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English to Hungarian: Inflation Targeting General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English The unhappy experience of Latin American and East Asian countries with pegged exchange-rate regimes when those countries found themselves in deep financial crises in the 1990's had led emerging-market countries to search for alternative nominal anchors. (I am including transition countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in the emerging market category.) Inflation targeting, a monetary policy strategy which has been successfully used by a number of industrialized countries, has thus become an increasingly attractive alternative and has been adopted by a growing number of emerging-market countries, including Chile, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Poland and South Africa.
Translation - Hungarian Azon Latin Amerika-i és Észak Ázsia-i országok szomorú tapasztalata, amelyek rögzített árfolyamrendszerüknek köszönhetően súlyos gazdasági válsággal találták szembe magukat, az 1990-es években arra ösztönözte a feltörekvő országokat, hogy alternatív nominális horgonyokat találjanak. (A feltörekvő országok közé soroljuk Kelet Európa és az egykori Szovjet Únió országait is.) Az inflációs célkitűzés, egy olyan monetáris eljárásmód, amelyet számos ország sikeresen használt és ezáltal növekvő népszerűségnek örvendő alternatívává fejlődte ki magát, miközben egyre több fejlődő ország alkalmazza, köztük Chile, Brazília, a Cseh Köztársaság, Lengyelország és Dél Amerika.
Hungarian to English: Training programme offer General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - Hungarian A képzési program fókuszában a kontingencia elméletekre épülő, a munkatársak felkészültségi szintjét felismerő és ahhoz igazított helyzetfüggő vezetési stílus kialakítása, megerősítése, az ezzel kapcsolatos vezetési módszerek megismerése és alkalmazása áll oly módon, hogy a leader funkciók jelentős szerepet kapnak (ösztönzés, motiválás, szervezeti-egyéni célok összehangolása, stb.). A támogató-fejlesztő vezetői feladatok során előtérbe kerül a munkatársak fejlesztése, amelynek egyik leghatékonyabb módja a coaching. Tréningünk során nem törekszünk a résztvevő vezetőkből professzionális coachokat képezni, azonban fontosnak tartjuk a coaching feltételrendszerének, folyamatának, módszertanának megismerését és tréning körülmények közötti gyakorlati alkalmazását, amelynek során a résztvevők az elméleti tudásanyag megismerésén túl, a tanultakat különböző szituációs gyakorlatokon keresztül transzformálják a napi gyakorlat szintjére.
Translation - English Our training programme is built upon the Contingency Theory of Leadership Effectiveness, a situational theory that takes into account the employees’ level of experience and encourages a situational management style, our aim being the development and enforcement of such a style, as well as to learn about and apply the managerial methods implied by this style in a way that leadership functions are also highlighted (stimulation, motivation, harmonizing organisational and personal goals etc.). These managerial assignments, meant to assist and develop the employees, will be organised in the form of coaching which, we believe, is the most efficient way in such situations. Our programme does not aim to turn the participating managers into professional coaches, but we consider it worthwhile to familiarize participants with the coaching terms, procedures and methodology, as well as – in the training context – to put these into practice, so that participants will be able to use them on an every day, real life basis.
Romanian to English: Garantare credite General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Romanian Ai nevoie de un credit pentru a-ti dezvolta afacerea si banca iti solicita garantii ?
Acum poti afla cum iei credit bancar avand doar o parte din garantiile solicitate de banca.
Ce credite pot fi garantate de către FNIMM SA-IFN şi de la care bănci?
Pot fi garantate:
Finanţări pe termen mediu şi lung de tipul creditelor pentru investiţii în completarea surselor proprii pentru:
a. Realizarea de noi capacităţi de producţie, precum şi dezvoltarea celor existente, prin construcţia, reabilitarea, consolidarea, extinderea imobilelor cu destinaţie industrială şi comercială
b. Modernizarea şi/sau retehnologizarea capacităţilor de producţie, a utilajelor, maşinilor, instalaţiilor, clădirilor şi construcţiilor existente etc.;
c. Realizarea de investiţii prin achiziţii de maşini, utilaje, mijloace de transport, clădiri, licenţe, animale de reproducţie etc.
d. Proiecte care participă la realizarea obiectivelor strategice de dezvoltare naţională, (co-)finanţate prin:
- Contributia UE din Instrumentele Structurale
- Alocarile din surse publice nationale si locale
- Surse externe de finanţare pentru investitii
Finanţări pe termen scurt pentru asigurarea capitalului de lucru, de tipul:
a. Linii de credit
b. Credite globale de exploatare
c. Credite pentru finanţarea cheltuielilor şi stocurilor
d. Credite pentru prefinanţarea exporturilor ş.a.
Translation - English Do you need a loan in order to develop your business and the bank requieres guarantees?
Now you can find out how to obtain a bank loan having just some of the guarantees required by the bank.
What kinds of loans can be guaranteed by the National Fund for SMEs – S.A.-IFN – and at which banks?
