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    • English
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            • goldbricking
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            • Producing less value than one is capable, while simultaneously appearing as though one is working diligently
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            • In today’s era, when almost every work is done online, goldbricking is also known as cyber-slacking. It can be tough for the organisation and its HR to tackle such counter-productive work behaviour (CPWB). Fortunately, there are ways to manage productivity in such situations. - HR Katha by
            • Goldbricking has become such a serious issue that it is impacting labor and societal dynamics. In 2013 Forbes reported Yahoo announced it would prohibit telecommuting citing productivity issues as it found remote employees were not logging into the company servers as often as office-based workers. - Investopedia by
            • These tools not only improve productivity but also avoid goldbricking in the online and offline premises. - Medium by
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    • Italian
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            • goldbricking (bighellonamento digitale)
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            • "Cyberloafing", “Cyberslacking” o “Goldbricking“ Il “Cyberloafing” (detto anche “Cyberslacking” o “Goldbricking“) consiste nell’uso degli strumenti aziendali, specie l’accesso ad Internet, per attività non lavorative di “bighellonamento digitale“. Onnipresente terrore dei datori di lavoro, varie ricerche rilevano come esso, invece, possa fungere da impulso alla produttività in virtù della sua capacità di ristorare (un vero e proprio “restore“) l’attenzione individuale nel passaggio da un’attività ad un’altra od in situazioni di eccessivo e/o prolungato carico mentale. TelelavoroBlog. Dizionario di Telelavoro - by Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Il “Cyberloafing” (detto anche “Cyberslacking” o “Goldbricking“) consiste nell’uso degli strumenti aziendali, specie l’accesso ad Internet, per attività non lavorative di “bighellonamento digitale“. Onnipresente terrore dei datori di lavoro, varie ricerche rilevano come esso, invece, possa fungere da impulso alla produttività in virtù della sua capacità di ristorare (un vero e proprio “restore“) l’attenzione individuale nel passaggio da un’attività ad un’altra od in situazioni di eccessivo e/o prolungato carico mentale. - TelelavoroBlog. Dizionario di Telelavoro by Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
            • Pertanto, i datori di lavoro, in questi giorni devono proteggere la proprietà intellettuale aziendale e devono prevenire le abitudini di * goldbricking * dei dipendenti sul posto di lavoro utilizzando i dispositivi di proprietà dell'azienda. - Il monitoraggio dei dipendenti by Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
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    • Russian
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            • Имитация (бурной) деятельности
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            • Имитационная деятельность или имитация бурной деятельности (ИБД) – феномен, довольно часто встречающийся в современных компаниях, проявляется в действиях, которые создают видимость активной работы, но на самом деле не приносят пользы и только маскируют безделье. Own research - by Tatiana Bobritsky (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Имитация деятельности многообразна и трудноуловима: от попытки выдать ничтожную работу за великое свершение до искажения результатов деятельности предприятия со стороны топ-менеджера. - by Tatiana Bobritsky (X)
            • Потому что в последнее время такой огромный всплеск имитации работы на рабочих местах, что невольно вспоминается построение коммунизма. - by Tatiana Bobritsky (X)
            • Эта "имитация бурной деятельности мозга", как правило, довольно легко вычисляется. - Время. Большая книга т by Tatiana Bobritsky (X)
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    • Dutch
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            • [ongemerkt] de kantjes eraf lopen
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            • Uitstekende manieren om de kantjes eraf te lopen op je werk. “Er was een luidruchtige printer die je kon laten ratelen zodat het net klonk alsof je driftig zat te typen. Ondertussen deed ik dan een middagdutje.” Ooit, in de verre toekomst, zullen we onze kleinkinderen vertellen over onze tijd op aarde, toen je nog geen maandelijkse Musk-toeslag moest betalen, maar elke week meer dan veertig uur moest werken om te kunnen overleven. Terwijl de zon steeds verder onder de Mars-horizon zakt, zullen we vertellen hoe we elke dag braaf naar ons werk gingen, om daar vervolgens enorm veel moeite te stoppen in het bedenken van trucs om zo weinig mogelijk te hoeven werken. Om de toekomstige versies van onszelf te helpen bij het vertellen van deze verhalen, vroegen we mensen van nu naar hun meest inventieve manieren om zo weinig mogelijk uit te voeren. Lees! VICE - by Barend van Zadelhoff
          • Example sentence(s)
            • SLACKING The evasion of work or duty [syn: shirking, slacking, soldiering, goofing off, goldbricking] - wordsolver by Barend van Zadelhoff
            • WORK LIKE A CAT: HERE’S WHY YOU SHOULD SLACK OFF AT WORK Cats are considered “exploitive captives” by biologists. Humans may hold cats as prisoners for life, but they manage to get their fair share (and maybe more) from the bargain. Rather than suffering from their captivity, cats exploit their situation and manage to leverage food, shelter, catnip, and all the other creature comforts of life from the deal. This is all great advice, but in my opinion it doesn’t go far enough. As leftists, we should all consider ourselves guerilla warriors who are doing everything we can to protect ourselves and our comrades for exploitation and to stifle capitalism. That is why I am about to start advocating for slacking off, goldbricking, being sneaky and deceptive, and otherwise being lazy and subversive at work. Union Workers on Strike Don’t goldbrick on your fellow workers if you are in a well organized union! Of course, this isn’t for everyone! Not every worker is being crushed by the wheels of capitalism. Even in the most capitalist countries on earth, some workers enjoy a relatively fair deal, such as: - non-compete by Barend van Zadelhoff
            • Het kan leiden tot heel inventief gedrag om ongemerkt de kantjes eraf te lopen. Je krijgt hier niet zomaar les van de eerste de beste trainers. Nee bij Bootcamp Team wordt er gehamerd op individuele begeleiding in de groep. Je kan hier dan ook niet ongemerkt de kantjes er vanaf lopen, de trainers kennen je namelijk bij naam! Matthew stelt namelijk dat het oneindig veel belangrijker is om korter en productiever te werken, dan lang te buffelen en er ongemerkt de kantjes vanaf te lopen. - Tussentijdse power naps by Barend van Zadelhoff
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