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Arabic to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Arabic term English translation
يصرح باستحسان sanctions the approval
في كتابة العدل الثانية at the second notary public
في مواجهتي والخلف من بعدي to oblige me and my heirs ,after my death,
في منطوقه وبه تقضي as set out in the operative part and rules accordingly
في مطلع سرده للأسباب At the beginning of his enumerating/listing of the causes.
Entered by: Morano El-Kholy
في الأساس on the merits/on grounds of the merits
Entered by: Alaa Zeineldine
في الشكل on gorunds of form/on the ground of form/on the form
Entered by: Alaa Zeineldine
في بعثاتنا التالية our hereto mentioned diplomatic missions:
Entered by: Haytham Boles
في حدود ما رفع عنه within the limits of its raised subjects - claims
في حدود النصف Nearly half of them
في ساعته وتاريخه in time and date thereof
في شقها المدني in its civil part
فيما قضي به على الطاعنة issued/rendered/made against the appellant
فيما قضى به wich decided/adjudicated
فيما لم يرد به on what is not covered by
فيش و تشبيه Certificate of Police Record
فيصل umpire
فك التعميم to lift the absconding case/complaint
فك الحراسة عن end the sequestration of
فوق دستورية supra-constitutional
فقد منفعة lost a bodily (physical) function
فقرة Provision, article, paragraph, passage, clause
فهرس الزوج Husband Name Index
فاعل (unkown/anonymous) perpetrator
Entered by: Haytham Boles
فاعلين أصليين Principal perpetrators
فتوى legal advice
فتح محضر File a police report
فتح المحضر بتاريخه The report was reopened on its scheduled date at
فتح المحضر/اقفل المحضر the police report/transcript was open/closed
Entered by: Heba Abed
فتح تركة to open an inheritance file
فتحة صندوق المناقصات Tender Box
فرد خرطوش A Single Shot Improvised Gauge Pistol
فض العروض open-bidding procedures
فعل فاحشة الزنا committing the act of fornication; committing the act of adultery
فصل في أصل الحق determine/decide of
فصلا في مادة الجنح As an adjudication for the subject of the misdemeanor
۰۰۰,۱٥۰ Keept it as it is (150,000)
Entered by: Haytham Boles
كفالات اعتبارية corporate guarantees
كفالة to guarantee \stand surety for a person
Entered by: Abdelmonem Samir
كفالة guarantee
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