The following can be guaranteed:
Medium and long term financing to supplement personal sources for investment in:
a. Achieving new production capacity, as well as developing the existing one through construction, rehabilitation, consolidation, expansion of the industrial and commercial buildings
b. Modernizing and/or updating the production capacity, the equipment, appliance, machinery, buildings and existing premises etc.;
c. New investment through the acquisition of machinery, equipment, means of transport, buildings, licences, breeding stock etc.
d. Projects that contribute to the achievement of strategic aims in the national development, co-financed through:
- EU contribution from the Structural Instruments
- Allocated from national and local public funds
- External sources of investment financing
Short term financing to ensure working capital of the type:
a. Lines of credit
b. Global operating loans
c. Loans for cost and stock financing
d. Loans for export pre-financing a.s.o.
Hungarian to Romanian: A kolozsvári Unitárius Kollégium General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: History
Source text - Hungarian A kolozsvári Unitárius Kollégium több évszázados hagyománnyal rendelkezik. Gyökerei 1557-ig nyúlnak vissza, s alapításától kezdve Kolozsvár legrégibb és legnagyobb középfokú tanintézete volt, amely Európa-szerte elterjedt protestáns humanista iskolák rendszerét követte. 1901 szeptemberére az Unitárius Egyház anyagi forrásaiból, a magyar kormány támogatásával felépült, és megnyitotta kapuit a Kollégium történetének negyedik, mai modern épülete, amely azóta is a város legimpozánsabb iskolája.
Az iskola történetében lényeges változást hozott a II. világháború utáni kommunista rendszer tanügyi intézkedése, amelynek következtében 1948-ban államosították az oktatásügyet, így a felekezeti oktatást és az iskolát is.
Az 1989-es tanév sok tekintetben fordulatot hozott az oktatás életében. Lappangó gondolatok, rejtett érzelmek kerültek felszínre, s tervek születtek. Nyilvánvaló lett az is, hogy ha a jövőért tenni akarunk valamit, akkor az iskola a legmegfelelőbb hely.
Így alakult újjá – több mint 44 évi szünet után – 1993-ban a múlt hagyományaiból táplálkozó Unitárius Kollégium –Teológiai Líceum, ha nem is a felekezeti oktatás régi, hanem az unitárius szellemiséget magán hordozó iskolatípus formájában.
Translation - Romanian Colegiul Unitarian din Cluj-Napoca se bazează pe o tradiţie veche de mai multe secole. Rădăcinile acestuia se pot trasa până în anul 1557, care îl fac încă de la înfiinţare cea mai veche şi cea mai mare instituţie de învăţământ mediu din Cluj-Napoca, adobtând sistemul şcolilor protestante cu profil uman răspândite în întrega Europă. Până în septembrie 1901, din resursele financiare ale Bisericii Unitariene, cu sprijinul guvernului maghiar, s-a construit şi şi-a deschis porţile cea de-a patra clădire din istoria Colegiului, cea modernă de azi, care şi de atunci este cea mai impunătoare şcoală a oraşului.
O schimbare importantă în istoria şcolii a adus măsura sistemului comunist, în urma căreia în anul 1948 învăţământul a fost instituţionalizat, şi astfel şi învăţământul confesional şi şcolile ei.
Anul şcolar 1989 a adus schimbări din multe puncte de vedere în viaţa didactică. Gânduri latente, sentimente ascunse au ieşit la iveală, planuri s-au conturat. A devenit evident şi faptul că, dacă vrem să facem ceva pentru viitor, atunci şcoala este locul cel mai potrivit pentru acest lucru. Astfel s-a reconstituit – după o pauză de 44 de ani – în 1993, hrănit din tradiţiile trecutului, Colegiul Unitarian – Liceul Teologic, chiar dacă nu în forma veche a învăţământului confesional, dar în forma unei şcoli profund marcate de spiritualitatea unitariană.
I am a certified, freelance translator with 5 years experience in translating from and into English, Hungarian and Romanian. My native language is Hungarian and I specialize in the following fields:
- Arts/Literature/Linguistics (B.A. in English and Hungarian and M.A. In Irish Studies from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania);
- Human Resources (internship at a local Human Resources Management Company and a special course on Human Resources Management at Communication and Public Relations Faculty, Romania);
- Education (I worked as an English/Hungarian teacher and business English trainer at Bridge Language Study House, Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
Working with various translation agencies and individual clients, I also have experience in various other fields, such as:
- Banking and Finance (references on request);
- Business General, Correspondence (references on request);
- Advertising and Marketing, promotional and advertising material(references on request);
- Press Releases, EU related articles and materials (references on request);
- Educational and training material, certificates, diplomas (references on request).
I can guarantee reliability, accuracy, creativity, strong commitment to quality and client orientation. You will find that the prices I work with are highly competitive. They vary according to the length and difficulty of the projects and they can be agreed upon in each particular case.
Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I am looking forward to hearing from you and working with you.
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