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French to English Cosmetics, Beauty Translation Glossary

French term English translation
eau désaltérante Hydrating water (cosmetic); distilled water
eau de senteur natural body spray/freshener/mist
eau de teint eau de teint
eau douce moussante gentle foaming cleanser
eau dynamisée revitalised water
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
EAU la la water-ful/liquid-licious/pure H2O/Oh la la!
eau matricielle matrix water
effectuez 7 passages apply 7 times
effet d'adaptation visible visible adaptation effect
effet gainant toning effect
effeuillage glamour sensuous shedding
Emballage: Unitaire à plat sous étui croix en GC20 avec 2 trottoirs Packaging: Cross Wrap Portfolio with 2 flaps / cruciform box with 2 flaps
emballages souples complexes composite flexible packaging
emblématiques legendary
Eminence thénar ball of the thumb
en banane to cover the whole eyelid
en masque as a (hair) mask
en profondeur deep
Entered by: Sabina Moscatelli
en SAN teinté masse in bulk-dyed SAN
Entered by: Mark Nathan
en valeur 8.6% of its value/leave untranslated
encliquetage detenting / ratcheting
enjeux de la marque brand focus / risks / context
ensemble de volumes arrangement of facial volumes
Entered by: Paula McGowan
ensemble d\'innovations series of innovations
Entered by: Lara Barnett
envies du pourtour de l'ongle hangnails
envoi enhancement/upgrade
EPPT Pure Extract of Thermal Plankton (PETP)
et c\'est toute la place de which is precisely where (microneedles) come in
eumélanine eumelanin
exaltant heady/exhilarating/stimulating fragrance/ auperfume
Entered by: Katherine Mérignac
Extrait de tourteaux d’arganier argan oil
Entered by: Helen Shiner
facteur plastique principal the main factor of elasticity of our skin
faire pénétrer rub it in well
Fédération Française de la Parfumerie Fédération Française de la Parfumerie
ffirmer ses envies chaque jour différentes make her statements differently, every day of the season
fidélité staying power
filmogène leaves a protective film
fioles de l'orgue à parfums perfume organ flasks/vials
fixation (hair) braiding techniques
Flacon amphore amphora-shaped bottle
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