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    • English
      • Electronics / Elect Eng
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            • pull-up resistor
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            • A resistor used to pull a logic input "up" to the high state, or logic-1 state, thus preventing a disconnected input from floating into an undetermined state. Sealevel Systems, Inc.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Without an internal pull-up enabled in our circuit, the button would be "floating" when open and ground when pushed. We want it to be a digital high when open. We need the pull-up resistor. - Micah Carrick by
            • Once again, modern parts require lower currents, but if a switch seems to be unreliable, try increasing the current by reducing the value of the pull-up resistor. - The errant engineer by
            • So determine if parts count or cost come into play with this design, are you building 3 prototypes or 10,000 units [to determine the cost and impact of the resistor]. Next determine if the resistor is really required, check the IC logic family being used, it may or may not require a pull-up resistor. - Leroy Davis by
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    • Chinese
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            • 上拉电阻(器)
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            • 在数字逻辑电路中,由于某些引脚空闲不用,又不能悬空着,通常用一适当的电阻接+vcc(上拉)或地(下拉)。具体使用上拉或下拉要看设计而定,大多不能随意改变。当然电阻本身是没有什么区别的。 上拉电阻: 1、当TTL电路驱动COMS电路时,如果TTL电路输出的高电平低于COMS电路的最低高电平(一般为3.5V),这时就需要在TTL的输出端接上拉电阻,以提高输出高电平的值。 2、OC门电路必须加上拉电阻,才能使用。 3、为加大输出引脚的驱动能力,有的单片机管脚上也常使用上拉电阻。 4、在COMS芯片上,为了防止静电造成损坏,不用的管脚不能悬空,一般接上拉电阻产生降低输入阻抗,提供泄荷通路。 5、芯片的管脚加上拉电阻来提高输出电平,从而提高芯片输入信号的噪声容限增强抗干扰能力。 6、提高总线的抗电磁干扰能力。管脚悬空就比较容易接受外界的电磁干扰。 7、长线传输中电阻不匹配容易引起反射波干扰,加上下拉电阻是电阻匹配,有效的抑制反射波干扰。 上拉电阻阻值的选择原则包括: 1、从节约功耗及芯片的灌电流能力考虑应当足够大;电阻大,电流小。 2、从确保足够的驱动电流考虑应当足够小;电阻小,电流大。 3、对于高速电路,过大的上拉电阻可能边沿变平缓。综合考虑 以上三点,通常在1k到10k之间选取。对下拉电阻也有类似道理 YAHOO - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 上拉是对器件注入电流,下拉是输出电流;弱强只是上拉电阻的阻值不同,没有什么严格区分;对于非集电极(或漏极)开路输出型电路(如普通门电路)提升 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 上拉是对器件注入电流,下拉是输出电流;弱强只是上拉电阻的阻值不同,没有什么严格区分;对于非集电极(或漏极)开路输出型电路(如普通门电路)提升电流和电压的能力 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 上拉電阻:pull up1、當TTL電路驅動COMS電路時,如果TTL電路輸出的高電平低於COMS電路的最低高電平(一般為3.5V),這時就需要在TTL的輸出端接上拉電阻,以提高輸出高 ... - by Adsion Liu
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    • Romanian
      • Electronics / Elect Eng
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            • Rezistenţă de ridicare ( la 1)
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            • E o rezistenţă folosita la ridicarea intrarii logice la "1", prevenind astfel o intrare lasata in gol de la "plutirea" intr-o stare (logica) nehotarata. Sealevel Systems, Inc - by ION CAPATINA
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Atât rezistenţele de ridicare la "1" cât şi cele de coborâre la "0" sunt folosite in circuitele logice electronice pentru a asigura că intrările la sistemele logice se stabilizează la valorile logice aşteptate atunci când se deconectează dispozitivele externe de impedanţă mare. " - Wikipedia by ION CAPATINA
            • “ Pentru ca atunci când nu există activitate pe magistrală toate liniile să aibă acelaşi potenţial, acestea se conectează prin rezistenţe de ridicare la “1”. - Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj by ION CAPATINA
            • „o rezistenţă externă de ridicare (nu interna) se foloseşte ca atunci când pinul e în aer, să aibă o valoare stabilă de 1 (deparazitare, într-un fel). astfel, un buton (de exemplu) care face/taie un circuit, va scoate la iesire două stări, masa (dacă e legat la masă într-o parte) şi V+ prin pullup când e deschis.” - Forum electronisti by ION CAPATINA
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