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    • English
      • Internet, e-Commerce
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          • Term
            • mousetrapping
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • The use of browser tricks in an effort to keep a visitor captive at a site, often by disabling the "Back" button or generated repeated pop-up windows. Crucial Marketing
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Mousetrapping can also be achieved by putting a redirect page into the browser history, so that whenever people click on the "back" button, they go to the redirect page, which puts them right back at the location they wanted to leave in the first place. - Media Life by
            • Mousetrapping isn’t anywhere near as popular a practice as it once was, but I still come across the milder forms from time to time. - taming the by
            • Mousetrapping gained public attention recently through litigation cases have focused mainly on trademark and unfair-competition theories of wrongdoing-as well as simple copying infringements under copyright law, because of the relationship of mousetrapping to pagejacking - IEEE by
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    • Romanian
      • Internet, e-Commerce
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          • Term
            • capturarea mouse-ului
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • "Capturarea mouse-ului este una dintre cele mai enervante tehnici de webvertising, care consta in retinerea vizitatorului pe un anumit site, anuland functiile „inapoi“ si chiar „inchide“. In plus, la fiecare incercare de a parasi site-ul se genereaza pop-up-uri." - by ION CAPATINA
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Logica aplicaţiei este următoarea: bucla de mesaje va trata mesajul WM_LBUTTONDOWN. În cadrul funcţiei ce tratează acest mesaj se va realiza capturarea mouse-lui, astfel aplicaţia este informată de orice mişcare a mouse-lui prin tratarea mesajelor WM_MOUSEMOVE şi WM_LBUTTONUP. Ieşirea din cea de-a doua buclă de mesaje se face la tratarea mesajului WM_LBUTTONUP, caz în care şi capturarea mouse-lui încetează. De reţinut că în cadrul acestei a doua bucle de mesaje controlăm mereu dacă mouse-ul este capturat pentru zona client. Acest lucru înseamnă că dacă facem clic stânga în afara zonei client şi ţinem butonul stâng al mouse-lui apăsat şi ne mişcam prin zona client nu se va desena nimic. Mouse-ul nu a fost capturat de această fereastră." - SCRItube."Bucla de mesaje ascunsa". by ION CAPATINA
            • Mousetrapping : “Utilizarea unor trucuri de browser, in incercarea de a tine vizitatorul captiv in site; astfel de trucuri includ anularea butonului "inapoi" al browserului sau generarea de ferestre pop-up multiple” - by ION CAPATINA
            • “urmarirea si capturarea mouse-ului este descrisa in acest paragraf" - Programare Windows cu C# by ION CAPATINA
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    • German
      • Internet, e-Commerce
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          • Term
            • Einbringen von 'virtuellen Mausefallen', Einbr. von 'elektronischen Mausefallen', 'Mousetrapping'
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Einstellen von Webseiten und/oder Einbringen von Mausklicks mit irreführenden und/oder versteckt lauernden Sackgassen, die ahnungslose Surfer mit Online-Werbung zupflastern bzw. auf (z.B.) Pornosites entführen und/oder verhindern, dass der Surfer zu anderen Webseiten kommt bzw. zu früher aufgerufenen Webseiten zurückkommt. (in Anlehnung an "Mousetrapping - Zappeln in der virtuellen Mausefalle, Spiegel-Online, 2001" Own research - by mrmp
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Mousetrapping" nennt sich diese Methode, die allen voran Webpornoanbieter schon seit den Frühtagen des Netzes einsetzen. Niemand bedient sich der virtuellen Mausefallen jedoch derart dreist und perfektionistisch wie ... - Spiegel-Online by mrmp
            • Mousetrapping - Zappeln in der virtuellen Mausefalle ... Einmal gestrandet, lassen einen solche Sites oftmals so schnell auch nicht wieder los. Vielmehr öffnet sich eine ganze Flut von neuen Fenstern und Werbe-Pop-ups, die wiederum so programmiert sind, dass die "Zurück"- beziehungsweise "Schließen"-Funktionen im Browser unterdrückt werden. Verfügen Fenster dennoch über einen vermeintlichen Notausstieg-Button, öffnet dieser nur weitere Pop-ups. Einige ganz besonders heimtückische Sitebetreiber setzen auch im Hintergrund agierende Javascript-Codes – so genannte "Stealth-Features" - ein, die in periodischen Abständen unaufhörlich neue Fenster öffnen. - Spiegel-Online by mrmp
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    • Chinese
      • Internet, e-Commerce
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          • Term
            • 鼠标陷阱
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • 一种弹窗形式被成为“鼠标陷阱”(mousetrapping),它使用一个网页或广告遮住整个屏幕,没有任何菜单或按钮可以让用户关闭这个窗口。这个问题主要影响IE浏览器的用户。 百度百科 - by Hu Xiufen
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 我们知道,有些朋友曾经被诱导到一些可疑的免费网站,他们得到的仅仅是10到20个小的窗口,这些窗口常常伴随着由Java 或 JavaScript生成的失效安钮,这被称为鼠标陷阱。关闭这些窗口是徒劳的,每当我们关闭一个窗口,又会有10几个窗口弹出。这种情况常常发生在管理员没在的时侯发生。鼠标事件是黑客利用跨站SCRIPT方法攻客户的典型范例。 - 清风网络 by Hu Xiufen
            • 插播式广告“鼠标陷阱” - Hudong图片网 by Hu Xiufen
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Spanish, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Turkish

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