The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Croatian to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Croatian term English translation
čičak thistle
čvrstina steadfastness
dioben distribution
dobnik peer
dokon leisurely
donošenje ocjene sposobnosti capability assessment
dopis memo / memorandum
Gđa Mrs
izvanredno izvješće special report
Entered by: sandra zovko
joe bloggs, dipl. ing. arh joe bloggs, BSArch
krovni projekt framework project
ne kužim I don't get it
neizostavno required...
neobuzdanost frivolity, light-heartedness
neposredno natural, open, earnest, frank, direct
podkucnica house lot
polazak departure
portirnica entrance (gate) facility
poticanje encouragement
potpis ovlaštene osobe signature of the officer
povećana grandioznost increased grandiosity
pripomoći snalaženju to help to familiarize
smirenost equanimity
spustiti balun calm down, relax, simmer down, cool off
suzdržanost reserve
U očekivanju... In expectation of ...
Entered by: Darko Kolega
Zanimljivosti points of interest
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