The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Medical (general) Translation Glossary

French term English translation
Accusé de recevabilité notice of admissibility
acedie acedia
acharnement vaccinal excessive vaccination / over-vaccination
Achilléen (tendons) Achilles tendon
acouphène (n.m.) tinnitus
ACP normale cardiopulmonary auscultation/heart and lung auscultation
Entered by: liz askew
acquisition en mode spiralé volumique sur l'ensemble de l'encéphale helical CT scan of the entire encephelus
Acquisition spiralée helical/spiral acquisition
acquisition tomodensitométrique CT acquisition
Entered by: Gina W
Acquisition volumique avec injection au temps artériel de l'ensemble thoraco-abd Volume acquisition of arterial phase images of the chest and abdomen after contrast injection
acquitter charged to, paid for by
ACR Arrêt Cardio-Respiratoire CRA Cardiorespiratory arrest
ACR en communauté Out-of-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest
Entered by: liz askew
acropathie ulcéromutilante ulcero-mutilating acropathology/acropathies
acrorhigose cold hands and feet
Entered by: liz askew
ACSOS initiaux initial observation of secondary brain insults of systemic origin (SBISOs)
acte medical or surgical procedure
acte exonérant no-charge procedure / procedure free of charge
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
acte hors nomenclature Non-classified heath care service for reimbursement purposes
Entered by: Isabelle Berquin
acte pharmaceutique pharmaceutical procedure
Actes nomenclatures/ actes hors nomenclatures coded or non-coded procedures/interventions/acts nomenclature code
acteurs de santé healthcare institutions
actif drug-eluting
action depressive cardiaque cardiodepressant effect
Entered by: liz askew
activité anti xa anti-Xa activity
activité génitale of childbearing age
activités de sorties visits
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
acuité sharp
Entered by: liz askew
AD (distance from) incisors
Entered by: Kristin Kamm
AD administration or solution adulte adult formulation
AD RAT C SP Adult Ratiopharm Conseil sirop
adaptable adjustable table/overbed table
adapté à toutes les pathologies compatible with any condition
adénocarcinome en bague à chaton appendiculaire appendiceal signet ring cell carcinoma
adénomégalie lymphadenopathy
adénopathie coeliomésénterique preaortic adenopathy
Entered by: liz askew
adénopathie interbronchique Lymphadenopathy of right- and left-sided interbronchial nodes
adénopathie rétropectorale retropectoral adenopathy
Entered by: liz askew
adénopathies latéralisées à droite aortico-caves lymphadeopathy, localised on right para-venal caval and para-aortic regions
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