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    • English
      • Nutrition
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          • Term
            • responsive feeding
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          • Definition(s)
            • Feeding young infants requires active care and stimulation, where the caregiver is responsive to the child clues for hunger and also encourages the child to eat. This is also referred to as active or responsive feeding. World Health Organization
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Premature infants need their mothers’ sensitive and responsive feeding behavior to regulate their feeding, to feed adaptively and to engage their mothers. - by
            • Also very importantly, responsive feeding, maternal encouragement to eat and other psychosocial aspects of care during feeding likely to be important for ensuring adequate food and nutrient intake of the child. - by
            • The complementary feeding phase is a fun learning time for infants. Listening to their baby’s messages is all parents need to do to develop a responsive feeding relationship. - INFACT Canada by
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    • Spanish
      • Nutrition
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          • Term
            • alimentación perceptiva
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          • Definition(s)
            • Alimentar a los lactantes directamente y asistir a los niños mayores cuando comen por sí solos, respondiendo a sus signos de hambre y satisfacción. Engle y col., 2000, Pelto y col., 2002 - by Milton Printemps
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Practicar la alimentación perceptiva, aplicando los principios de cuidado psico-social (Engle y col., 2000, Pelto y col., 2002). Específicamente: a) alimentar a los lactantes directamente y asistir a los niños mayores cuando comen por sí solos, respondiendo a sus signos de hambre y satisfacción; b) alimentar despacio y pacientemente y animar a los niños a comer, pero sin forzarlos; c) si los niños rechazan varios alimentos, experimentar con diversas combinaciones, sabores, texturas y métodos para animarlos a comer; d) minimizar las distracciones durante las horas de comida si el niño pierde interés rápidamente; e) recordar que los momentos de comer son periodos de aprendizaje y amor – hablar con los niños y mantener el contacto visual. - Engle y Zeitlin, 1996; Bentley y col, 91 by Milton Printemps
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    • Bulgarian
      • Nutrition
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            • свободно хранене
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            • Кърменето на бебето всеки път, когато то изглежда гладно, или т.нар. свободно хранене, намира все по-голямо разпространение във всички страни. Счита се, че то е по-физиологично, тъй като се основава на факта, че всяко дете е уникален инидивид, който изпитва необходимост да се храни според собствения си ритъм. Предай нататък - by 4leavedClover
          • Example sentence(s)
            • В животинския свят никой не ограничава малкото кога и колко да суче. Има схвaщане, че бебетата трябва да останат на свободно хранене, независимо дали са на майчина кърма или на изкуствено хранене. - Evropea by 4leavedClover
            • Препоръчва се режим на “свободно” хранене или кърмене “при поискване”, докато кърмачето се засити и успокои. - Списание “9 месеца” by 4leavedClover
            • Докато някои майки следват режима на свободно хранене до крайност, други бягат от него като от чума. - Портал за детски град� by 4leavedClover
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