationsromans, science-fictionverhalen, detectiveromans) daarvan afgeleid: pulpromans Wiki - by Roel Verschueren
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            • Pulpromans vormen een literair genre dat niet zozeer uitblinkt door een sterk plot of personage, maar vanwege de sociale functie die zij vervullen. Een pulproman is doorgaans vrij omvangrijk en kent een snelle aaneenschakeling van acties, intriges of avontuur en treft men voornamelijk aan in kiosken van treinstations en luchthavens, hoewel ze in het Nederlands taalgebied ook in de reguliere boekhandel te verkrijgen zijn. - Wiki by Roel Verschueren
            • Een pulproman moet noodzakelijkerwijs oppervlakkig, innemend en toegankelijk zijn zonder dat zij noodzakelijkerwijs over een bijzonder diepgaande of filosofische inhoud beschikt, of althans voor zover deze inhoud noodzakelijk is voor het uiteindelijke genot van het boek. - Wiki by Roel Verschueren
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    • Bulgarian
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            • булевардна литература
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            • Извън елитарната, в класическия смисъл на думата, и националнозначима литература, или още обозначавана с термина канон, имаме и други литератури, които също по някакъв начин са попаднали под известни критерии за значимост: * булевардна литература. Тази литература е обичана и масово купувана заради своята лесна сдъвкваемост, възприемаемост, основен критерий: да бъде интересно; понякога се използва в смисъла на дамгосващо дадено произведение понятие. * ... PomagaloDZI - by 4leavedClover
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            • Въпросите в анкетата, в същото време, не правят разлика между булевардна литература и литература с някаква стойност, тоест между Даниел Стийл и Томас Пинчън, и за литературата се говори като за "консумирана". - by 4leavedClover
            • Аз лично чета всякакви книги, като може да се каже само, че избягвам криминалните и трилърите, защото се четат на един дъх и после ги забравяш - булевардна литература, която се продава с меки корици, за да я прочетеш и изхвърлиш, не оставяйки нищо в теб. - Якото четене by 4leavedClover
            • След легендарната си заигравка с упадъчната булевардна литература "Pulp Fiction" в началото на 90-те години, която роди нова епоха в авангардното кино и проправи пътеката за тарикати като Гай Ричи, Тарантино се впусна във всякакви експерименти, но дори и абсурдстката комедия за зрители на средна възраст "Джеки Браун" не успя да ме отчая. - ALL.BG by 4leavedClover
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