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    • English
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          • cordon sanitaire
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          • (n.) A protective barrier (as of buffer states) against a potentially aggressive nation or a dangerous influence (such as a pandemic). Borrowed from French, it is also referred to as "sanitary cordon" in certain areas. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
        • Example sentence(s)
          • But while the waters of the lagoon were a corridor for the passage of an epidemic, they were also a natural cordon sanitaire that facilitated an efficient quarantine system as a bulwark against the disease for the rest of Italy. - TIME by
          • In addition to a cordon sanitaire, which halted travel into or out of the affected areas, the lockdown prohibited the sixteen million people living inside the so-called zone rosse from any movement that was not required for work, health, or other “necessary” reasons. - The New Yorker by
          • The first thing is the strong-arm methods introduced by the Chinese on January 23rd, when they introduced cordon sanitaire, which is a wholesale quarantine by cordoning off with soldiers and policemen whole geographical areas and communities. - The New Yorker by
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    • Portuguese
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          • cordão sanitário
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          • Um cordão sanitário corresponde à quarentena obrigatória de um edifício, zona ou região de forma a limitar o contacto entre zonas de alta incidência de infeção e outras sem infeção ou com baixa incidência. Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical - by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
        • Example sentence(s)
          • O que é um cordão sanitário ou uma cerca sanitária? Os dois termos são sinónimos. O primeiro é mais usado pelos médicos, enquanto o segundo surge nas leis da protecção civil. Trata-se de um perímetro que delimita um determinado local, que deverá ficar isolado dos territórios vizinhos. Se for feito à volta de um município, em princípio, todas as entradas e saídas rodoviárias e ferroviárias que ligam esse concelho aos territórios vizinhos são vigiadas pelas forças de segurança de modo a não permitir que uma pessoa consiga sair ou entrar no local que está isolado. Pode haver entradas e saídas excepcionais, para os profissionais de saúde ou para o abastecimento do município a nível de bens essenciais. - Jornal O Público by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
          • Equacionada criação de cordão sanitário no Porto: “Decisão será tomada esta segunda-feira”, avança DGS - Jornal Expresso by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
          • Autarca de Ovar acredita que cordão sanitário resultou - RTP by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
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    • Indonesian
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          • karantina wilayah
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          • Karantina Wilayah adalah pembatasan penduduk dalam suatu wilayah termasuk wilayah Pintu Masuk beserta isinya yang diduga terinfeksi penyakit dan/atau terkontaminasi sedemikian rupa untuk mencegah kemungkinan penyebaran penyakit atau kontaminasi CNBC Indonesia - by Andriys Ariesson Harieska Prajas
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Strategi social distancing sebenarnya lahir dari prinsip cordon sanitaire, yaitu kebijkan karantina wilayah di Prancis. Prinsip dari keduanya sama yaitu merupakan pembatasan perpindahan dan kontak sosial yang bersifat kewilayahan seperti melalui penutupan dan perbatasan mobilisasi masyarakat atau pembatasan geografis dari masuknya atau perpindahan populasi dari luar. - Unika by Andriys Ariesson Harieska Prajas
          • Karantina wilayah adalah penerapan karantina terhadap suatu daerah atau wilayah tertentu dalam rangka mencegah perpindahan orang, baik masuk maupun keluar wilayah tersebut, untuk tujuan tertentu yang mendesak. Sementara dilansir dari Hukum Online, karantina wilayah merupakan pembatasan penduduk yang dilakukan guna mencegah kemungkinan penyebaran penyakit atau kontaminasi - Wartaekonomi by Andriys Ariesson Harieska Prajas
          • Karena itu, dia mengusulkan karantina wilayah dilakukan dalam skala besar, bukan hanya lingkup provinsi, apalagi kabupaten/kota. Menurut dia, saat ini yang diperlukan pemerintah adalah karantina wilayah kepulauan. - Liputan 6 by Andriys Ariesson Harieska Prajas
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    • Korean
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          • 방역선
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          • 세균이나 바이러스 등의 질병과 외부를 격리시키기 위한 가상의 선. 방역당국이 설정하며, 특정 지역에 해당 질병을 격리시킨다. Naver Open dictionary - by Hyerim Cho
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          • 시에라리온·라이베리아·기니 등 서아프리카 3개국은 급속도로 확산되는 에볼라 바이러스를 막기 위해 지난 1일 방역선(防疫線·cordon sanitaire)을 구축하기로 합의했다. 1918년 러시아에서 장티푸스·콜레라가 창궐하자 폴란드가 러시아 쪽 국경을 폐쇄한 이후, 국가 간에 방역선을 설치한 것은 1세기 만에 처음이라고 뉴욕타임스(NYT)는 전했다. - 조선일보 (국제) by Hyerim Cho
          • 소련이 주변국가들을 친소화·중립화하여 완충지대로 하고 그들과 우호협력조약을 맺어 유사시에 군사 지원을 해준다는 이름 아래 군사개입장치를 해놓는 것도 그런 발상에서 나온 것이다. 방역선전략 (Cordon Sanitaire Strategy)인 것이다. - 중앙일보: 소 해군의 앞마당이 by Hyerim Cho
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  • Compare this term in: Bengali, Bengali, Bulgarian, Bulgarian, German, Dutch, Dutch, Greek, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Persian (Farsi), French, French, Indonesian, Italian, Italian, Polish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Romanian, Russian, Russian, Slovak, Slovak, Turkish, Turkish, Ukrainian

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