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    • English
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • assonance
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            • Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close to each other - this also includes diphthongs. Like alliteration, it is the sound rather than the letter used that is important. The Poetry Archive
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The Greeks occasionally employed assonance for the sake of its aesthetic effect but took no pains to avoid it when no effect was intended, even when the repetition of sound seems to us displeasing. -
            • While the bling of rhyme and meter are exciting, sometimes what a poem needs is the soft power of assonance. - The Fix
            • In more modern verse, stressed assonance has become the main literary device in modern rap, starting with gangsta rap like 2Pac in the 1990s, departing from rap's foundations in the 80's rapper like Slick Rick when rhyme at the end of each line was the cornerstone of poetic expression. - Wikipedia
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    • Polish
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            • asonans
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            • rym niepełny, niedokładny, polegający tylko na zgodności samogłosek, np. plama-trawa; jest odróżniany od konsonansu, który odnosi się do współbrzmienia spółgłosek słownik terminów literackich - by krzyszalin
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Asonanse jak słusznie piszesz to też są rymy, a nawet powiem więcej, że dają znacznie większe możliwości zespolenia rymowanych wyrazów z tekstem. Dzieje się tak dlatego, że wyrazów o identycznych dwóch ostatnich samogłoskach jest znacznie więcej, niż o dokładnie takich samych końcówkach. Jest tu jednak mały haczyk, asonans aby brzmiał, musi mieć także podobieństwo brzmieniowe zawartych pomiędzy samogłoskami spółgłosek. - Portal Literacki by krzyszalin
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    • Spanish
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            • asonancia
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            • asonancia sustantivo femenino 1 Correspondencia de un sonido con otro. 2 POESÍA Rima que consiste en la coincidencia de sonidos entre las últimas sílabas de dos palabras, cuando son iguales las vocales, pero distintas las consonantes. 3 Relación de una cosa con otra: sus actos están en asonancia con sus palabras. 4 RETÓRICA Tendencia a usar de forma inoportuna y adrede voces asonantes. Diccionario Larousse - by Marisa Pavan
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    • Arabic
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            • السجع
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            • Resemblance of sound, especially of the vowel sounds in words, as in: “that dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea” (William Butler Yeats). The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds, especially in stressed syllables, with changes in the intervening consonants, as in the phrase tilting at windmills. Rough similarity; approximate agreement. - by mhdmalki
          • Example sentence(s)
            • And round about the keel with faces pale, Dark faces pale against that rosy flame, The mild‐eyed melancholy Lotos‐eaters came. - by mhdmalki
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    • Greek
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            • παρήχηση
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            • Παρήχηση είναι 1. η επανάληψη του ίδιου φθόγγου σε συνεχόμενες συλλαβές ή λέξεις είτε στον γραπτό είτε στον προφορικό λόγο, και 2. το σχήμα λόγου που δημιουργείται όταν επαναλαμβάνονται λέξεις ομόηχες ή η ίδια συλλαβή, ο ίδιος φθόγγος, με σκοπό τη δημιουργία ακουστικών εντυπώσεων. Λεξικό Μπαμπινιώτη - by ttheou
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    • Bulgarian
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • асонанс
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            • Асонансът е тропа, която се състои в повторение на гласни звукове в стих, главно ударени, което създава усещане за вътрешна рима в рамките на стихотворението. Wikipedia - by bibienne (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • “извива прешлени, заклещена/ в нежелано тяло от вехнещи цветове” – асонансът от “е” би трябвало да изобрази веригата на прешлените, без да се натрапва; - litclub by bibienne (X)
            • Един небезизвестен литературен критик в статия за Ботев твърдеше, че в стиха "Балкана пее хайдушка песен" не бил важен асонансът на звука "е", а само метафората, но в превода дори на сродния руски език "Балкан поет гайдуцкую песню" пропада част от художествения ефект именно поради липсата на този асонанс. - by bibienne (X)
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Albanian, Catalan, Czech, German, Dutch, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian

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