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    • English
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            • context-embedded language
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          • Definition(s)
            • Context-embedded language refers to communication that occurs in a context of shared understanding, where there are cues or signals that help to reveal the meaning (e.g. visual clues, gestures, expressions, specific location). WETA
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Cummins' model (see Figure 1) consists of two intersecting continuums: the first from context-embedded language to context-reduced language, and the second from cognitively undemanding language (which requires little conscious attention to language forms or choices) to cognitively demanding language (which requires the active cognitive efforts of the speaker/writer to produce). - Thomas and Collier Research by
            • Children who receive functional and context-embedded language instruction are more likely to have a positive attitude about learning and a heightened self-concept. - Education Resources Information Center by
            • While these teachers often overestimate ESL students’ academic level of proficiency, Emily’s description (below) suggests that she is aware that while the students have a good grasp of BICS (context-embedded language), they lack CALP (context-reduced language). Her contention is that this will prove particularly problematic for the students the following year in high school. - Lynne Wiltse by
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    • Romanian
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            • Limbaj contextual
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          • Definition(s)
            • Limbajul contextual apare sub forma povestirii monologate despre cele văzute de copil în timpul plimbărilor, la teatru, despre relaţiile lui cu alţi copii, despre tot ceea ce s-a întâmplat, învăţat etc. În cazul limbajului situativ, nu este nevoie ca ascultătorul să cunoască situaţia la care se referă vorbitorul, deoarece conţinutul comunicării reiese din însuşi contextul celor spuse. - by Veronica Lupascu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • În grădiniţă copilul vorbeşte mai mult cu alţi copii despre ceea ce a văzut, a auzit, a făcut sau a gândit. Ca urmare a acestui fapt, el trece treptat de la limbajul situativ (specific vârstei preşcolare), la limbajul contextual (de comunicare), care are rol primordial, iar pe măsură ce copilul exploatează lumea înconjurătoare, el „depăşeşte tot mai mult limitele experienţei, desprinzându-se de influenţa momentului prezent - by Veronica Lupascu
            • In vederea exersarii limbajului contextual, coerent, este necesar sa-l punem pe copil (inca de la 3 ani) in situatia de a-si organiza si realiza o povestire fara un suport intuitiv imediat. - by Veronica Lupascu
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    • Hungarian
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            • kontextusba ágyazott megnyilatkozás
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            • A felszíni nyelvi kompetencia (BICS), sikeres kommunikációt tesz lehetővé a hétköznapi életben, amikor a konkrét, bizonyos kontextushoz kötődő szituáció nem verbális elemei is segíthetnek a megértésben. Mutatói a kiejtés, a folyékony beszéd, az alapszókincs és alapvető nyelvtani ismeretek. A magasabb szintű és elvontabb nyelvtudás a kognitív nyelvi kompetencia (CALP) teszi lehetővé, hogy a nyelvhasználó gyakran dekontextualizált, csak verbális eszközöket használó helyzetekben is -mint az iskolai tanulás - bonyolult értelmi műveleteket végezzen nyelvi eszközökkel. Mutatói egy absztrakt, gazdagabb szókincs, és bonyolult nyelvtani megoldások birtoklása és használata. A bilingvis fogalmak letisztulása egy skandináv kutatók által kezdeményezett, a bevándorlók gyerekeinek nyelvtudását vizsgáló hosszas kutatási folyamat eredménye. Várkuti Anna: BILINGVIS KOMPETENCIA, KO - by Blanka Nagy
          • Example sentence(s)
            • A szem élyközi kommunikációs készségeket konkrét, kognitív szempontból kevésbé igényes helyzetekben használjuk, amikor a környezet is sok segítséget nyújt mind a nyelvi kifejez ésre, mind pedig a nyelv értelmezésére (például játszótér, bevásárlás). - Lesznyák Márta: KÉTNYELVŰSÉG ÉS K� by Blanka Nagy
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    • Albanian
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            • gjuhë (komunikim) me ndërthurje kontekstuale
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            • Gjuha apo komunikimi me ndërthurje kontekstuale e përcjell kuptimin duke u bazuar jo vetëm në fjalorin e përdorur, por gjithashtu në veçoritë jo-gjuhësore si gjestet, të dhënat pamore, vendndodhja e të tjera sugjerime rrethanore. Own research - by Ledja
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Komunikimi dhe llojet e tij. Leximi dhe shkrimi. Format gramatikore në përdorim. Shprehjet frazeologjike, idiomatike dhe foljet frazale. Pjesët e ligjëratës dhe përdorimet. Teksti, përdorimet kontekstuale dhe terminologjike." (Teksti i mësipërm përmban një shembull të përdorimit kontekstual në krahasim me përdorimet e tjera në gjuhën e folur e të shkruar.) - Polytechnic University of Tirana by Ledja
            • "Aftësitë muzikore zhvillohen jo vetëm me aktivitetet muzikore, por edhe përmes aktiviteteve në fushat e tjera edukative, duke i ndërlidhur me kontekstin jetësor të fëmijës." (Një ilustrim tjetër i përdorimit të gjerë të kontekstit në kuptimin rrethanor.) - MINISTRIA E ARSIMIT, SHKENCËS DHE E TEK by Ledja
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    • Japanese
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            • 社会生活言語
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          • Definition(s)
            • 文脈依存度が高く、顔の表情やジェスチャーなど言語内容を理解するのに役立つ「非言語的要素」を多く含む状況において用いられる言語 University of Toyama - by Yuko Kubo
          • Example sentence(s)
            • カミンズによると言語(ないし言語能力)には2種類あり、ひとつは文脈依存度の高いもので、個人間の会話では、顔の表情やジェスチャーなど言語内容を理解するのに役立つ「非言語的要素」を多く含んでいる。子ども同士が遊ぶ際には単なる言葉のやり取りだけでなく、行動で示すなどして言語の意味が相互に伝えられる。このような言語の意味理解の助けとなる多くの「非言語的要素」を含む状況において用いられる言語をカミンズは、‘context-embedded language’と呼び、日本の文献の中では「社会生活言語」と呼ばれている。この種の言語能力における認知レベルは決して高くはなく、子どもが第二言語としてこのような言語(能力)を習得するには1,2年かかるものと考えられている。 - University of Toyama by Yuko Kubo
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