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    • English
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          • nasopharyngeal swab
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          • A nasopharyngeal swab can look like an extra-long Q-Tip or a plastic wand with a collection surface on the end. It is inserted up the nose, far back where the health-care professional collects a sample by swabbing. This is the method preferred by the World Health Organization in testing for COVID-19. However, there is another method of collection available to health-care professionals: an oropharyngeal swab. Instead of going up a patient's nose, the sample is collected orally at the back of a patient's throat. CBC Canada
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Even as state and local governments continue to buy traditional coronavirus testing kits that rely on nasopharyngeal swabs, major research universities and their private-sector partners are trying to leapfrog ahead to the next generation of tests. - Washington Post by
          • Health officials on the North Olympic Peninsula also have deployed a patient-collected nasal swab that does not require a heath care worker to insert a nasopharyngeal swab into the back of a person’s nasal cavity. - Sequim Gazette by
          • We found it performs as well as, and in a number of cases better, than the nasopharyngeal swab, said lead researcher Anne Wyllie, an associate research scientist at the Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Conn. "We have another very viable option." - WebMD by
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    • Chinese
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          • 鼻咽拭子
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          • 咽拭子:正常人咽峡部培养应有口腔正常菌群,而无致病菌生长。咽部的细菌均来自外界,正常情况下不致病,但在机体全身或局部抵抗力下降和其他外部因素下可以出现感染等而导致疾病。因此,咽部拭子细菌培养能分离出致病菌,有助于白喉、化脓性扁桃体炎、急性咽喉炎等的诊断。 经鼻子插入咽部的咽拭子就是“鼻咽拭子” Own research - by Frank Feng
        • Example sentence(s)
          • 研究发现,使用唾液进行SARS-CoV-2检测比使用鼻咽拭子具有更高的灵敏度和一致性。 - 中国实验动物信息网 by Frank Feng
          • 随着外防输入形势的严峻,广州白云国际机场作为目前国内进境人员排名第二的空港枢纽,每天上千人从这里入境。下面跟记者探访排查室,看海关检疫人是如何采集鼻咽拭子的。 - CCTV by Frank Feng
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