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Search results: (8 matches)
Scams Scam - German to English, climate change in coastal marine systems Thank you! Thank you so much for posting, Becca - as a fellow
DE>EN translator, this may well be useful info for
the future! Love how you managed to play the
scammer back at their own game a little!
Jennifer Caisley May 28, 2020
Translation Theory and Practice Personal methods in translation Fascinating question - thanks for asking! Like many posters above, I have a multi-stage
approach. It seems fairly similar to what Chris
does above (albeit without dictation) - so I'm
glad I'm not the only one! 1. Do a very quic
Jennifer Caisley Apr 26, 2020
Off topic Posted times for discussion vs. answers @Tina I completely agree! While many of the other replies have focused on
the question of timezone, if I understand
correctly, the question is why one time is shown
as "clock time" (in whatever timezone applies),
Jennifer Caisley Jul 21, 2019
Getting established Translation Job Offer My advice Hello Michael, and welcome! I'm sure that more
established colleagues with more experience than I
will soon chime in, but I just wanted to offer you
my 'two cents', as it were. I can
Jennifer Caisley Jun 22, 2019
Fun with language What is the difference between specialism and speciality? Good question! I'd tend to say that I have a 'specialism' rather
than a 'speciality', but this has got me thinking
why exactly that is! I'm fairly certain,
though, that 'speciality' and 'specialty' ar
Jennifer Caisley Jun 7, 2019 training Plus subscriber small group profile review Me three! I haven't received the email for today's session
either - I'm presuming it's been cancelled?
Jennifer Caisley Jun 4, 2019
CAT Tools Technical Help Efficiency of using CAT tools in comparison to using none Depends on the CAT tool in question [quote]Richard Varga wrote: CAT tool users, in
terms of percentage, how much more efficient are
you in your work thanks to CAT tools? Was adapting
to a new system worth your while? <
Jennifer Caisley Aug 14, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice Cryptocurrency as a specialty Yes, I do - German to English (UK) Hello Emma! I work from German into English
(UK), with one of my specialisms being
insurance/financial texts. I've been taking on a
fair few pieces on cryptocurrencies recently
Jennifer Caisley Dec 28, 2017

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